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Oor play-goitig peoplc know sonicthing of the brilliancy, grandeur and excellence of that beautiful play, "The Ivy Lcaf." It has few equals upon the stage, and it is with feelings of pleasuru that we can announce U performance here on Saturday night Sept. Söth by W. H. Power1! company. It Is one of the purest and best plays ou the stage. Of its performance in Des Moines, tue Iowa Messenger says: Durlng the past week the theatre-goers of Des Moines were trealed to something different from thestereotyped Irlsh comedy, in tlie drama of "The Ivy Leaf," whlcti was presen ted for two nlghtsat Koster's Opera House. It Is indeed a play that alt Irlshnien should patroulze, as the tendency Is to elévate the character of the represen tatlon of hls people on the stage. There Is none of that mean, low, contemptible slum oomedy that has been resorted to so rauch in the past to bring forth a coarse laugh, but representa the Irlsliman as he really Is, wltty, big-hearted, wholesouled and true to tils frleuds. The scenery $ the best that has been put upon a Des Moines stage In some time. The plot is "A" No. 1, abounding In brlght, wltty dialogues aadsayings. Any Irlshman wlshlng to see a good, pure, spicy Irlsh drama, Rhould not all to seo "The Ivy Leaf." V. II. Power, the ¦nial proprietor and manager of the comany, is ft member of Dlv. No. I, A. O. H., of etroit, Mich., and called on the members of he organtzatton while in Des Molnes. He nis made hosts of friendR In our city, and when he comes tothe capital city nexteeasou, he wiü meet with a rousing reeeption. Keserved seat tickets for sale at Yale's O. news depot. Secure tliem early and ivoid the crush at the door. Probably the most genuino amusement can be reallzed out of John T. Riymond's "For Congress," of any piece that bas ever been put upon the stage. Men have been knowu to laugli until quke ezbaosted over the comical situations and snyings. The Louisville Courier- Journal says of the play: John T. Raymond appcared as General Ijimber in hls new coinedy, "For Congress,1' :il Maeauley's Theater last night. The coincdy Is in four acts, the last three being wlldly farcical, and from the time the curtaln rose on tliesecoud act, which discloses the workings of a political convention, theaudltorlum was 11 scène of extravagant laugbter. The plot is rul her lngenlous, and there is material enoughfora play of considerable romantic, as well as comlc interest. The serious scènes might have been lmproved by more skillful trealmeut, but all such opportuulties are flung to the wlnds, and comedy runs rlot. llaymoud's lmpursouation of the General Is animuted and highly ludicrous, and he succeeds in lnvestlng the old humbug with a sortof universal amlability, whlch to some extent redeems hls polHlcal atrocities. These, however, are, in a measure, atoned for by bis timoly uumasklngor the vlllalu of Ihe play, and so savlug the tortune and the good name of their common vlctlm. Manager Sawyer says he thoiight he knew something about ttio inside workIngs of politics, but Raymond can give hlm points nght along. Tliis will be one of the rare treats of the year. Monday evening, Sept. 27. Reserved seats $1.00. Can be securcd at Yale's P. O. news depot. Calling in at Bach & Abel's store yesterday, we found them in a happy frame of niind over the prospects for the fall rade. Although they had been shut out at the fair grouiuls aftcr haviug for sevral years made a handsome display here, yet the opportunities for home advertising is so great that their trade apitars to be starting more briskly than ör any previous fall for years. They ïave received their new fall stock, which s larger than any previous purchase ever nade by the firm at this season of the year, and they propose to make every inluoment possible for an honorable flrm o make In the way of choicest and most lesirable goods, at the lowest possible )rices. Their display is really elegant. iall In and see them if you would know ïow desirable their induceuients are. HALE'S HONEY is the best Cough Cure, 25, 5Oc, . GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP heals and bcautifies, 25c. GERMÁN CORH REMOVER kills Corns & Bunions, 25c. HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- BUck & Brown, 50c. 'IKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure n 1 Minute, 25c. )EAN'S RHEUMATIC PIUS are a iur cure, SOt.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News