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Axbert Hansbjj, a New ork lad, was placed iii the Tombs on the 14tb for making an attempt to leap f rom tho Brooklyn bridge. AuTHtm AunfTnxoT, in prison atCovington, Tenn., confossed on the 14th that ha murilorod Mayor Bowman at East St. Louis. 111., in November last; that he was hired to do the job by the vice-president of a railway, who resides at St. Louis, and that ho was paW $2,500 for committing the crime. At a meeting of coal managers in New Tork on the Uth it was decided to advance cbestnut eonl flfteen conts and other sizes ton cents a ton. th.i Nickel-Plate road, at Silver Creok, N. Y., an excursión train from Erie colHilod with a freigut train from Buffalo on the 14th, and twelve persons were killed and fourteen injured. At a meeting of the postmastors of the United States held in Chicago on the 14th it was decided to organize a Mutual Benefit Association. A largb tract of laud near Decatur. Ind., latoly reclaimed by drainage, swarmod with rattlesnakes to such a degreo on the 14th that stock could not graze upon it. Axother shock of earthauake on the 14th at Summerville, 8. C, destroyed a brick bnilding. No one was injured. Ei-Oovernor Lccids Fairciuld, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, who was at Charleston, S. C, on tho 14th examining tho situation of affairs, issued an appeal to members of the Grand Army of the Republic to colleot money to aid the sufferers. The series of oleomargarine stamps were completed at Washington on tho 14th and would be snpplied to internal reveaue collectors as fast as possiblo. Bunauuts entered the house of John Park, at Kerrtown, near Mead Tille, Pa., on the l.ith, brutally beat Park and his wife and secured about $1,500. The Howard County Bank at Glasgow, Mo., faifod on ths 15th, with alleged assets of $60,000. Fiftt-thrke liquor-dealers were on the 15fch indicted at Providence, R. L, for maintaining liquor nuisances. Twelve years ago David DoolitUe was indicted for murder at Logansport, Ind., but escaped from jail. On the 15th inst. a tramp was arrested at that place who proved to be Doolittle, and he will be tried ior his crime. Bubqlaks entered the residence of Thomas Lowrey, one of the wealthiest citizens of Minneapolis, Minn., on the 15th and carried off jewelry and sil verware valuodat$20,000. A special newspaper train on the New York Central & Hudson River road made tho run from Syracuse to Buffalo on the 15th, a distance of 14S miles, in 136 minutes, tho fastest railroad time on record. A call was made by the Treasury Department on the 15th for 615,000,000 of the three per cents of 18S2. Accordixo to the Cincinnati Price Current the yield of corn this year will be about 1,580,000,000 bushels, or 350,000,000 bushels less than the official returns for 1885. Axother shock of earthquake occnrred on the 15th at Charleston, 8. CL, shaking houses porceptibly. It was said that $1,000,000 would be noeded to put the nscessary repairs on the houses of persons who were unable to make their homes habitable. The businoss portion of Freeland, Fa.. was destroyed by fire on th 15th. Wiiile drunk on the 15th Alexander Moody, a wealthy citizen of Livingston, Ala., set fire to bis house and was burned to death. Aiiurricane on the lCth in Southeastern Michigan wrecked man y houses and killed one man at Howell, and destroyed barns, trees and fences over a wide section of country. The State military buildings at Island Lako were demolished. The relief committee at Charleston, S. C, on tho lGth issued over one thousand blank forms of application for assistance in rebuilding houses. A cycloks swopt over portions of Indiana on the lCth, doiug great damage. At Newport sixty-eight buildings were destroyed, but no lives were lost. At Terre Haute many buildings were unroofed. Tho damage reported along the Wabash valley would aggregate over $90,000. A carkiaoe containing tbree men was struck by a train on the 16th at a crossing in Chester, Fa., ono of the men beiiig killed and the others fatally wounded. It was announced on the IGth that about $40,000,000 in small silver certiilcates would be issued by the Government in the next two weeks. A iiURKicAX swept over Shelbyville, 111., and vicinity on the lüth, wrecking houses and barns, killing stock, leveling fences and trees and souttering hay and wheat stacks. At Savoy a new Methodist eburch was destroyed, many buildings were domolished at Tolono, and at Illiopolis great damage to buildings, standing corn and orchards wa: done. No loss of lifo was reportod. Copioua rains in Northern and Central Illinois were welcomed on the 16th by farmers, wbose wells were dry and pastures brown and bare. Miss Lucie Matuews, eighteen years old, living near Otterbein, Ind., hanged herself to the limb of a tree on the IGth. Ax avalancho of stone crashed down tho mountain side upon the homo of Lealie Cummins, in Jackson County, W. Va., on the 16th, killing two men and five horses and fatally injuring two children. The largest saw-mill in the United States, located at Chippewa Falla, Wis., worth $'350,000, was destroyed by a stroke of lightniug on the 16th. Reports on the 17th from all branches of trado throughout the country indicated a marked revival in business. The business failures for tho seven daya cndod on the 17th numbered 158, against 1TS the previous seven days. The total in tho United States thus far this year is 7.1S7, against 8,193 in a like period in 1885. ïiiKUK was a slight shock of earthqnake at Charleston, S. ('., on the night of the 17th. The mayor has issued another appeal for aid. Vnuca on tho 17th in Market and Front trerts, Philadelphia, caused losses estimatod at $160,000. Theke was still twenty-six of the Chicago policemen wounded in the Haymarket riot unable to report for duty on tho lTÜi. The total amount subscribed to tk f uud donated to the sufferers wa $7Qj361. Qlite a heavy frost feil in Ifortbern Iowa and in portions of Illinois and Wisconbia ou tbe night of the 17th. Joh TTpsolb, a farmer of Chote k. Wis., cut his wife's tbroat on tho 17th and then hung himself. Their married Ufo was unpleasant. Near Olney, 111., unknown partios on the lïth killed John Schryock, a wealthy farmer, secured $3,000 and burned tho house. Thk Wholesale clothi. i flrm of Julius Baura & Co., of San Francisco, failed on he lïth for nearly $1,000.01. The principal creditors were the banks. Rey. James Cook (colored) was hanged on the lth at Butler, Ga., for wife-murder. He made a confession. Fi-RTHEit reports on the 17th f rom the recent wind and raiu-storm in Illinois, Indiana and Michigan show that the damage was even greater than was outlined in the first reports. Lena Fitv, aged fifteon years, daughter of David Fry, living in Stumptown, Loudoun County, Va., after sleeping nine days died on the 17th from starvation. All efforts by physicians to arouse her from sleep were useless. She was a healthy ehild, and the cause for her sleep was unknown. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Furthkr returns on the 14th from tho Maine election gave Bodwoll (Rep.) for Governor a plurality of 13,000. The Senate would probably contain 36 Republicana and 5 Demócrata and the Uouse 120 Republicans and 31 Demócrata. All four of ths Kepublican Coiigre-sniea woro re-elected by increased majoritios. Tns followiag Congressional nominations were made on the Uth : Republicana - Indiana, Niuth district, Joseph Cheadle; Illinois, Eighth district, Ralph Plumb (renominated) ; Wiseonsin, Ninth district, Isaac Stephenson; Missouri, Fourtb district, Byron Duim; New Hampshlre, Second district, J. H. Gallinger. Demócrata - Illinois, Eleventh district, William Neoce (renominated); New York, Nineteenth district, James J. FrankMn. Frohibition - New Hampshire, Second district, J. M. Fletcher. The Wiseonsin Democrats met In State coiiveution at Madison on the l.'ith and nominated the following ticket: For Governor, Albert A. Woodward; LieutenantGovernor, J. W. Futnam; Secretary of State, John C. Ludwig; Treasurer, John A. Johnson; Attorney-General, George W. Bird; Superintendent of Schools, Kdward McLaughliu; Railroad Commissioner, James Meeban ; Insurance Commissioner, John Kerrel. The platform adopted endorses the President's Administration ; denounces convict labor and the importation of foreign contract labor; opposos monopolies; denounces sumptuary prohibitory liquor laws and declares for a reduction of the tariff to a revenue basis. At the seventh aanual convention of the American Agricultural aud Dairy Association at Philadelphia on the 15th the mem"bers characterized the passage of the Oleomargarine bill as tho greatest victory ever won for the farmers. General Siierman presided over the reunión of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee at Rock Lsland, Hl., on the 15th. Conqrbssioxal nominations were made as f olio ws on the 15th : Republicans - Wisconsin, Second district, E. C. McFetridge ; Third, B. M. La Foüette (renominated) ; Ohio, Twelfth district. J. J. Pugsley ; New Hampshire, First district, M. A. Haynes (renominated) ; Fennsylvania, Nineteenth distriet,L. Marsh. Democrats - Missuri,Tenth district, Martin L. Clardy (renominated) : Maryland, Second district, F. T. Shaw (renominated); Fifth, Barnes Compton (renominated; A iabama, Soventh district, W. H. Forney, (renominated); Arkansas, Fourth district, John H. Rogers (renominated); Michigan, Seventh district, J. R. Wniting; Ohio, Eleventb district, Ivés Dungan; Virginia, Second district, Marshall Farks; Massachusetts, Eighth district, John J. Donovan; Tennessee, Seventh district, W. C. Whitthorne. Greenbackers - Illinois, Eighth district, George U. Laeey; Tenth, W. T. Wallace; Fennsylvauia, Fifth district, Dr. Stelye. The National Anti-Saloon Ropublican convention held in Chicago on the 16th had nearly two hundrod delegates, ropresent ing eighteen States. Senator Blair, of New Hampshire, was made temporary chairman, and annonnced tbat they met to organize for tho destruction of the rum trafBc throughout the country. Senator Windom, of Miunosota, was elected permanent president. Resolutions were ndcpUxl declaring tbát the Hquor traffic as it existft to-day is the eneniy of society, a fraitfol source of corruption in politica, the ally of anarchr, a school of crime and a menace to the public welfare, and should be extinguished altogather at the earliest poscible moment; that the people sbomd be permitted to vota on constitutional prohibitory amendments; and that the Republican party should se that all liquor jaws or constitutional amendments are observed. A National Committee was apipointed. The Wiseonsin Labor party met in Stat onventton at Neenah on the 16th and nominated John D. Cochrane for Governor; George A. Lloyd for LieutenantGovernor; J. P. Jasperson for Socretary of State; Frederick Hoenig for State Treasurer ; John E. Thomas for Attorney-General; Henry Zinn for Railroad Commüsioner; J. K. McGroeor for Superintendent of Fablio Iastruction; and Rittner Stephens for Insarauce Commissioner. Tho platform denounees the use of vio-1 lene in settling disputes ; advocates labor bureaus; arbitration ia place of strikes; the prohibition of child and convict labor; a graduated income tax ; the forfeiture of all land grants and the abolition of alien ownership in land, and a rigid enforcement of the law agalnst the importation of foreign labor. The Pennsylvania Greenbackors in State convention on the 16th at Harrisburg nominated a f uil State ticket, with Robert J. Houston for Governor. The platform domands that the Government shall issoe all money; that no more bonds be issued by the Government; that after 1800 the Gov ernment bny all lands held by alien; denounces free-trade agitation, convict, imported, pauper and heathen labor; demanda a graduated income tax: favors a practical eight-hour law and the prohibition of child labor. Thb Missouri State Prohibition convention, held on the lfith at SaJalin, nominatod a Stato ticket, with L B. Orr for Supremo Jmlge. A platform was adopted w'uich declares iu favor of prohibition as the fundamental principie of the party, and indorses feinale suffrage. At its sossion in Rock Island, 111., on the 16th the Society of the Army of the Tnneasee re-elected General Shermau president, and decided to meet next year at Detroit The following Congressional nomisations were made on the 16th : Repnblicans -Indiana, Tñirteeuth district, Jasper PackarJ; llUnois, Twetíth diatrict, Ornan Pierson; Wlaconsin, Reren th district, O. B. Thomas(renominated) ; MontanaTerritory, W. F. Bandera-, New York, Twenty-flfth ditrict, Frank Hiscock (renominated.) DomocratB - Illinois, Soventh district, Sherwood Dixon; Ohio, Third district R. M. Murray; Louisiana, Sixth district, E. W. Robertson; Prohibitionist- Illinois, Fourteenth district. W. W. Adler. Ths total Tote of Arkansas at the recent election was on the 17th offlcially given as 143,000. Democratie raajority, 37,00a The Legislatura stands: House, 90 Demócrata, 67 Republicana, 3 Wheelers; Senate, 37 Democrats, 5 Republicana and Wheelers. Captain V. R. SnoEMAiCER, stationed at Fort Union, N. M., who had been on duty thirty-four years, expired on the 17th, aped sevonty-six years. TnE GoTernors of seven of the original thirteen Statos met at Philadelphia on the 17th to arrange for a fitting ceiebration September 17, 1S87, of the centeunial anniversary of the promulgation of the federal constitution. It is proposed to have every State in the Union xeud a regiment of militia. At Hartford, Conn., on the 17th a memorial arch, erected in honor of the soldiere and sailors of the war, was dedlcated with imposing services. General Joseph R. Hawley deliverod the address. O.s th 17th ofllcial returns from every city and town in Maino gave Bodwell (Rep.) for Governor 14,000 majority orer Edwards (Dem.), at the recent election. Plarality on Congressnien, 17,000. The Republicana elected 148 members of the Legislature and the Demócrata 35. The complete returns on the 17tb from the recent Vermont election show that the total vote of the State was 56,479. Republican plurality over the Democrats, 20,590. The Prohibition Tote was 1,833, and the Greenbackers 395. The Kepublican vote was 1,832 larger than in 1883. The new Legislatura stands: Republicana 311; Democrats, 33. The Democrats made the following Congressional nominations on the 1 Tl h : Tennessee, Tenth district, James Pholan; Louisiana, Fifth district, C. Newton ; Pennsylvania, Eleventh district, Charles R. Buckalew. E. C. McFetridge declined the Republican notninutiou in tho Second district of Wisconsin. FOREIGN. Several Germán spies, disguised as priests, were arrested in Franco on the 14th. The excessively hot woather at Vienna on the 14th killed a number of soldiers during the Austrian army maneuvers. Turkkt, it was said on the 14th, demanded that England evacúate Egypt, and was backed by Kussin. Fokr persons were drowned on tho 15th by the fall of a bridge at Belfast, Ireland, and seven persons met with a liko fate at Ostrau, in Moravia. Tue cholera returns from Italy on the 15th were: Torre del Annuaziata, 13 new cases and 3 dcaths; Manfredonia, 15 now cases and 6 deaths; all the otber infected distriots, 35 Dew cases and 10 deaths. In Japan the total number of cholera cases sinee its ftrst appearance this year is ."!),- 000, of wtaich 37,000 endod fatally. The scourge was still raging at Seoul, Corea. In July th ere were 38,600 fatal cases. At Shinshu 5,000 and at Toiai C.000 deaths in one month were reported. The cholera returns from Itnly on tho lOth were: Torre del Annunziata, 5 new cases, 4 deaths; Ravenna, 9 now cases, 1 death; Ferrara, 11 new eáatt, 4 deaths; Putignano, 11 new cases, 6 deaths; all othor infected districts, 21 new cases, 10 deaths. The cholera returns from Italy on the 17th were: Deaths, 21; new cases, 53. Several doaths were also reported in Trieste and Festh, in Austria. Reportsoí the 17th from China announco further outrages upon American missiouaries by the Chinese and the destruction of churchos and hospitals. LATER NEWS. Tnn cholera returns from AustroHungary on the 196Ü were: Trieste, 5 new cases, 1 doath ; Flume, 1 new case, 1 death; Pestn, 4 uew cases, 3 deaths; Raab, 5 new cases, 2 deaths. The returns from Italy were: Feerara, 11 new cases, 5 deaths; Ravenna, 9 now cases, 4 deaths; elsewhere, 0 new cases, 8 deaths. Advices of the 18th from Mexico stated that El Coyote and seven of nis followers were captured at Monterey and were shot by order of General Royes. Most of the congregation at Charleston, S. C, again worshippad in the open air on the 19th. ATtwenty-six leading clearinghouse; in the United States theexchanges during the week ended on the ISth aggregated $834,834,449, against $787,117,22J tho previoua week. As comparod with the corresponding week of 1885, the increase amounta to 21.9 per cent. Incendiaries on the 19th fired 251 cottages at a camp-meoting near Reading, Pa., and twelve of the houses woro destroyed. William E. Gould, cashior of tho First National Bank of Portland, Mo., and sonin-law of Neal Dow, „he temperanee leader, was on the 18th chargsd with boing a dofaulter to tho amount of ÍS7.000. In the rowing race on the Thames on the 18th for L1,000 and the cuampionship of tbe world, Beaeh, the Australian oarsman, defeated Gaudaur, of St. Louis, by four lsngths. FuiKKns of Secrotary Manning at Albany, N. Y., asserbed on the 18th that he would next month reaign the treasury portfuli j and accept the Austrian mission, Amos Towksknd was on tho 18th nomiiiatcd f r Congress by the Republicans of the Twenty-first district of Ohio, and in the Fourth Arkansas district the Knights of Labor norainated I. P, Langley. Acïclone on the 18th at Joliet, 111., demolishud twenty houses and did other damage. No one was in ju red. The loss to property wus ustimutcd at $75,000. AnoTHERsevere shock of earthquake was feit at Summerville, S. C, on the 18th, doing considerable damage. Wimjam Bean, aged 104 years, died a few nights ago near Shawneetewn, 111. Ho was the father of tweuty-tbreo children, his youngest being bom when the old patriarch was eighty years of tige. A COXFLAOUATION on tho 19th at Council Grove, Kan., destroyod property valued at $150,000. Nation-al League base-ball clubs at tho close of th week ended on the 18th stood asfollows: Chicago, games won, 82; lost, 28. Detroit, won, 77; lost, 30. New York, won, 05; lost, 39. Philadelphia, wou, 58; lost, 40. Boston, won, 45; lost, 55. St Louis, won, 39; lost, 67. Kansas City, won, 28; lost, 7Üw Washington, wou, 18; lost, 80.


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