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MADAME MORA'S CORSETS. JVty. MOET CONFORTABLE A2ÍD ¦JnCSk PKKFKt 1' FITTING. JMV. Meri'haiitsBaythey irlvo lii-ltir CLO3t-?flb mtafactiun tliin any cornet ttí'jr v-73}" i - ¦ r ;. il. Dreaaaukan Jmr1$ Y r nnimt nd tiu-m fortheirlliio ?? t tl , ''il'. Cnnni.t lirenk over V V_Jr Mp. Are uai tkularly liked by ""S-. TÏL LaUifsof full figure. The V: (iSSN, TOUR" an.l "AUDINE" V Jl:t OthoT'ATL.VTTlLirLEHACK, v- rr , JC which ooren the open ipaae U. iT? T!i.-1.A KKiSK" .-I Í ¦ " y hns tho jmpular Kl'Jlo V LK- VAEIU STKFIS, Whii'h W1 U r:uihliutuitlytiken , SV Ont. WITHIM-T CITTlKtJ OB JKSmKk. MA1ÍAMK MORA'S COIt m:ih. No othen have tho f , i eweteKted Frcnch Cnrvnl ¦ ¦ Bml. Ilewu rimitiiti..iM 7 SHHIH OfTcn-rt ti (Uci-ivr ttlt pul'li'. II SyH " ale liy 11 lriullng deat. Hits. -Manufai-turt-d l.y Madame Mom's Contour. L. KR AVS CO., Madame Mora's La Reine. Birmïnhani, Cchh. Madame Mora's Aldine, J G. Fltzpntrlck A; Co., Madame Mora's Comfort Hip. ?l Uioaard su, M. Y MACKINAC. Th Moit Delightful SUÍV1IVIER TOUR Fainos Bteamer. Low Batea. Tour Tripa per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And E.-eiy Week Day Betwean DtTKOiTjND CLEVELAND ''"ri:s for our :.'" Ütisiraiid. II. Maiied i'rea. 1 Stearr; Nav. Co. PM CT. I ¦.'¦ÜH tan RINSEY & SEASOLT'S BAXERY. GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on Imnd, BRE.VD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retiill Trade. We ahall ulto keep a eupply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Kyc Flour, Buck u lieul Flour, Corn Itleul, Fced, Etc, At Wholesale and Retail. A general stock of GROCERIES aili PROVISIONS Constantly on hand, whlch will he sold on as reasonaWe term as at any other houce In the cil i . Out paid for BUTTER, KOOS, and OÓüNTBl PRODUCE nnarally, Coods delrrered to any part of the city with'mt oxtra charta-, RINSEY & SEABOLT. _aVJrTBn JAMRf G. BJLAINB'8 jíí ¦ -i? ' GBEAT hlSTORY ÊÊL Oatwllg all otlii-rlxKik-. Ion MDggJ J. S. WI-ilMlf .-l . S-.VS; 'IIjL f c"U takt it iip ,n inuittrvohttherhé V be Mr. Blamc's fricnd urrnm 7 faBbalMl will nenrput t doivn vtttü líe ' HÜ h" r'"1 '''¦' 'fl'"l:" Hou. Alim . 47-' 'í. Thunnan, aaysi "A ttatUo in ourpoattcal Matory." r,-' ÊBSrt Atrcnfs wantrd on ccnimlsiCgí' slon ornilary. Acldr ¦'--'ffMTBPÍW!W Columbio, Olia PENNYROYAL WAFERS. gjx Prescrlption of & physlcian who ftjfajGfa has luid a lifo lonpr experience iu WE&fá& treating fomale diseases. ís used DBI inonthly with perfect success by WHS T over lu.HOOladks. Ploasant, safe, K.J3 cffectual, Ladiea ask. your drugt. vi P'st or Ponnyroyal Wafers and JBBBLv tke no substituto, or lnoloso poetWLK%Taee for scaled particulars. Boíd by aKPVVx all dnicrplsts, 1 por box. Address THE EUIiEK A. C'I1EICAU CU., Diiboit. llicii. Sold lu Ann Arbor, Mich., by BberbMb & Son. 13Ü8-1380 ¦fCI CPDAPUYLrarnll"F"l""n I CkCUnHrn I añods. sitimtiom I furnlibed. Wrlrc V&ltnHn Bfow., JiuieevlU, Wla.


Ann Arbor Courier
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