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KEtMn NO FEE 1 1 ) KSTiBLisRiD mi. ) Merrill UNTIL BETTER I DETROIT.MICH. ƒ Block. tST Tho Regular, Old-EsUblished jLJIjf) PHYSICIAX & SIRGEOS y3y i: MI iMÉtal Tlth '.he FM jSKILLAND 8UCCE88 YOUNGmen,middle-agedmen and all persons who by thelrown acts of Imprudenceor Follyatany period of life havebrousht upon themselveí, the evil effects foltowimj closely upon the heels of transpression of the laws oí nature, should consult the celehrated Pr.Clarke at once. Remember! Nervou dlnoas' or without dreams) or debllltjr and loss of nerv power treated scientifically by new methods with lever failing luccess. BirH makcs no diffcrence ivhat yuu li:ivc taken or who has failcd to cure you. jjyie terrible polson of Syphlli aml all bnd bloodandakln illaeaiws, completelv cr.-ulicated without mercury. Kfmember that thione horrible dlnue, íf neglccted or impropcrly treated, curie the present and coming gencrutions U-All nnnatnral disch arpes cured promptly vvuliout hindrance to business. No experiments. Both üexesoonnult coiillliitin.lly. Ai aml eiperienCB important. A written euarantee of cure giren in every case undertaken. jjySnfferer from any chronlc dUease write Hiatory and Symptoma of your case - plainly. Cases solicited which others have failed to cure. jrf-Send two stamps for celbratel work on Clironlc, Nervou and Delicate Disaases. You have an exhaustivo symptomatoloByby which to study your own case. Consultation, personally or hy letter, free. Consult the old Doctor. Thoüanmls cured. Offices and parlors private. You sec no one but the Dnctor. Hefore conridintf your case consult DR. CLAKKK. A friendly letter or cali may save future sufïering and ehame and add golden vears to life. Medicines sent everywhere secure from exposuro. llours, bto8; Sundays, 9 to 12. Addres, F. D. CLARKE, NI. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mlob, NOW IS THE TIME TO USE JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA FOR LIVER C0MPLA1NT, DYSPEPSIA, AND FOR PURIFYINGJHE BLOQD. It has boen in use for 28 yoars and has proved to bo the bost proparation in the Market for Sick Headache, Pain In the Sido or Back, Livor Complalnt, Pimples on the Face, Dyspepsla, Piles, and all Siseases that arise from a disordered Ijver or impure blood. Thousands of our best people tukr It and grive it to thelr chlldren. Physlcians prescribe it daily. Those wnouse it onco recouimend It to othors. It is made from Yellow Doek, Honduras SarsaparilIa,WlldCherry,Stillln;ia,DandelIon, Sassafras.Winterfjroen, andotherwell-known valuable Koots and Herbs. It is strlctly vogetable, and cannot hurt the most delicate constitutlon. It is one of the best medicines in uso for regulatlng tho Bowels. It is sold by all responsible drufrfrist at one dollarfor aquart bottle, or six forflve dollars. Sample bottles 60 ets. f roe on roceipt of price. W. JOHNSTON & CO., Detroit, Mich. ISWhtn yoxi have tried aü the Saraaprillat, and have been ditappoinUd, try Johnêton'i. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! ;No. 4 Sonth Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in the city. Estabilshed overa quarterof acentury ago. Kepresentlng the followiug flrst-class corapHuies, wlth over $00,000,000 C'apilHl mul ASNCts. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INü. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL. LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MAKINE, of Boston. Uates Low as f lic Lowest, LotMi Libcrally Adjusted aud promptly Paid. C. B. MILLEN. ATïT"lTr7TI Send eix centB for postage U I L snd receive free, a costly box rn ƒ H of good whch wlll help you lIl l-tonioremoni-yrichtawaythan ¦ ""¦1J""anyttaln1! ela in Ibis world. All.ofeither ecx, xncci-cd froni tlr-t honr. The broad road to tortune open belore the workert, abiolutely enre. At once adrties. Thue fc Co., AagusU, Mttine. TTTIT 11 lor workint' people. Send lOcenta I Ij I M postale, und wc will mail yonreê 8 H rl I p royal, valuahle amplu box of oods I thnt wlll iut you In ihe wny of mah inj; raor monry in u [-w day than you ever thought p'w-il)l.nt any busines. Capi tal not requtred. You can live at homf and work In tpare time only, or all the time. All of both Bi'xee, of all ages, grandly mccralul. 56 cent to $5 eaeily eitrned evenlnt;. That all who want work muy tept the huHine8(i, we m:ke thie unparnlli'l.'doff: To all who are not well 6tlr.fledwe will send $1 to pay for the trouble cr wriüng at. Full particular, directions, etc, nent free. Immense pay absohitely inre for all who start Ht once. Dod t delay. Addrsss Stinson Co., Portland, Maine. AQTUMA cured ! U 1 MM 11 S1HLE TRIAL fnPi U I Illln men the mt ikfptiul GERMÁN ftSTHMA CUREX molt Tiulent attsok; insures comforUbl leep; effects curea where all other remedie rail. Mo vraiting lor rrsulta. It acllon is Immediatc, dirert and rrrtain, and a curéis eíTected in all 1 I KA 111. K CASES II parmuunllr cored m. Keftr to m t 07 Urn. " Kern. B. Lq. St. Paul. Jfinn. "I m enUrelT reitored to hHb J Oernuui nthm Cnrs " na: Fitton, Hamlfn, Ohio. "Oernnn Althrn Cnr It 11 jon cllm tor It. It nerr f&ili." Prof. 8. Von fingtrlxn, GracnvtlU, S. C. "Mt phTiiclu recommend 4 Germán Aithmi Cote. H ourd Dt." Mn. M. L. TWrtdfc, Londandvrry . Ohio. Tbossudi or ilalllr Ullm o l. ik ÊMJ dn.,lil kool It. Germnn Aithina ('ure 1 iold by all druif. KiBtB at 50c aud 8 1 , or ent by maü 05 receipt of rice. lYial iiarKawe fret to any addrtwit for Btamp. It.wmlirfM AN. M-lW.MImi ihnn nnn " p"". (¦ "% ll'l I I Sind u 5 een iostiic-,aiid 7 1 1 I by mail you wil! get free a (UlJUiUUU Pckat;e of poodf of laree Y "J TÍUne, that wlll itart you in work that wlll at once brini; yon In mony faattr than anything else in Anii'rica. All ahont the VKK) in presenta wilh each box. Agente wantvd everywhere, of either xex, of all n(te. for 11 11 the time, or spare time only, to work fr ue ut their. own homes. Fortanes tor all worker absoliitely Minead, Don't delay. 11. Hallett A C, Portland, Maine. BEAL ES1A1E AHD INSURANGE AÖENGY, OF J. 0. A. SESSIONS ATTORNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and rente collected on reasonable terms. None but old and first-clivss Insurance Oompanle rrpresented- with Insurance capital of J10,UOO,00(. Rtttes as low as any otlier insuraiioecompnny and lossen promptly palil. Offlceover Amerlcau Kxpress office, Main Street, nn Arbor. Mich. FRANCIS L YORK, M.A., "Will rocelve during THE COMINC SUMMIER A Limited number of PupllB In Pil ANO, ORC AN AND HARMONY, At greatly TSt, E X5 TJ G E! 3D E,A.TESApply by mail or at XO. 30 SOUTH INGALLS STKEET. fê f T 7 fiMl r Ktrra, tnt thoM wtio wrlte I I SUmonCo., Portland, Mulm.wiU rtcotr. I _ II fr, foll toformatloD bout work whicb I I II llhycando. aadllTalhoin,Üalwillpy VA J JJ JJ ihem from $6 to (X) V' dy. Bom hT rarnd oer %S0 ia dr. Either ia, yoani or ld. Cplul no! requir.d Ton r lltrltd Tt. TboM who ltrt t ono ace abioluuly luio of uu llnlt fortune . AU U dw. {


Ann Arbor Courier
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