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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ttals powilernever varíes. A marvel of purlty, strenslb and wbolesomeneas. More economical than the ominar; kinds, and canuot be sul'l In coinpetitlon with the multitud' of low test, short weltht, slum or phosphate powdurs. Solilonly ín oans. ICO} al Itaklit Ponder Co . ÏOO Wall st.. N. V. ckintores OIXIl IBLOODHUMORSI HUMILIATiNG Eruptions, Itrhint; and BnrnIng Skin Tortores, Lnathaome Sores, nnd eTery pecie of Itching, Scaly, Pimply, luh.r ited, Scrofulout, aud Contailonu Di-eae.- ol the Blood.Skln, and Scalp, with Loep ol Ilaii In-m Infancy to old age, are positively cured by Cc iouka the great Skin Cure, and C'uticura soap.hii exquisite Skin beautifler, extcrually and CuncTTBA, Kmolovint, the New Hlood Purifier, inu-maily COVEREI) WITH SORFS. 1 hnvc been aillicted siuce last March witha Skin riiwAit the doctor cnllcd Er.uma. My tace was covi-red with Kabs'and sores, and Itch hl' and burntnK were almont uiibeara1!'-. Set ml' your CtrTicURA Rkmkdiks m hii;bly rccoramelMltxl. I concludt'd lü L'ive tÍK'nl a trial, Qalng tlie ('utlcura and the C'ntlciira Soap extemallv, and liesolvent Intenially, for four monthn. 1 cail myeir cured, In gratitude tor which I make this Dulilic statement. MKS. CLARA A. KREDEKICK. Broad Brook, Conn. SC1LP, FACE, EARS, AND ECK. I waaafllictcd with Kc.ema on the Scalp, Face, Hare and Neck, whlch the Drngffist, where I got your remedtet, prononnced one of the worct casee that had undor his notice. Ileadvised me to trv your CUTIOUBA Remkdieb, nnd alter flv; day' nee my scalp and part of my face wtre eae tirety cared. And 'I hope in anoth r week to have mj neck. eau, nd the ottier part of my face cured. HERMAN SLADE, 180 K. 4th 8t.. New York. ITCHISG DISEASES CÜRED. Cntirnra tarda at the hcad of lts class, especially 1 t:l the case with the Cntlcura soap. Have had an unnanally Eood pale this slimmer (iwinir to the prevftlence of an acsjravutt d fnrm of Itch through som: localities in the country, in which the Cntlcnra remedies proved satisiactory. W. L. UAKDIÜG, Dhuooist. Union Town, Ky. (URE IN EYERY CASE. Tour Cnticnra Remedies ouUell all othi'r medicinee I keep for skiu diteases. My cas'omeri and patiems say ihey have effected a enre in every iustauce, where other remedie have failert. 11. W. BKUCKWAY, M. D. Franklin KallK, N. U. CUTKURA REMEDIES, Are Sold by all Drup:ists. Prlc: Cuthi-ha, S0C'.; Rïboi-vimt, Jl.UO; Soap, 25ct. Pottkk Urdo and Cucdioal Co., Uoeton. Seud for "IIow to Cure Skin Diseases.' BTATT"FY tne Complexión nnd Siln by jfyiti U nsmff the ('UTICURA Soap. CONSTITUTMAL CATARRH. No Ingle dlsease has eDtailcd mre snuTerint; or ha-tened the broaklnr tip of the constltutioB tneii ('otarrh. The sense of smill, of tnsti', osigB, c.t hearing tbe huiuan voice the mlnd - one or more, andpomctlmes all.yield to 11 destructive iufluenc. The polson it dtstributes tbroui;Bout the sritem and breaks up the most rohust of corstitutlons, lxuored, becaune but little understood, by most phyaidanx, impotently assailed by quacks and charlatans, thoue Baüering frum it have little hope to be relleved of it this side of the ffrave. It ia time, then, that the poimlar treatment of this terrible disease by remedies wlthin the reach of all paaaed into hands at once competent and trast wotthy. The new and hitherto untried methnd apopted hy Dr. 8and!ord in the preparation of hls haHeul Cure ha wou the heartT approval of thouanda. It Ik iustantaneous in atrordlni; relicl In nll head cold, sneezing. euuflllnc and obelructed breathing, and rtpidly removes Ihe oppreasive symptoma, clearing the head, eweetcning the bre ith, rettoring the senses ol imell, tate and hearing, and neulrallzint the conslitutional tendency o! the dtscase towards the Inngs, llver and kldnavs. HAWrmmn" Kaiihu. ( ri consists of one bottleof the Radical CuBJt, and oo box of (ATHAKKAL SOLVKNT, and ODC iMl'KUVKD IinrAi.Kn; prlce, %xO. Pottïu Dmu and Cuiikmical Co„ Boston . 4to Kidnoy Fains. fc And that weary, llfeless allgone, senW ■ satiun ever present with thofc of InI lL llimed'kidneys, weak back and lolns, I JkJP aching hlps and sides, overworkcd or worn ont by dlsease, debllity or dissipatlon ar relie veil in one iniimte aml spdily cured by the ■■■ Iciini Antl-PIn Piaster, n new, original, elegant and infallible antidote to pain and lmlamntlun. Atdrn?giit 25c; five for Í1 .00: pogtage free, or ol Potter lruK anil Cbemleal Co.. BoMton. scofrii EMULSIÓN 0F PURE GOD LIVER OU And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Pajatableas Milk} The only preparation of ( O D UVEB OII. that cn be taken rcadily and tolerated for a long tun "xAeDmrS'Amm!'ibr ron ro-so.PTTB, SntÖTÏTms Al 11.1 llll. ANAK.MIA. iKV tUAI. DKIill.m. (OM. IIS AMI THKOAT AFt'KrtlQNS, and all WASTIMi IHS1IUUKKS OF CHII.DUEN It i mam-lloii in It" ri'nlt. 1' and'il ly tüo Leal rnyiiclan Is the oountne of the world. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DePOREST. Fire Insurance Plate Glass Insurance. Steam Boiler INSURANCE ! Lowest Rat, Honorable Adjust inciits and Losses Promptly PaiJ. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Spkciai. attention oiven to Ooixaoi ro Or HKKTH AM) MANAQKMKNT O IlKAl. KsTATK INTKBKSTS FOK Nl)N-KKSl ÏM'.STS. KSTIBK ÖATlSrAOTlO.N TO ÜWMKKS GUAKANTIIK A. DyOKK8T.


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