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Short advertlsements not to exceed three ilne8, of Lost anü Found, Houses for Sale or lient. Wants, eto., lnserted three weeks for L5 cents. Sltuatlons wanted, free. TT'OR SALE- A number oí Holsleln Calves _T by Mills Brothera. 1S-20 H0USE3 TO KENT- Cheap, pleasant- one corner of Hurou and Thayer street, one on Mosely Rtreet, second house west of Mrs. Kllls on South Main streot. E. J. Kuowlton, 24 North State Btreet. 18-a) WANTEI-A Suite of unfurnlshed rooms and In Private Family for gentleman and wlfe. (Jood references. Lock box 27t5. i:jl8-1380. OR RENT- COTTAGE- Flve rooms, large basemout and cellar. New, olean, warm, water lndoors, fuel shelter. Less than one block froin Campus. Capt. L. L. James, 44 E. Unlverslty avenue. 1 rt ACRES best farm wlth tock and 1OU tools In Benzle Co., Michigan for Bale or exchange for Waahtenaw Co. property. 17-19 Apply to L. MATTHfcWS. FOR SALE- Qood Bafe buggy horse. Can be seen at S. E. corner Ingalls and North sta. 16-18 FOR SALE CHEAP.- A Seven-Eights Jersey, 5 mos. old Buil Calf, good slze; a good Top Buggy ; and u llght running gear, complete, for twohorse wagon. Rnqulre of J. B. SAUNDEK3. at Courier office, or at resldence 43 N. Pontlac st. (flfth ward.) 16-tf OUSE FOR SALE.- Well arranged and comraodlous, built slx years, No. 21 8. Statest. Inquiroon the premlses. 16-18 SITUATION WANTED- By a law student, to do chores for hls board. Stock preferred. Aüdresa, GLEN V. MILLS, Ann Arbor. 16-17 TWO L0T8 on Cemetery Btreet and four lote on Volland street for sale cheap lf sold ut once. O. L. Matthews, Real Estáte Agency. FOR SALE OR RENT - On reasonable terms: the properiy known as the Henrlques Mansion, on Corner of División nd Bowery streets. Zlna F. Klng. 13-16TO RENT- House No. 18, Cemetery street. Apply at Coukikb office. S-EVERAIj HOUSES TO RENT-ln good locallties and repair - for $13 to 26 per month. Enquire of J. Q,. A. Sesslons, Real Estáte and Insurance agent. Office over Express office, Ann Aruor. T OANING-Money to loan on flrst-class I j Real Estáte Mortgage at Current rateB of Interest. Satlsfactory arrangements made wlth capitallsts deslrlng snch lnvestments. Every conveyance and tranBactlon In abstracts of tltleB carefully examlned as to legal effect. Z. y. KING. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News