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No " wool-y horse" about Tapie, lio Hkes...

No " wool-y horse" about Tapie, lio Hkes... image
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No " wool-y horse" about Tapie, lio Hkes Porter, though. Mr. Crozier still has the (loor. Tuat llttle Hill9dale episode remaliisuiiexplained. Mr. Ynple is a 3G years olil " kij." AImost olil enough to get long without pnpa. JcfTorsoniflii demooracy lias to step oue side. It is Dickiusonian democracy now, you know. Congressman Vaple (that Mendon boy, so called) voted against Gen. Qrant and for Fitz John Porter. Tlie only labor candidato for conjíress in Michigan is the one nominatud by the republican party in the flrst district. There is some talk of setting Yaple's county fair speech to music, and biinging it out as a comic opera. It is so very funny, tra la, tra la. Bob Frazer appears to bo a vcry great thorn lu the side of our prohibition frlends, and they are devotinr wliole cyclone8 of wind to htm. Well, Uob can take care of himself pretty well. The Adrián Press (dem.) lllngs this insult in the face of the laborlng men of the ürst district and the state: The republicana noralnated Hank Kobluson, the anarchist, whora the socialist mul communlatsof Detroit had named as a caudtdate. Nlce succotash that. And nowit is " Hank Robinson, that old greenbacker," with the fusión presa, in place of " Hon. Henry A. Robinson," as formcrly. Calling names is a telling argument! Strani;e how soon tlie giapa soured. The nomination of Henry A. Roblnson by the lst district republicans lias made the Free Press boil with rage. It strikes and kicks and gcreeches and ruges umi calis ñames in a wuy tuut a wild ent would look upon with envy. We are sorry to see the Midland Sun so bitter lu its opposition to Hon. H. G. Horr, whose old shoesin Congress would be of more vulue to the 8th congressional district tlian a car load of such men ns now misrepresentsthe district. Tohear republlcans talk, and read republlCftn papers, one would be led to believe tliut there Is no such tblng as vlrtue among mm. Thatevery one has hlsprlceandevery prolilblttonlstUamerchantablecommodlty. People maklng such charges only minor thelr own corruptlsn.- Ypsl. Commercial. Yee, Bro. Pattison's price appears tobe a senatorial nomination. What's prohibition witliout the offices? eh ? Before the republican state conveution the fusión papers referred to "that good man, Farmer Luce, whom the millionaire gyndicate are opposed to." Since the conTention it is "that bloated bondnolder Hunker Luce." Oh! Rats, boys, ratsl Tour chin muslo is tiresome. Let it be recordod in the mind of every loyal citizen of Michigan that George L. Yaple lu Oongress voted aguinst restoring Gen. Grant to the artny, while he was upon a bed of sicknessfrom which he was not expected to recover. But he (Yaple) did vote to restore Fitz John Porter to the army. Is not the text a suílloient sermón in this ingtance ? In one-half of thiseee nation to-duy, it is as much as a man's lile is worth to run for office on the republicau ticket. And yet if a republican paper refers to tliis fearful state of affairs it is met with the as8ertion: "Oh, you're waving tlie bloody shirt." That is all the answer ueeded. Thatshiit ought to be waved until this nation is free trom such a state of afi'airs. If any of our laboring men desire free trade let them go to the museum and inspect the goods in the Chinese exhibit with prices for the same In American gold attached. Free trade means these goods in conipetitiou with goods produced by American workmen. Furthermore let the Chinese tind out whftt sort of goods foreign free trade countries demand, and and they soon learn how to make them. Can any one teil why the 3d party partisans are so bitter against the republicans and so mild toward the dernocrats ? Why don't they light the liquor trafflc, if that's what they were bom for, instcad of fighting the republicans ? Why don't they light for principie instead of pelf ? Why don't they abuse domocrats, who are as antagonistic to them as an infidel is to a Chrlstian ? Why are they not consistent ? The editor of the Tpsilanti Commercial being a candidate for office has commeiiced squealing for some of that democratie boodle, worse than a young nursing pig for lts dinner. After asserting that democratie purses "arenotonly furnishing the rnoney to run their own campaign, but the prohibition canvass too," he adds "wefeel hurtthat we have not seen a single penny of that democratie money." Now boys come down. Capt. Allen is a poor man, that's true, and he Isn't ashamed of it. There's 110 crime or disgrace about it. The large majorlty of mankind are with him. But being poor he doesn't put on aristocratie airs as does bis competitor whotn the Argus bas been forced to admit is also poor. He is one of the kind who lias a good word for the humblest, whom he treats with as much consideration as he doeshis more fortúnate brother. He is frank, manly and straightforward, and henever will go about the district talkiug about bis opponent, or be a temperance man in Washtenaw, and a tippler in Lenawee or vice versa.


Ann Arbor Courier
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