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Democratic County Convention

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Called to order by Chairman Scbuli, 3eo. W. Turn Huil, of Sylvan, called to ;he chair- first blood for the anti-Harriman faction. Upon taking the cliair Mr. Turn Buil said thnt the nominatlont ■ made were equivalent to nn electlon, and the fusión of the greenbaokari and dotncrats (notblng abotit prohibitlonists) was the great il.-iiti of tlieir hearts, the immense applause did not show up, In fiict, tliere was an -mbarras8int silence. Thos. D. Kearney, of Northfleld, was made temporary secretary with feveral dissentinj; votes. The foUowlug coinmit tees were then appointed: On Permaneut OrganUatlon aml Order of BusIneHs- P. MnKernnn, 0. K. Wlillmun, M. Duiry, John Clark, J. Krank Spafford. On Credentlnls- George B. Schwab, F. J. Swalnc, M. J. Lehman. Assembled again at 1}L o'clock. Temporary ollicers maile permanent. Cruuentlals reportad. Nomlnatlon speeches onmotion weie limited to three minutes. One gentleman warited to limit it to one minute if Oramer was to spenk. J. V. Sheehan moved that the greenbtclun be invited to choose ten delégate! the same be allowed seats in tliis convention. D. Cramer moved as a substitute that a committee of live lie appointed to oonfer with the greenbackers m session below. Carried. And chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Dr. Heuston, B. F. Watts, M. Dully, Alfnil Darenport, J. Knapp, and then took a flfteen minute's recess to allow the committee time to report on what the greenbackers wantcd. On motion of D. Cramer the present chairman and secretary of county committee were continued tbr two years. Dr. Heuston from conference committee reponed that the greenbackers wanted ihe clerk, but if they oouldnt j;et that they wanted representative. D. Cramer moved that this convenlion express itself in favor of giving tho nomination of representative to the greenbackers. Carried by a risiii voto. D. Cramer moved the committee be discharged. D. Cramer moved thiit the chair appoint two tellers, and Mr. Breiman, of Manchester, and Mr. Sawyer, of YpsiLinti, were appointed. P. McKenian moved that Wm. Walh be lenominatüd by acclamation forsherilV. D. Cramer seconded it. Carried. D. Crutner pwented the name of Dr. D. P. McLachlan, of Alilan, and also the name of Frank Joslin, of YpsiUnti, UBing 3 minutes for each, for couuty c!erk. E. M. Cole's name of Superior was presented, it haring been 2r years since Superior had been represented on the rlpnuwrntin t.inkHt_ Jolin V. Sueehaii presentcd the name ïL Wm. G. Dotv, of Ann Arbor, in as ine and eloquent a speech as has been nade iu the couri house tor a long time. Mr J. Lehman presented the name of Fred. J. Howli'tt, of Lyndon, saying tlmt ;hat township had never had a npnWH :atlve on the democratie eoiinty ticket, iud lie spoke so well and addreí-6ed "the ïentlemêti of the jury " so often that tlie Bfaairmail blled to rap him down as he iid the other speakers when the three minutes were up, but allowed liim to speak f uil lifteen minutes - (ehairniiin and speaker both from Chelsea you know). After seTeral seconds of the various nominees, the conveution pioceeded to ballot, as follows: lst. 2d. Fred J. Howlett 40 5i Win. G. Dotv 22 21 Dr. D. P. McLachlan 20 16 E.M.Cole 14 7 Frauk Joslln 10 J. Warren 4 Total IU I'1 The nomination of Howlett was made unanimouson inotion of John öheehan. P. McKernao moved Ihat Jas. Kearn? be renominated tor register of deedl by acclamation. Camed. D. Cramer moved that Fred. H. Belser be renominated by acclamation for the office of treasurer. Carried, and Fred commenced unloading nis pockets of huudreds and thousands of slips he had printed off for himself for fear that aoine dark horse might snatcli the prize away from hlm. P. Mc-Kcrnuu moved that Jizra B. Norris, acconling to all foimer custom of the democratie party be re-nominated for prosecuting attorney. Tlns was a territic blow for Cramer who had an Itcliinfr for the offloe and had announced hiniself as a candidate. But he had talkcd so ïinicli already that the convention was in no mood to listen to his caudidacy, and so Norris was put through wlth a rush, thouU the imuression was prevalent that it meunt dffeat. D. Cramer again popped up howevcr. No power on eartli could keep him in his seat, and he heaped coals of lire upon McKernan's bare head by moving that P. McKernan be re-nominated for circuit court commissioner for a fourth term by acclamation. Pat stood the coals all right and took the nomination wilhwut a disseuting vote. D. Cramer moved once more, and renominated Frank Joslyn, of Ypsilanti, for the other circuit court committloner by acclamation. l). Ciamer again arose to his feet. He must be heard. He moved this time that Martin Clark and O. C. Jenkius be nomluatcd for coroners by acclamation. Öome oue objected, and yelled out that Aun Arbor shouldn't have all the offices - (what tarcasm) - but Cramer insisted that this city was entitled to two coronera anyway, and carried his point. Ann Atbor must feel hijrhly flattered over the Dor musí ieei iiigniy nauereu over me ' giiNit condescenslon of the convention. ' Chas. S. Woodward w:is renouiiuated by icclaination for surveyor, but Cramer didut make tlie motion. Geo. VV. Turnbull, of Chelsea, and Chas. R. Wbitman, of Ypsilantl, were then chosen as delegates at larjre to the senatorial convention, nnd then thcy sepurated iuto representative districts to elect nine more delegates eacli to tlie convention. The result was as follows: FIRST DISTRICT. John H. Conlon, Webster. John H. Wade, Lima. i;has. Dwyer, Dexter. Johu Clark, Lyndon. John Ryan, Northfleld. V. 0. Vaughan, Ueorge Í3. Schwiib, Ann Arbor. A. T. Hughes, Sclo. Peter Glll, Superior. 8ECON1) DISTUICT. E. C. Young. Saline. Dr. E. Batweü and J. W. Babbltt, Ypsllanti. M. J. Flynn, Brldgewater. Jeff Bestmer, Manchester. J. Nnapp, Freedom. W. B. Osborne, Hharon. Jamen Lowden, Ypsllanti Town. M. J.Jielsey, York. The old executive county comuiittee was re-elected aud the meeting uijourned. CONVENTION NOTES. It'a all harmony- in a horn. Even Cnimer had his il ï n ■ at Ilarriman. Lehinau's bitter speech refered (o tlie " gentlemen of the jury" eleven times. Old sores were dug open inore than in any convention held for years. Isn't it a little cowardly for men to get up and abuse a person who has no way to reply. It was not necessary for Mr. Lelmi;m to teil the audience he was a lawyer, "gentlemen of the jury." If Judge ilarriman and his f riends feit disposed to retalíate they coulil m&ke the can vaas decidedly intcreMJBg for Mr. Ilowlett. Tliey get up in convention and abuse Judge Ilarriman, but when he stirs his little finger tliey all quake witli tVar, jiut the same. Mr. Lehmiiifs long-wiuded blow was not so uiuch for Mr. Howlett as it was agninst Judge Harriman, who is B bugaboo la Lehinan's y as big as a niouutain. The only thing that nooiinated Howlett was the Harriman bugbear. He and his friends worked the raeket for all It was worth, and scared the democrats into uominating him. Ann Arbor must have the taxes piled on her by the board of supervisors, (Mr. Howlett, by-the-way has been a member thereof for four years) but when she comes to want a noniinatkm at the hands of a political coiiveiition, the sume Influence ihuta lier out. Mr. Cole's friem'U pleaded in vain fcr Superior, a good democratie townahip that bad never been repreaented on the dcinoratic ticket. Tliey were too honorable te endeavor to lirt their caodidate up by bbprainj the eliaracter of Mr. Doty's friends and so there was no show for thein.


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