Washtenaws' Fairs
Writing up a county fair the next wee aftcr t bas occurred, ia something lik paying lor a dead liorse, but as the day of issue of the Couriku is on Wednes day, tk type tot Ita issue must of a necessity be eet up belbro the f;vir baa fairl; opened. Tlie lair of 1886 must be considered a grcut 8iiccess, especially as the.lowerj weather for a greater portion of it had a strong teiidency to keep down the size o the crowd. Xotwithstanding tliat fac there was a very largc attendanee both Thursday and Friday, the grounds boiiií, completely filled with people. But what can a reporter say of fair exhibits that he has not said over and over again for years ? Tho huge beets, iquMhef, tunilpg pumpkin?, meions and potatoes were al there; the mmnioth ears of corn, the bags of wheat, oats, b.irley, rye, buckwluatand other cereals, the fine strings of corn, of all kinds, were there in vegetable hall, together witli rolls and crocks of delicious lookiiifi butter, and temptlag bread and biseuit. The fruit hall had soine delicious displays of grapes, pears, and so many kinds and varieties of apples that it would take a half column or so to inention tlie various kinds. There were also canned fruits, jellies, pickles, etc., etc., in great profusión. In poultry, the display did not appear to be equal to future displays, yet it was of a superior quality generally. The cattle, the sbeep, the swine were all superior in" numbers and exhibits to last year, which was considered an exeptionally large exhibltion. In horses, additional sheds had to be prppared in order to accommodate the entries. FLORAL HALL, Is ahvays the center of attraction. Here is ahvays a crowd. They jam and push, step on each other's toes, crowd and stand and talk, making it one of the most undesirable places to enter on the gmuuds. But a reporter lias to push himself everywhere, so we commenced at the north entrace. Directly In front in the center, was Eberbach's mam motu hardware display, , and it was a fine one. To the left was Grossman & Schlincker's stove exhibit, next canie Win. Arnold with an excellent show of jewelry, clocks, watehes, etc. Then Warner's variety store had au exhibit of attractive goods that kept a crowd around it all the time. To the rlght was D. F. Allmendinger with pianos and organs from hls Ann Arlor factory. Next in line was W. W. Douglass & Co., with a line of clothing and gent'a furnishing goods. Following still to the left we notice a handsome case of jewelry trom C. Bliss & Son. Turning i uto the west wiug we find John Ki-ck & Co'a beautilul exhibit of Ufiholstered parlor suits, with draperies tastily urmnged and abo an elegantlyütted ud bed room. Exclamations of delight were hcard upon all sides over this display. It ihowed rare good taste in arrangement. Upon the opposite side was a fine lot of Chemical glassware, etcétera, from Eberbach & Son's. And Mack & Schmid's display of ladies' outer garments, shawls, wraps, cloaks, etc, that were the delight of the feminine portion of the multitude. There were real seal, plush, etc., and a 450 camel's hair shawl. In the south wing was D. F. Schairer's elegant display of beautiful and costly wteartng apparel for ladies and children, whieh attracted no end of attention. Then the Lewis & Gibson gallery had some photographs that took the premiums, and were pleasant to look upon. Opposite was tlie booth for ladies' iicc-illework aud fine arts, eoutaiuing some beaulilul and exquisite pieces of work - tlia' lellrcted much credit upon the patience and iidustiy of their makers. Alvin Wilsey occupied considerable space with his pianos, organs and muieul instruments. Tiie east wing now completes our circuit. Wines & Worden have a display of carpets, rugs, etc, that is pleasing to tlie eye, and made one long for a Gould o( Vanderbilt pocketbook. Then Schuh i& Miiflil had a handsome booth of hardware goods, includiug a beautiful mautle with grate. Opposite of which was the Davis sewing machine in full operation by Mr. Schuil. The center was more beautiful than ever wilh its pyramid ol Ilowers armnged by Cuueins & Hall. YPSILANTI FAIK. Tlirough the kindness of JHr. Win. Campbell, oae ot the Ypsilunti f;iir offliali, je local was turnished with a free ass to all the sights, scènes, races and rand stands of the löth fair of the Eastrn Michigan Agricultural Society, and 0 with pencll duly sharpened we proeded to see the sights. That the fair was a success in point of xhibits and attcndancc no one can doubt 'or a moment. It was a good fair, and 1 matter of arranging en tries neat and astily, and so (hat the greatest amount f display can be secured f rom the artiles entered, the Ypsilanti peoplecan give xnnts. We never miw thlngs better or more showüy arranged. It must have ilvi'ti time, patience and a head familiar ith the subject. And this featuro of rrangement prevaded the whole of the rounds. Thoro was nothing hid under bushei, and the exhibitor had the satsfaction of seeing his exhibits displayed o the best possible advantage. One of the great attractions of the air was the palent iucubator of G. J. riasly, qf Saline. It was a sight worth eeing, as the hatching of chickens by machinery was a novelty to the multiude. The poultry exhibited by Mr. [issly was also of a superior order. He eems to have the chicken business down o a line point. The needie woik department was exellent, but tlie Merchauts' displays were ardly what one mlght oxpect considerng the nnuiy line stores that therc are in 'psilanli. There was an unusual compliment of atch penny and grab games that appear 0 be a natural auxillary to a fair, and no ne need to have gone hungry or thmty f thcy had a nickle or so about them. The halfmlle track upon these grounds 1 a line oiic, and some of the races were f interest. The grand stands were contlnually rowded, but wc heard of nothing irreater han peanuts being wagered, thougli that an be accounted for by the fact that we rere not with a betting crowd One of the greatest curiosities upon the nounda was a live baby weighing only one pound. It was the only suryivor of riDleU, and itï niothcr seemed to feel prouü of her mail epeck of an offspring. Another noticeable feature was the profusión of democratie county offleers and candidates. Thoy wero ag plcntiful as stlck-tlphts on a healtliy burdock plant. l!ut taken as a wholo Ypsilauti's fair was a credit to the place. A county that can produce two such fairs at the sanie time withln eijfhï miles of each other, as were the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti fairs, may well be considereil a rich county.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Alvin Wilsey