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iPQurnrfj WtraCíS EfS- -ríeí [NATURAL fRUT MOST PERFECT MADE Preparad with trict regard to Pnrltv, Strength, and Hualtlifulnoss. Dr. Price's Baking PowderconUin do Ammonla, Urne or Alum. Dr. Price's Extracte, V anilla, Lemuo, Orange, etc., flaror delidouly. fitCff BÁKINQ PQWDÍR CO., Chicago cuti SL Louiê. HSTOTZHUILTG!SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS ,THE WlELMIS' GAZETTE ! OF SPRIXG" IELE, XASSAGBUSETIS, 0. l L IS OIsTB. THE WHEELMENS' GAZETTE 18 A FOÜRTH OF 32 PAGES AND COVER, PUBLI8HED MONTHLY. ONLY FIFTY CENTS Se PEE YEAE. WHfcELMEN AND 0THER8 WHO WANT CHOICE READINQ CAN 8ECURE THE SAMR BY SUBSCRIBING FORTHE GAZETTE, A HANDSOME PAPER, WELL-PRINTED AND MODEL OF NEW8PAPER NEED ADDRES8 WHEELMENS1 GAZETTE, 8PRINQFIELD, - MAS3ACHU8ETTS. Sample Copies Free. 96-ly i_ CMVÜRSAL L-} í2T2f " , Cntmni&l Awurd, ("CSPsPILJB S C ÍTwíwíí . íaii. Old ÏUthi RiMWfii. ■ sDd for circuun. E J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mich. í A COMPLKTK ARBAKN GMKNT TOR Pbysician and Funilies. Neiter ud C'neaper AND MOR! coasr"V"i3asriE3srT HAN A STATIONARY BATH TUB, WITH NO EXPENSE OF" BATH ROOM AND FIXTURES. ANN ARBOR FUUIT ORCHARD. mam, naca beauty And all kinds of Autumn Pears. WHITE GRAPES, CONCORD GRAPES, SALEM GRAPES. RASPBERRV, SIIRUBS, and WINE. Picase cali at the orchard on West Huron Btreet, or scnd your orders for Fruit und Fruit Trees eariy to EMILBAUR, - ANN ARBOR. "abïster moore's TONSORIAL PARLOR, HTJE-OIsr STEEET, Next door to the Farmer'a and Mechanic's Bank.' IIAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, 8IIAMPOONING AND DYEING. The best of Work men and Satlsfactlon Uuaranteed. R.UP TU R Eï. LEGAN'S IMPERIAL TRU8S. Splral Spring, graded froin 1 to 6 pounds ín pressare. W0R5 DAY ANI JilGHT, by an lnfant a week old, oran lulult SO year. I.mlii'K Trusses a perfectlon. Endose stamps for testimoniáis of cures, etc. EGAN IMPERIAL TRÜS8 CO., AN Abbok, Mich. flMffil MANÜFACTÜRERS OF StliliiCliurcli FURNITURE. OPERA HOUSE ( II .11118 AND WIND-MILLS. Are now prepared to manufacture School and Church Furnlture, and Opera Honse Chaira, Lawn 8ettee, Camp Tables and the TRIUMPH WIND-MILL The best and slmplest and most rellable In use. Repalrlng done on short notlce. Also dealerB In PUMPS, C VLINDERS, PIPES, ETC. TANKS MADE TO ORDER. LADDERS, PEACH BOXES, BERRY CRATES, In lact, any artlcle made to order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. HALE'S HOHEY is the best Cough Cure, Í8, 60c, . GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP heals and btautifies, c GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kil! Com & Bunioni, 18c. HILL'S HAIR A WHISKER DYE-Black & Brown, SOc. PIKE'S TOOTHACHK DROPS cur lu 1 Minuto, Me. DUH'I RHEOMATIC NI4J wil" mm. l


Ann Arbor Courier
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