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WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOCRAPHV OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMININC TH(E WAP, THAT ThL GH3CAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y J5y reason of lts central positton, close relation to principal llnes East of Chlcacro and continuoun lines at terminal points West, Northwest and 3 the only true middle-link In tbat transcontinental eystem which Invites and facilitates travel and trafac in either direction between the Atlantic and Pacific. The Rock Island icain line and branches includa Chicago,Joliet, Ottawa, La S-üle,Pcoria, Oeneoeo, Moline and Koek Island, in Illinois; Davenport, Muscatiue, Washington, Fairfleld, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa. West Liberty Jowa City, Des Molne, Indianola, Winterset. Atlantic, Knoxville, Audubon, Harían, Outhrio Cent.e and Council Bluffs, in Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, St. Joseph, Camarón and Kmidas City, in Missouii; Leavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albert Loa, Miimeapolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown in Dakota, and hundreds of i-itcrrnediate cities, towns and villag-es. THE CRËAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guáranteos Speed, Comfort and Safety to those who travel over it. lts roadbed ia Uioroughiy ballastod. lts track is of heavy steol. Itc bridgres are aolid Btructureo of stone and iron. lts rolling stock is perfect as human skill can malta it. It haa all the saiety appliances that mochanicol (renius has inventod and experience provod valuablj. lis practical cperatiou is conservativo and methodical- its discipline strict and cxacting-. The luxury of lts passenger accommodaúons ia unequaled in the West-unsurpassed in the world. ALL EXPRESS TRAIN8 between Chicago uvi tho Missouri Rlver consist jf cumTortable DAY COACHES, magmncer.t PULLMAN PAL ACE PARLOU and SXJ3EPIÑG CARS, clogant DINÏNÖ CARS providinfy excellent meals, and - bet7oon Chicago, St. Josepli, Atchison and Kansas City- restful RECLINING CHAIK CARS. THT AMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE T: tl;o .lireoi, rvorile line between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Over this routO solid East Expross Trains run daily to tho Guinmer resorts, picturesouo lucaLitica and and fislúnt? (trounds cf Iowa and Minnesota. Xho ï'ith whc.vt fiolds and erazing: lands of interior Dakota are reached via Watortown. A short de6irabie routo, via Séneca and Kankakee, offers superior inducemonta to trp.73lora betwoen Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette and Cotincil Blufla, St. Jossph, Atchison, Iieavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, St. Paul and intormcdjata points. All classes of patrons, especially fanülios, ladies and children, receivo from offlcioli and employés cf Rock Island trains proüoction, rospoctful courtosy u.-d kiuclly attention. Pbr Tickets, Maps, Folders - obtainablo at all principal Ticket Offloes in the TTni.eü States and Canada- or any desired lnforuiation, address, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, 'resident and General Manager, Chicago. General Ticket and Passender Ap-ent, Chlcaen


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News