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MighiganPTentral 77ss Miagara Falls (Route. Time tble taking effect Mj 30th, 1886. Ostral Mtandftrd Tlmr. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. SS_ Q SU ! 5. SE BC .. a.ii. i'. m. r. r. m. a.m. Chicago. I.y. B50 SOU 330 400 8 15 V 55 Michigan City 18 1111 517 S2 1U18H02 Niles 1U38 1216 614 7SÜ1114 1 30 Kalamazoo. ..1117 1S0 723 90 1235 s (13 6 4.5 Battle Crwk. 108 1 27 8 01 130 8 601 7 31 f ( 185 2 50 M"'hallÍLv. 15SS10 8 22 158 47 757 Alblon 320 332 839 1;28 4 40 Iw Jacknon 310423 15 S15 6Í5ÍSU Grasa Lake.... 887 647 84 Chelaea 358; 08 B Dexter.. 4 13 . 2S10V7 Aiid Arbor.... 4 88 5 30 10 0 .... 4 SS 8 40 10 Ï8 Ypstlanti 450 54.5 1021 .... 4 63 S6:iO4 VVayiie June. 515 805....... 616 7 17 110 Petm1'....Ar. 6 00 845 1116 00 8(0,1144 DETROIT TO CHICAGO - lí l 11 31 i 8 L L A.M. AU P,M r.H. P.H. r.H Detroit... .Ly. 7 00 8 10 1 30 4 00 8 00 16.... WayneJanc. 740 I 53 208 4 45 8 40 9 55 Ypsilanti .... 8011012 220 5 IS 805 1021 AnnArbor... 81B1026 233 580 33 1088.... Dextir 835 550 55 Chelsea 8 48 051008 OiMnLake... 10 J7110M Jaekion 985 1180 832 71511055 120 Mrhall 10 SN 14 46 412 8211166 104 BattleCreek.. 11 03 108 4 40 i.ïlïïi 180 a.m Kalamazoo... 11 5S 150 516 V 45 112 i SS 4 4fi Nlles 147 32 635 !S03 4 1 40 MlchlgenCity 810 485 782.... 4 S4O IM Chicago. ..Ar. 545 II 40 80 ,7 00 806J1020 Canada liivlaloa. dbtkoit TO BtTFTALO.- Standard Time. STATIONS. "8'ïsil -I 13 gijfcT is r. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. Detroit... .Lv 7 15 1125 5 00 10 1 06 r.M Bt.ThomaaAr 11 10 2 40 10 00 8 45 J 40 a. . r. M. Toronto...Ar 05 26 .. Ottawa. pm'i5 4 38 Montreal 10 00 8 OS Ouebrc a680 r. ■. a m üt.Thoman.Lv 11 15 Ui 1 00 55 3 45 Waterford.... 12 31 8 58 3 04 11 18 5 UI Weiland 153 6 17 6 12 14 64 6 27 FalliVIew ... 5 46 1 29 55 N. Kal!. Ort. 2 22 5 48 1 SS6 58 Sunp'n B dge. 2 85 6 5 [ 160.7 10 . . BUrrALO TO DiTKorr - Standard Timo. m I . I STATIONS. S S-a Bc'"-aH "0 s SLi A. H. P. M. PhlI&del'a.LT 00 P.H. ( ■ New York... 10 30 00 I A Boston. 8 38 3 00 T Woicetpr... ï 50 40 8 SpriUKfleld... 11 3i 6 06 10 y Albmiy 3 OUpm 10 05 t 16 ütica 545 1333nm i li Syracnue 7 40 2 00 70 Rocbevter.... 55 4 00 10 UO Buffalo ...Ar 12 15 5 60 12 16 a. m. a. M. Buffalo....LT 11 SOpm 5 45 05 00 11 85 N. KallP.N Y a.m Susp'nB'd'Ke 12 81 6 48 11 SS N. Pall.,Ont. 12 51 7 00 IS 64 FallsView 7 08 1 Ui Weiland 115 7 2f 7 10 10 15 1 8 St.ThomaaAr 4 10 8 56 11 15 1 10 4 85 ünebec.Lv ." 2 80 10 00 Montreal 10 00 Ottawa. II 40 11 28 Toronto, 8 10 106 St.ThomuLT 4 15 10 00 2 55 1 15 4 46 Detroit. ...Ar 8 05amj 1 06pm 7 30 5 20p 8 46 t Stops only to let off passengen. t Stops only on signáis. O. W. RUGGLB8, H. W. HAYBS. G. P. AT. Agent Aut.. Ann Aibor. Chlcaao. Toledo, Aon Arbor NoriTi Mlrhlgin Kallwaj. TIME SCHBDULS. To take effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sunday, June 27th, 1886. (Southern DíyIsIod.) Train run tT SUndard Time. GOING NOKTH. GOING SOUTH i 2 1 S S, STATIONS. g. ód p. x. I A.H Leave. Arrlve á.uir.u. 5 1 0l 7 05 Toledo Jui 0 5 06 7 14 Manhattan Jnoct'n 2 i öi 5 13 7 23 Alexis Janctlon 8 lt 4 47 5 217 85 Bawthoni. v lu 4 40 5 38 7 46 Samarla U0 4 80 5 41 8 08 Lu'u. 18 474 5 46 8 16 Monroe Junctlos 18 42 4 14 5 54 8 30 Dunde 8 0 4 04 6 01 8 87 Macon 8 24 00 606 8 4HI A.Mlia 8 20 64 6 16 8 5 Milsn Jnnctloa 8 WÍS 4S 6 21 0 Mllan 8 OS 4 41 8 2 9 22 'Urania t 62 3 80 44 32 Plttsfleld Jnnctlon 7 40lS M 7 00 9 50 Ann Arbor 7 27 8 10 7-2U10SO L' land 7 1212 60 7 30 10 80 Worden 7 M12 40 t7 45lO 45 Benin Lyon !_IJ Connectlons: At Toledo, wlth rallroads dWerging; at Manhattan Jnnction, wlth Wheellar Lak Erle K. lt.; at Alexis Junctlon, wlth ti. C. R. R., I.. S. A M. S. Rt. and F. P. M R. R.; at Mdiiroe Janctlon, with L. S. & H . S. Ry .; at Diadee, with L. 8. A k . 8. Rt., Ry.; at Mllan Junctlon, wlth Wabasb, St. Loals PaclBr Ry ; at Pittsfleld, wlth L. 8. A M. 8. Rt.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at South Lyoa wlth Detroit, Ijunlng A Ñorthrru K. R., aad Mlcb. A. L. DiY. of Grand Tronk Ry. Train and 8 runs between Detroit and Toledo, dally ïxcept Sunday, rla Mllan Janctlon ; No. t rriTfn at Detroit 12:00 noon. No. Sleares Detn lt at 2:35 p. m. Flag stations. ♦ Daily, except Sundays. I lValns do not stop, H. W. ASHLSY, General 8upt. W. B. BENNBTT. Gen'l. Pass. Airen!. a?üE ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Businecs, CAPITAlT$50,000. Organlzed ander the General Banking Law f tbls state, the stockholdors are indirlduilly Habla tot au additlonal amoaut euual to the stock held by tlirm, therehy creating a Guarantee Fund for tb benefit of Deposlturs of $100,000.00. Three per cent. Interest Is allowed on all SaTlBf Deposite of one dollar and npwards, accordlng to the rales of the Bank and Interest compoundsd semi-annually. Koney to Loan on nnincuaibered real estáte and other good security. DIRECTORS: CHRISTIAN MACK, Wï. D. HARrUMAN, W. W. WINE8. DANIBL HISCOCK. WILLUM DKDBEL, WILLARÜ B. SMITH. DAVID RINSEY. OFFICER8: C. MACK, Pres. W. W. WIN ÍS, Ï'f-Tnê. j. K. HISCOCK.Caahler. INSURANCE REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. ï, First Floor, Hamllton Blook. Partles deslrlng to boy or sell Iteal EsUte wlll flnd lt to their advantae to oail on me. I represent 15flrst-clas Flre InsurDce Componle, haviog an nggregate capital oTtr 180,000,000. KatesLow. Losse Uberally adjustedand prora ptly pald. I also Issue Life and liTetraent Pollolea In the New York Mutual Life Insurance Company, Assetts, 55,000. Persons dwlrlng Aocldent Insurance, can have yeorly pollelca wrltten for them orTraveler'i Coupon Insurance Tickets lsBued at Low rats In the Aocldent Insurance Company of North.'""'L Money to Loan at Current Rates. Offlee hour from ii. ni. 1. 1 11 m. and 2 to 6 p. na. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. Ncwspaper AdTertWn Boroan (lt P MMIJ tfABIf


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News