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FEionT traiiis on the Missouri Paoifle rond oollided on the 2Ot.h near t'layton, Ho , and 140 head of cattle were killed. The loss was 150.000. Neari.t eTery building In the small mining torn n of Alden, Pa., was damaged hy ■ wind-storm on the ','oth. and sereral people were injured, but ui'iie fatal ly. Bowman Pixíoif, a mnr.lerer, was lynched by a mob on the 2Utli at Kennett, Mo. Rbpresrhtatives frora overy State and Territory were in attendance on the 20th at the Triounial Conclave of the Knighta Templar in St. ! -ouis. A boat capsiïed at Cazenovla, N. Y., on the 2Oth, and three men porishvl. a fourth scaping. Threk brothem named Morgón, nged twenty-fonr, twenty-one and eighteen, were drowned in the rirpr noar Cbattanooga a few days ugo while bathing. Editor C. S. Hayes, of the Trarer (Cal.) Tidingt, was shot dead on the 20th by somt ptrson nnknown as be was chattinj; witli bis betrothed in a rosidence at I.omoore, CaL Thb account of Daniel Chriatinn, late treasurer of Huntinirtoii County, lnd., abowed a deficit of $12 000 on the 2Óth. Thb grand total of the cost of the international yacht races for 1S85-6 was on the aoth estima ted at $140,000. Kkvbre frosts. damaging the regetation, wre reportad on the 21st from Northern New Hampshire and Vermont. TH8 Connnissioner of the General Land Office at Washington stated on the 21st that during the fiscal yoar ended Jane 30 laat tti total number of entries was 'i'7,474, embradng an area of 30,991,967 acres, for which the departmont receired $7,412,787. The original homestead entriog were 61,633, coTering9.14.r, 135 acres. In addition to the abore totals 1,1)3,596 acres of Indian lands were disposed of. A mob broke into the county Jail at Montrose, Col., on tha Jlat, took out L. F. Sy mines, charged with murder, and hauged him. NïJlR Golden, Col., early on tb morning of the 21st N. B. Whitemore shot his wife fatally, mistaking her for a robber. A sktbrb wind storm on the 21st near Knoxville, Pa., demolithed a large number of barns, one or two farm houses, and orchards and mach timber. The devastalion extended OTer a distauce of ten miles. Tiibhk was a Tiolent shock of earthquake early on the morning of the Sist at Charleston, Summerrille and Columbio, S. C. In the former city part of the wall of the wrecked medical college was thrown down. Thb bodies of sis of the mlners recently entombed in the Marvine shaft, near Scranton, Pa., were recorered ou tho 21st. Two men were stilt missing. Thb business portiou of (Jreenfield, Neb., was destroyod by tire ou the Sist. The loss was heavy. Two DisTiNi-r thoeka of earthquake wer feit in the northern jHrt of Bridgeport, Conn., at 6:20 o'clock on the morning of the 'lat. No dainage was done. Thb Unitarian Conference, in sesion on ths Sist at Saratoga Sprints, N. Y., subcribed $11,000 to help rebuild the churchos at Charleston, S. C. Thb Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd-Fellows, in seüsiun at lioston on the 21st, lected John H. White, of New York, as Grand Sire; T. A. Ross, of New Jersey, Grand Secretary ; and A. Shepherd, of Pennsylrania, Grand Treasurer. Dubino the last fiscal year the star-route ■enrice cost $5,414,804- a decrease oí $62,23 as compared with the previous year. CoMPiLATtoM of statistici by the State Auditor of iiiüsuuri showed on the 'int that there woro thirteea countios in Missouri which diil not cont&in a iicenaed satoon. Tui Land Office at Washington raceired ■owt on the 221 of the seizure by Gorernment agents of timber which Canadiaas wer cutting south of the forty-ninth parallel. Hail-stonbs saiil to bo as large as hens' ggs broke half the glass at Houth Bend, lnd., on the 22d and ruintul all the tin and dato roof á. The damage was estimated at $o,ooa Gzokqs M. Bartholomew, of Hartford, Conn., president of the Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, was on the 22d said to b a defaulter for $127,000, and he had disappeared from Hartford. A TORHAiio on the 22d at Decatur, lnd., wrecked buildings and destroyed otber property, causing heavy losses. A rBEionT train of thirty-flra coal and oil cars broke down at Holland, N. Y., on th 23.1, took firo and was totally con■UBoad. P. J. Lowe, a prominent railroad contractor and lamber mercbant at Texarkana, Tex., failed on the 22d for $150.). Thb Superior Court at Taunton, Mass., decided on the 22d that sleeping-car compañías are Hable for losses suatained by passengere while in the cars. The procession of Odd-Fellows in Boston on the 2Mromprised twalve tUousaud mu and forty bands. Anothbk shock of earthquake, described as long and horrible, occurred at 7:30 o'clock on the morning of the 22d at Charleston, S. C. No particular damage was done. Mrs. Alick Titcomb, wife of a prominent citizen of Omaha, Neb., was burned to death on the 23d by the upsetting of a kerosene oil lamp. Thb strike of orer three thousand Western window glass workers, which began last June, was settled on the 23d, and work would be resumed immediately. Thb Catholto conrent at Urbana, O., was unroofed by wind on ttie 23d, and shade and fruit trees suffered sererely. Charlbs A. W. Hekmann, importer and dealer in chemicals at New York, failed on the 23d for $115,000. A TSHBiFic windtonn struck Midway, Ky., on the 23d, unrooflng many houses and blowiug in walls. A negro settlement near the place was reported to be destroyed. No loss of life was reported. Liuhthiso at Lima, O., set firo to sereral oil tanks on the 33d, the fiamos from which destroyed the machinery of many wells. Boreral barns and houses were also burned. BxroRTs from the United States during the monta of August last amounted to $51,161,538; import for August, $58,76,792. Nbohobs in (ialveston and other Texas cities war on the 2Kd paralyeed with fright orer Wigglns' prophecy of earthquake disasters, the wonen especially beliering that the worst would happen. A HJtAvr storm raged on the 23d at Indianola, Ifla., and the streets were reprted to be three faet under water. In Crawferd Count Ma, Malcolm Tjormi, hl wlfe, thre chlldrea and an adopted ehild were murdered on the 23dIt wu rapposed a person who sought to rob Mr. Logan of t.'') ha bad recently received oommittd the crime. A uavï thunder-storm, aceompanied by hall and rain, swept over Hilwaukee on the Sld, wrecking several houses. Haii.-stonbs six inches in circumference feil on tbe 23d at Madison, Wis., breaking ten thougand panes of glass, and denuding trees of loaves and twigs. In a few Instances Iron roofa were riddled. Tuit relief committee at Charleston, 8. C, on the 24th reported itoelf able to f urnish food and shelter to the, but said that man y houses must be rpaired, lf at all, ly public aid. Governmont engineera reported a damage of $2,000,000 snstained bv the six hundred buildings already inspected. F. 8. Hdmpitries wu hanged on the 34th at Milledgeville, Ga., for the murder of his niece and in-law. The Sovereign Orand Lodge of Odd-Fellows at their meeting in Boston on the 24th selected Columbas, O., as the place for the permanent headquarters of the order. The business failures in the Unltes States and Canada for the seven days ended on the 34th numbered 1S7, against 185 the preT1OU3 sevon days. Focr members of the late Board of Public Works of Cincinnatl wan arrested on the 4t h on charges of embozzling aoms ranging from $15,000 to $20,000. A kaïn-storm swept orer the Wabath valloy in Indiana on the 24th, creating frashets which washed out railway tracks and bridges, delaying trafflc. A taix of rock on the 24th in an iron mine at Jaysville, N. Y, killed two men and seriousiy wounded a third. Washinoton officials on the 24th denied the reporta of negotiations between Qreat Britain and the United States for a new Canadian treaty. The Masonic Grand Lodge of Pennsylonia celebratsd at Philadelphia on the 24th the ceutennial auuiversary of ita independence. Tiir orange erop of Louisiana was on the 24th said to be a complete failure, on account of last winter's freeze. Nine years of propitious weather would be required to fnlly restore the bearing capacity of the trees. lino cholera was raming with fearf ui effect on the 24th in Southwestern Wisconsin. The president, treasnrer and secretary of the Kaw Life Insurance Company of Kansas City, Kan., left for parte unknown on the 24th, loa ving many crédito in tbe lurch. The wind blew sixty miles an bour at Corpus Chris ti. Tez., on the 24th, and the riso of the tide flooded tbe lower portion of the city. Om the 34th two children aged three years and sixteen months, respectirely, were killed by the cars near Haucb Chunk, Fa , while walking on the track. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tes New York Democratie Stat Commlttoe met at Saratoga Springs on tbe aist and roted not to cali a Stata couveution thia year. Tbs following Congressional nomlnations were made on the 21xt: Repablicana - Harylaad, Sixth district, Lewis a McComas; Michigan, Seventh district, John P. Sanborn. Demócrata - Wisconsin, Sixth district, Andrew Haben; Eighth, James Brocklin; South Carolina, Boventh district, William Elliot; Tennesse, Sixth district, Joseph E. Washington. The New Hampshire Oreenback-Iabor conrention met at Manchester on the 21st and nominated Oeorge Carpenter, of Swanzey, for GoTernor. James Howí, who published tbe first sportinfc paper in the United States, died on the 22d at Laf ayette, Ind., aged eigbtytwo years. Tuk Pi-esident and ais wife returned to Washington on the 22d. The Minnesota Repnblican convention at tit. Paal on the 'id nominated A. K. McOlU for Gorernor. The platform dopted opposes eonriet labor; favors the fro cotnage of silvei"; the redaction of the tariff on the necoasaries of life ; ei vil -service reform and penisons for disabled soldiere. A resolution was unanimously adopted congratulating James Q. Blaine OD tbe Tiotory in Maine. Thk report on the 22d af the Pension Commissioner for the fiscal year ended June 30 last shows that there were 365,783 names on the pension-rolls, including 1,539 surriTors of the war of 1813. The amount of money disbursed during the past year was $83,717,831. Tbere were nine thousand soldiere in the poor-houses throughout the country, thirteon per cent. of whom were pensioners. Tus Repnblicans of North Carolina met in State convention on the 22d at Raleigh and nominated a f uil ticket for the Supreme and Superior courts. The platform adopted opposes conrict labor, favors a protectrre tariS and denounceg the Democratie party for broken promises and pledgea. Tuk following Congressional nominations were made on the 23d: Republicana -Michigan, First district, Henry A. Robinson; Elevanth, Sth C. Moffatt (reaominated); Wisconsin, First district, L. B. Caswell (renominatad) ; Nebraska, First district, Church Uowe; Second, James Laird (renominated). Demócrata- Wisconsin, Third district, H. J. Gallagher; Fourth, John Black; SoventU, S. N. Dickison; Maryland, Sixth district, L. V. Baughman; Indiana, Third district, A. K. Marsh; Ninth, H. F. Ham; Illinois, Eighth district, Uiram U. Cody ; Missouri, Beventh district, John E. Hutton (renominated); Minnesota, Second district, O. P. Bullis; FennsylraBia, Tweiity-ürst district, O. T. Rafferty. Thb oommlttve appointed at tbe National Labor convention f Massachusetts to select a State ticket met at Boston on the 22d and nominatod Oeorge R McNeill, of Boston, for Governor, and a fnll ticket. Ox the 23d a cali was issued for a national convontioB of diatillers, brewers and Wholesale and retail dealers to be held in Chicago October 18 fer the purpose of taking action to check the growth of public sentiment hostil to the whisky trade. The Grand Encampment, Knights Templar, in conclare at St. Louis on tbe 23d, elected Charles Roomt, of Nw York, Most Eminent Qrand Master. The Central Labor Union of New York City held a political convention on the 23d and nominated Henry George for mayor. Tuk flfth annual meeting of the Union Veterans convened at Tranton, N. J., on th 23d. Twenty-three States were represented. B. B. Manchester, of ProTidence, R. I., was elected Commander-iB-Chief for tbe ensoing year. Tuk following Congressional nominations wer made on the 23d : Republicaus - Alabama, Fonrth district; J. V. Mx-Oaffee; lllinols, Ninth district, L. E. Paf Ron (renominated) ; Missouri. Fifth district, Williain Warner (renominated); New Jersey, First district, George Hires (renominated) ; Connecticut, First district, J. R. Buck (renominated) ; Maryland, First district, Tbomas 8. Hodson; Second, W. M. Martine; Fifth, W. C. Tnck; PennsylTania, First district, H. H. Bingbam; Second. Charles O' Neill; Fourth, W. D. Kelley; Fifth, A. C. Harmer (all renominated). Democrats- Virginia, Eigbth district, W. H. F. Lee. Minnesota, Second distriot, O. P. Bullis. Prohibitionist- New York, Seventh district, J. F Btorey. James Ritssell Lowell arrived at Boaton on the 24th from England. TiiEKt-RevJ. F. Shanahan. Bishop ot the Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg, Pa., died at nis residenee on the 24th. Thb Prohibitionists of th Fifth lUinnH district on tbo 2fth nominated Charles Wharton for Congressman, and the Demof craU of the Eleventh Texas district renominated EL W. T. Lanham. [ FOREIGN. ' All th ofBcer implicated In the reeen attempted revolution in Spalu were on tb Sist condsmned to death. Rbports reached (fnaymas, Mex., on toa 21st of a sprious flght betwoen Mexican troop and Yaquis, in which the Mexicans lost twenty killed and forty wounded, and the Yaquis lost sixty-two killed. November 18 bas been appointed ThanfcsgiTiog Day for Caiwda. Nikett THOU8AND pmcers in Buraley, Eng., rasolrad on the Sist to strike against rednetion of wages. A betere storm raged on the 21st on the coast of Prlnce Edward's Island, and a number of fishing boats wero wreeked. No lives were lost. In the British House of Commons on tb Sist Mr. ParnelI's bill for the suspension of evictions in Ireland was defeated by mrota of 397 to 302. TirnnE hukdud honses in the town of Ralnsz, in Austrian Galicia, were on the 'Ui desiroyod by fire. Much suflering had resul ted. London artvices of the 22d from Mandalay state tbat at the opening of the relief' house there the crush to obtain food waa so great tbat twelve porsons were tram' pled to deatb. Six thousand persons who were ruined by the recent flood were supplied with food. Thb Austrian cholera returns on the 23d were: Trieste, 4 new cases; 1 death. Pesth, 3fi new cases; 19 deaths. In all other infectad distriets, 7 new cases; 3 deaths. In Italy 25 deaths and 23 new cases wera reportad. Advices of the 23d from Zanzíbar state tbat the King of Uganda had foully murdered all the English and French eonverts, and the missionariea were in great peril and bad implored assistance. Bt an explosión of Ure-damp on the 24th in a coal-mine near Schalke, Germauy, forty-flve persons were killed and sixteeu injured. l.s tbe Bay of St John on tho 24th the schooner Mary Ann was cut in two by the schooner Summerset and four persons were drowned. Tiikkk Germán soldiers wore killed and twenty wounded by a collision of trainj on the 24th near the depot in Berlín. A loss of $150,01)0 was sustained at Toronto on the 24th by a fire which originated in the wholesalo liquor-house of Davidson & Hay. A Italian brig londod witli benzine at Fiume, Austria, was set on Ure by lijhtning on the 2-lth, auJ eigbt nmn perisbed in the flames. Fortt-five nevf rnses of cholora and tweuty-one deaths wero reported in It;aly on the 24th, and iu Austria thore were twenty deaths and forty-five new cases. In a liíht on the - Itli betweeu pólice mid moonlltthters at Feale Briilg, County Kerry, Ireland, one of the moonlighten was sbot dead and six wero taken prisonera. LATER NEWi National Liauuk base-ball clubs at the close of Ui week euded on the 25th stood asfollows: Chicago, games won. 84; lost, 29. Detroit, wom, 78; lost, 33. New York, won, (; lost, 41. PhiUdelphia, won, 63; lost, 41. Boston, won, 49; lost, 57. St Louis, won, 41; lost, 69. Kansas City, won, 29; lost, 73. Washington, wou, 'il; lost, 83. General Booth, of the Salvation army, Mrs. Langtry, the aciruas, and Justin McCarthy, ParnelI's lieutenant, arrived ia New York on tbe 2Uth from Europe. Benjamin' Oardnfr, his wife and hls son's wife were killed by the cars on tha 26th t Poquonock, Conn., whila crossing tbe track, and their horse was also killed. SnARr shocks of eartbquake woro feit ai Constautinople and at Smyrna ou the 25th. Blieht damage was done. Qubbn Victohia ou the 25th proiM?ued the British Parliament uutil forember 11. Tdb Republicans of Neyada m3t at Carsou on the 25th and nominated C. C. Stevauüon for Governor and S. D. Edwards for Judge of the Supreme Court. Octüsrh 28 has been dectded upon for the inauguration of tho Bartholdi status at New York City. Advices of the 25th from New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Cincinnati, New Orlens, St. Louis and other leading cities reported a general business revival, with tbe prospect of a good f all and winter trade. Goveknok Larrabeb, of Iowa, on the 25th lsaued a proclamation forbiddlng tbe importation of cattle luto tbat State froin Illinois on account of pleüro-pneumonia. Focr negroes and two white convicts were whippod at Newcastle, UL, on the 25th for larceny. A TBRRiFic thunder-storm accompanled by savere floods broke over Reed City, Mich., oa the Otb, causing over tlO3,OOU damage. A cbild was killed by a falliug tree struck by the lightuing. Im some portions of Wisconsin cherry and apple trees were on the 2th iu their second bloom for the soason. The Democrats made the following Congressional nominatiouson the 25th: Louislana, Tbird district. E. J. Gay; Pennsylvania, Twelfth district, John Lynch. In tbe Tenth Missouri district tho Labor party nominated M. J. Ratchfurd. BiJCTT-BiuuT new casos and tbirty deatba from cholera were reported throughuut Italy on the 25th. Six persons, including three Glasgow magistrates, were suilocated uu tbe 25tb wbile viewing a monster blast at the Lochfynesido quarries in Scotland. A FEl'D at Ash Flat, Ark., arising out of a divorce case, led to tbe poisoning of a well, by which twelvo persons were prostrated. Josse Phillips, one of the wealthicst farmers in the county, was arrested on tb 25th for the crime.