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r (f ROYAL {'SSl'ot? i H POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powdernevpr viirles. A marvel n( pnrlty, trenstb nd wholetomeneas. Moroso notnloal (han the ordlnary klnd8tand oannoi be Miiil tu corapetltlon wiili ilic multitud! oi low test, short Wftlght, íiluin or phosphatti powdera. Soldoolv Ín oans. HvalHkln: Pow-drr Co . loo WaU si.. N. V. ECZEMA! And Evcry Species of Itchlng and Unrning Öiseases Potltlrelj Cnred by Ciiticuru. 1 ZUMA, or Balt ílhtuni, wltb Ito agonixiüg ítchX J tng and burning. 1uttanily rellevtni by n whimu (mi n with 'uticuha 8oap, ind a single application of CUTiotTKA, the great Skin Cure. TIiíh repeated d.üly, wltta twi) oí throe doset of Cutio (uu íík solvknt, thu New lil od Partdur, tu keep the bioud cool, tbo pcmpiralion pura and uuirriuiiiiiLr, thí opuii, me liver nnrt hddneya activ.-, will Bpoedil j core lLczt;m.t,Tetter, Kin?worm, Poorlai-, hlib-Mi, Praritu, s 'dlfi Head, Dandruíl'. and evury epeci' s of, 8ca1j Kud rimplji Huraors oT tbe Sc.ilp a:id Skiu, when Un best physicinnt" aod all kiiowu remvdiea ttL ECZEMA. I Kratcfully acknowludire a cure of Eczema or Salt Ktu-tim on bead, neck, face, arme auü leg tbr MTeotaeD yi'íir; not able to walk except on baudü atiil kueei lor one year ; not able to belp myelf Ibr eijíht yearp; tried hundreris f remedies ; doctore pronouuced my ca?e hopeleas ; permaneiitly cured by i'ptuira Kemei lll HcDonald. 2542 Dearboru ?t., Cbicago, I1L ECZEMA. Some flve monht ajn 1 tiad the ploajnrc lo inforoi yu ol niy iuiprovernt-nt in tbe use Of tbe C'uticuha Kmrnill in my case or eevere Chronlc K' .vinn Lrythemuloba, and to ú ty chuerlully conürm all I tht'u said. I consider my cure purfect aud coiuplctt, and attriliute lt uutircly to yonr rttucdiub, üiving used no Othen. Ft-rnan EMfnoliardOi ■WM l'enn tvi-Diie St. Luilis, Mo. ECZEMA. "1 huve Bufftjred from üalt Klieum iterOTT Aiffbt yoant, n time so bíd tluit 1 could nol altend lo niy baineií f r weks nt a time. Tnree boxee of U Bn'l four boltleii of Uksolvkst have eutlruly cured mu of tina draadrul dleeaw." Mr. Joh ii Thi.l, WllkMbure, Pa. CUTICÜRA ltEHEDIES, Are Sold hy all DrURirlstB. : CüTICOEi, 5üC'b.; Kmolvht, $1.00; tíoip, SBcts. 1'ottkk Dbos and Chbiioal Co., lioslou. bend for "lluw to Core suin [ilseaaes. ' Send r.r"Hiw to (nrf Skln DlMMM " T3T? A TT1""1 v ttie Comptoxlon nnd Sïln by üijilU BS1BR ll" I ' i Hl'HA EOAP. I CAN'T BREATHE. _. Chl l'ains, Nnral , Surques. mtf HarkirL' Coogb. Aihma. PleorltJ aid fff D iiniition rolleved ín one minJilVJLiitc ly ulifíira Anti-i'ain TNtewfV IMiiHlt-r. At Urugist", -"' cent?. fiL Pottei Druaud Chemical Oo., Boston. Catarrhal Dangers. To be freed from the dangers üt snffucntlon whlle lylnc down ; to breathe (reely, slecp eoundly and nudiiitnrbcd ; to riso relreshed, head ciear braln active and free from pain or ache;to know that no poisonouB, imlrid matter denles the bre:ith and rots away the delicate machinery of emell, tate and luariní: ; to fcel thi-t the pystem does not through its veins and arteries, suck up the poison that 1 sure to nndermine and destroy, Is indeed a bleaslne beyond all othi r human ecjoyments. To purchaso loimnnity from such a fate phould be tbe object of all cfflicted. liut ihose who have trled many remedie and phyeiclans despair of relleí or cure. Savford's lÍADirAL Cure mets ev. ry phase of Catbirrh, Irom a oiniple cold to tbe most loatiisome and detructive siages. It is local and conatltutioDiil. Instant in relieviiu, pi-rmanent in curiiiL', safe, ccouomlcal and never failinj;. Bandfokc's Radical cvkv. eonsliti nf ore bnttleof tiiu Radical CuRandone bozo) CATHABBAL Síii.vknt, and ore Improvbd I.nii 1.1:1: ; rapped in eme packacc, with tn-atme and dlrcctlom, and sold by all üruRiciBt for $1X0. Pottíi Ubdq and Chhkmical Co., Boston. Oh, My Back, My Baok. Wcak Backs, Pain, Veaknefs and Intr& ilimmatlon of the Kldneys, Shootini; J J- l'aino tbroiiRh the Loirí, IIIp and Hide SWMJ Piiin, I.ack of StreDRth. and Activity I PtS ld'lieved in One Minute and Vrnr medOy enred hy the ('utlonra Antiritln Planter. A new, original, elecant and infalllble antidote to pain and lnflamation. At drURglsts 25c; Uve for f 1.00: postare fríe, or ol Potter Drug and Chemical o.. Bowton SCOTTS EMLLS1BN OF PÜRE GOD LIYER OH And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatableas Milki Tho only prepaímtloo of COD I.IVF.B OIL tht can lo taken r-:lily and loleratod for a long Um hÜTZÜy roí coNsrMPTiox, S( HOU I.OI S AHICllll.N. ANAKMIA. (iKMKKU, llKÏÏlTïlï, JIM.IS AM T1111OAT AFF?irTiïvs_iidijrrg3EJ'N" i"m'!"';s k CIIII.HUIN i' ii;'a7rí-ll'-t' i" R ri'fnM. lYi-scniL-il ■' :■'■■■ '1 i Y li'ubcall'hyilclan lu tho countries oL tho world. FOH SALE BY ALL DRUGG1STS. A, DeFOR3EST. Fire Insurance Píate Glass Insurance, Steam I3oiler INSURANCE ! Lowost Rutes, Honorable Artjantmenta and Losscs Promptly PaM. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Hl'F.ClAI. A TI'KNTION i I V N TO ( 'liI.I.I S OF KKNTS AM) MAHAOaMRNT O Hi .11. iL8TATB INTCBX8T8 FOB NOJ-Rb8IDBMT. Kntibb BATnrAonoM ni Onin üiakanA DeFOREST.


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