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1 ne cranberry now has ts dajr. South Lyon sighs for a chcese faetorv. Linn still boasts of her base ball sluggers. The now ooiiDly directory will bu roady soon. D. v. Hanterof Mllto, hu a ne patent loom forcarpet wcaving. Mr. and Un. O. A. Kelley of Milán, have gone to SMine for a short stay. Chas. Smith a Detroit architect is lookngaftfer Ihc uew üextcr school house. The vil lage of Plnekney hai invested about .$2,000 in side walks the pastMaion, The Dexter Leader tlilnki it would pay the nierchaiits of that place to hire u night wntchmau. Mrs. S. Alley and dauirhter Sarah have returned to Dexter from Peni, Ind., to reside permanently. Farmer Luce had a glorious meeting over at Salem hist Taetday afternoon, even if it did rain. Tlie Enterprise mikes atronr appeal o the people of Manchester to steps o boom the town. Hugh McKorie of Lyndon and Miss CatlinrineSomersof Sylvan m ni.irried at Cbelaea, Supt 28, by Rev. Fr. Considine. The Sisters of the Good Shepherd, of St. Mary's parish, Chelsea, return thanks o the people for generosity shown on a recent collecting tour. The boys or men wbo cut the ropes to lie tent of the Penteeost Bund are In a usineís that tnrns out very imsll potaes Indeed.- Milan L;ader. Rev. A. B. Wood and famlly leR last "riday lor their new home at Had ley, Mlch. The best wishes of their many friends go with Ihem.- Dexter Leader. Tue expresa office lias once more beo n moved; this time back to the old stand in ;he Schaberle building, o IJ street. The MUinesa will hereafter bc underthe management of Luther Tubbs.- Dexter Leader. W. H. Talcott of Dumlee, formerly of Ann Albor, has been nominated forprofecuting attorney of Monroe county, on he prohibition ticket. Dundee also" gets ;he clerk, surveyor, and oue representative. - Ypsllantian. Anson Gall speared an eel in the flume of bis saw mili thtsmornlna that measured 40 inches in length and wetghed four pounda and twoounces.- Manchester Enterprise. Well, eels are only one remove trom inaket, so look out for the snakes now. It s pretty near time for yotrag men to dig around and get their ov'ercoata out of the pawn shop. They'll uced 'em soon. -Milan Leader. Well. well, is that where the young men of Milan keep their overcoats? And Milan a prohibition town, also! Well, well. The kinjr of all puff-ba.Hl is displavcd n the window of the depot postofBce. It gyetln the white stage, and wcighs 3?,' )ounds. lts girth is 35 inches, and when well ripeued it ought to furnish smoke inough to run a ralastrel troupe a wbole seasou.- Ypsilantian. [ Paus it over to Drozier. G. J. Nissly's poultiy exhibit at the Ypsilanti fair, was tlie cenler of nttrnction, nul drew more visitors than any othcr 'eature there. Mr. Nissly captured only wenty premiums on twenty-three exhibts, and both first and second prizes on icarly cvery breed of fowls exbibited by lim. His success was merited. - Saline )b server. The exhibitors of horses and cattlc from this locality, at the Ypsilanti fair, severeiy condemn thetreatment received from the viewing committees which were evidently nade un of men friendly to the other exïibitors and not the ones advertised to act as judges.- Saline Observer. Well, oy8, come over to Ann Arbor, nextyear, and try your luck. We'll try to raake it satisfactory. We quite often hear liorsemcn remark hat we have oue of the best half-mile tracks in the state if it had a little better grade. That a suffleient amotint of work would be donated to do the grading we ïave no doubt. All it wants is some one togoahead in the matter and it will be done. The subject will be brougbt up at the fair next week and we hope to see it nssume a definite shape.- Brivhtoii Citizen. Mr. Iluminen met with a serious accident with lighting the street lamp, last Thursday evening. On account of a lamp reservoir being filled with water the gasoline ipllled over him and catching lire from the light, he was cjuickly enveloped In llames, and but for his presence of mind in rolling over and over In the grass, would have been more seriously burned. He escaped wilh a büstered hand and singed eyebrows and clothing.- Saline Observer. The boys have had a lot of fun with Jeff. IJesimcr and John Wisner, tliis week, because they went huntlng woodchucks with a tank waffOD the first ot the week. The captain of the opposite side got llough-y and their n ames were stricken from the list. They say that the scheme worked liku a charm and every time they turned the water into a hole the woodchuok carne to thesurface. Of course they did not iutend to kill any of the animáis until the day of the hiint - Manchetter Enterprie. The Manchester lovers of sport had their annua] hunt last week Wednesday, and the Enterprise gives the following statistica: "When their game was counted. we found that there were Ml liunters, 17 on a side, and they got 20,500 counta in all. Hough's parly got 11,370 and Knijfsley's 9,1, so it will be seen that Hougb'i carne outahead by 2,190 couuts. Tbe UnreM OOUUt was brouirht in by .1. II. Kingiley, which was 1,425. M. S. Hou-rh un 1,240. Tbe smalleit ooantwu made by .1. F. Spaffanl and flgured up 166." A plttflll case is that of Mis. Cathnrine Benedlol ofthls city, who wat sent to the aiylum for the Ititane at PontiacTuesday Dnrlng the pasM four or live yeari Mrs. BenedTci has been worklng liaril, rtoinj famlly waOilnjt nd work In that line, h.'i pur pote belngto pay a little bnmeshe had pttrcBaied, umi her laai pavment on tlie place ni;ule early hll .-uiiniier Hard woik and tlie ccompHiiylng exponnre, togetber tvltn other troublps, more iiroihietivc of real Mistres Hian the manaal labor, pprhkfW, prnveil t.'o mneli tor the poor mimi, and ms abovi mentioned it has been neoewary to -nu her to an axylnm from which t slni "ivly hoped ahe will sooii retan with lier mental powen restored. Mrs. Benrdioi (ia me in tier of tl ie ('at hol e chnrcli.a puil devoted Cbrlatlan, one wbo nd luid on the altar of dutv more than her life. -


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News