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The oppression of labor was what gave ii...

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The oppression of labor was what gave iith lo the rapuMlean party. A candldate for revenue only witli InIdental prohlbltlon - Cro.icr. "A detnocrat for office only," is wliat he Iludson Post s;iys of Mr. Salsbury. Fice speech is all right but free trede is 11 wrong, and wouKl be a curse lo tliis natlnn. It is whlspered that Crozier is nol very uccessful in paiotlng tlris dktrlct red. t can't be any fault of his head. Someliow the democratie papers don 't efer to the G. O. P. as inuch as they did )efore the Vermont and Maine elections. The prohibitionists claim they will elect a president in 1892. Thought they did elect one In 1884. Don't they like him ? And still greenback rapK#entatkn on the democratie county and legislative ticket is lncking. Not a greenbacker or a shadow of a greenbacker to be fouud on elther. Queer fusión that. Will an old soldier of Michigan vote for n man for governor who voted against restoring Gen. Grant to the army ? And who did vote to restore Fitz John Porter, at the same session of congress? Mr. Crozier is understood to have made his brags about a great boomerang he is to spring apon n unsuspectin; and conlklino; people just before election. He wants to wait long enough so there can be no reply. A question wbiob agttates many rood demócrata in this county is: "Did Capt. Manly ngree to support a greenbacker for United States Senator In the event of hU election ? " And if so, is Moses W. Field the man v Several of our esteemed democratie contemporaries are poking fun at Wiggins' fooi preilictions, and yet they are predicting urent democratie victories and cyclones In November. Therein they Imítate Wiggins. Had there been any magnanimity, any sense of propriety, any great, noble, f ree-hearted genetosity In the late democratie convention, Qeo. E. Peters, of Scio, would havo been the uominec for the legislatura iu this district. "When 1 go out west and open up a law office it will be a big advertisemeiit forme to put on my business card, 'late candidate for congress in the 2d Michigan district.'" Yes, there is a greal principie involved in that Mr. Crozicr. Wliat would Kev. C. R. PattisoD, the prohibition caudidate for senator, say ol a republican who would go down to Vpsilanti and hok! a politica] meeting on Sunday afternoon ? Yet he comes up here and holds a political nieeting on that day, and electloneers for hlmself. Isn't it sacreligious? "Sulsbury is Allen's superior In intellect, his superior in rnauly integrity," etc, says the Adrián Press. We are glad to know the Press's idea of " intellect' and "manly integrity." It consista In securing prohibition votes in Lenawee and llipplng into saloons and taking beer etc, In Washtenaw couuty. That is "manly integrity.'' Does any one suppose tor a moment that Prof. Dickie will poll as many votes for governor as did David Preston ? Or does anyone suppose for a moment that Mr. Crozicr will poll as many voté9 for congress as did the Hon. Chas. Moshier? The men in either instance are not to be compared for ability, strength of character and popularity. Tbc report is beingcirculated in Washtennw county, in the interest of Mr. S ilsbury, that he will make a grcat run in Ilillsdale county. This is incorrect. As far as the canvass is heard from, the republicau ticket in Ilillsdale county will show up better in the coming elcction than two years ago, and Captain Allen will lead the ticket on majorUies. - Hudson Post. Don Diekinson's presencc is necded in Ann Arbor. When a democrat is recoramended for oflice by greeubackers there is a coou in the fence somewhere. This time the coon is taid to be Aloses W. Field for the U. S. Senate, in accordance witli a great sclieme cooked up to put bint there should Ihe two or tliree greenbackers that may be in the lcjxi.-latiire hold the balance of power. In all of the exchanges whicil come to our table Eome 250 in all, we have yet to lind a paragraph in a republican papei alluding to labor or laborers in an unfriendly manner. But the democratie papers are continually fliuging at ttaem The Adrián Press rr-fers to tlieni as ' 111archists," "socialist?," etc , and our Ypsilanti neii-'hbor of the Sentinel doesn't let a weck slip by without d'gqing into the Kniglits of Labor. The democratie senatorial convention for this district met at Dundee last Thursday and nominated James Gorman, ol Lyndon, for senator. Wc understam that Monroe county came there expecting to nominate their man, and when the Washtenaw delegation refused lo tuke a ballot but told the Monroe delegatcs Iliat their chalrmsn was instructed to cast Washttnaw's 20 votes for üorrnun, the Monroc men went home verv giouty. The Ypsilanti Sentinel, in the following, gives the greenbackers a wee bit o: saicastic tally : "Tlie democratie connty conventlon Turs day adjourned for nfleen minutes, to learn the wishes of .soihp bal f dozen greenbaokeri Raid tobe holding a conventlon In the court house somewhere. On reassembllng the commlttee reported that all they aski-d was llie. representatlveof the flrst district, witli Whloh the counly conventlon was perfectly satlslied, and proeèeded to nmke a clean democratie ticket. At the subsequent meeting of the district conveution, the greenbackers proposed the name of Capt. (has. H. Manly, wlth whlch that conventlon was perfectly satlsfled, and so liarmouy reigned uil round -the court house at least. We dou't apprebenil auy democrat will kick. .Tustice Labell, of Mt. Pleasant, the man who defeated Mr. Frce Eítce, thus making him a sorc head and as a natural con8equence sending him into the fusión camp, has come out in an open letter publicly jolning the republican party and ïiving as one of the principal rcasons the fact that the democratie party bas become i party of aristócrata like Don Dickinson, ;t al, and of monopolista gcnerally. Mr. Labell is also joined Ly Dennis Ilyan, ane of Mt. IMeasant's most prominent aierchants. Estee ought to have left the party before for the party's good, it teems. Free trade with iiritisli India, China md the rest of Asia means 40 cent wlieat, astead of even 70 cent wheat. For hose countries with their pauper peasmtry eau rai?c wheat at that price and icnd it here at a profil. Ask any merbant or any business man you choose vhether he rather see wheat bring 40 ents in preference to 70 cents or $1.00 ml above, and see what answer you get. '"ree trade wheat necesíarily utterly ruins rade at home. Free trade would build ip foreign farmers at the expense of Lmerican farmers. Who wants to do bat?


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News