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The St. Louis Conclave

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At the Texas headquarters, wliicli were ncar to ns. they proudly showcd us a banncr with th!s iiifcripÖon : Michigan and Tcxa?; let us (then a picture of two men shaking bands) and bury the (a picture of a bloody shirt.) Thai did the Sir Enlghu fraternizo. RIVER EXCURSIONS. Tlie penerous and hospHable Sir Knights and ciüzens of St. Louis had provided nuiiierous steamers on the Mississippi to takc all the visitors on BXCOnlOOa up and down the river. We boarded tlie "Chontcau," the largeat iteamer on tlie Mlnissippi or Olno rivera. It is 300 feet long and 80 feet wide, and althongh it can oarry 2,200 tona it ouly draws 8 feet of water. In the cotton trade between Memphis and New Orleans slie has carried at one time 8,844 bules of uncompretted colton piled up eleven tiers high. Witli sueh a load nothing is visible of tbc immense boat save the smoke Itaokt and the pUot house. It bas tbree decks and can accommodate 5,000 people. About half tliis nuinbcr were aboard tbc boat on the day we took our ride and it wüs by no invans crowded. All were ficily furnished with fruits, cakes, sandwiches, ice cream and lemonade. During the ride on the muddy current of tliis old "Fatlier of Waters" several bands discoursed the best of music while the men and ladies ehattcd, exebanged cards and badges, lunched and vicwud the country abeve and below the city. Many pleasant aequaintancos wero thereby forined THE IiRIDOE. Evcry travoller to St. Louis has a chance to see the great bridge across the river. And atthongb the center span i 55 feet above the water it appeared a though the fmoke stack of onr boat were about to strike it. But it is a hoge on and seems to be the largest in the State - until one secs the Brooklyn, of course Witli its approacbes its lcngtu is over a niile and it cost was six and a half niillions. A toll of five cents is to b paid and the revenucs therefrom make i pay hand.-ome dividends on the. orifrin i iuvestment. A BRKWKKY. One of the great siglits of St. Louis s the largest brewciy in the country. The Anheuser-Busch brewery covers thirteen blocks In tlio lienrt of the city nnd ita owner built it up froin $100,000 to its lresent valuutiou of seven millions, and where 350,000 barrels are soKl in i year averaginjr $10 per barrel The privatt stable of the president of the company i finer than my res!dence In this city anc cost $35,000. It is heated by steam and lighted by eleciiicity. They niakc tlieir own bottles to the ex tent of twcnty-llve millions a year, aiu the beer is exportad to Mexico, Sout America, Spain, China and other coun trie. By the means of huge ice ma chines the eellars where it is stored hav a temperature of freezing and ice hang all over the cciling, pipes and tuiiF Many of these tuns hold one hundrei barrels and thcy stretch nway in lon„ runs thiough the cellar. Over a thousand men are employee ibout this institution and each one i allowed two fdasses of beer an hour dur ing each working hour. This 20,00 glasscs thus coiisiinied is as a "drop in : bucket" compared to what is man ufacturcil. Tlie whole establishment, i wonderfully complete and a tour throuR it is very interesting. Visitors there wer handsomely entertained by an oíd gradúate of the U. of M. SIIAW'S GARDEN. The pride of St. Louis is a m igriificent park and garden of sonie 331 acres donatcd to it by Mr. Shaw, au oíd bichelor who 1 i ves there. It 3 thrown open to visitors free. The garden ilself has 54 acres and it contains almost every known varicty of planta In the world. In fact, we onderstand that a prtse is offered to any one bringing oue that he does not have. Near by is Tower Grove Park also given by Mr. Shaw. Ilere are statues of Columbus, Shakespeare, Humboldt and otliers, while the grounds are laid out with excellent taste. For Conclave week it is cstlmated that 125,000 went into the city by the railroad trains. The Pullman Car couipany furnished 200 extra cars beyond their usual number on the regular trains. $100,00u was spent by the citizens and it is cstlmated that their guests left a militen dollars in the city. 8o it was a complete success and t is doubtful if any other organization could command such parades, such lavish entertainments, such drills. such crowds, suchuniformly linecommandsof men and withal such good order. For, althouirh the saloons had stocked iid heavily in expectatlon of a large trade, their owners bocame very much disgusted and declared that they had rather have a democratie convention of a thousand men than thl Knight Templar crowd of twenty thou band. ______ The Courier lias no faun totinil wiili Mr. Tapie! or any otlier man'l religión. It is irreligión that all Cliristians should doprecate, whether they are "Liberal" or othenvise. IIow do Mr. Suttons's fiienda lKe the way lie has been left out u the cold on a renomination? Ilurper was agriin put np in the other District, but Sutton thrown over bere. Evidently tlie powers that be n Waahtenaw Democnuy bad no further use for liim. The coming to the front of so raany of the commou people people and declaring Ing their intention of joining the republiesn party is an auiplclou onien. The aristócrata are goin; to the democracy, mul the men who live by the sweat of their brow are joininjf the republicaiis. Senator Ilenry V. Blair, of New Ihinipshire, was n the city yesterday, to spenk on the political issues of the timesDuring the day he visited the Univcrsity. Upon going into the Hall and standing on the lUga he declared it the tinest hall lie liad ever been in. He was mueh pli ascd wltb the city, as well as surprised at the magnitude of the University. Saline republicans have shut out prohibition ■peakera from the Saline schoolhouse, except by the payinent of heavy rental. Perhaps they think this is the way to retain prohibition votes in the republican party. - Anu Arbor Argus. Anolher cumpalgn fabrlcallon. The motlon was made and argued beforo the scli 1 meeting, by one of the leadlng deiuocrats of Saline.- übserver. One by one the democratie bomerangs come home to thern. A gentleman who is peifectly reliable tclls us that Crozier is to créate i terrible sensation just beforc election. He has his plans all luid and documents neaily prepared to strike a savage blow at Mr. Allen so late that Mr. Allen or lus friends wlll have no time to make reply. Well, th:it"s lionorable warfare to bc sure. But people are so accustomed to these just beton election dodges that they pay little heed to them. Mr. Crozier's flght appears to be all against Allen too. He chums it Wltb öalsbury. "Birda of a feather," evidently.


Ann Arbor Courier
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