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The schools of Aun Arbor are in a very flouriihlnsr condition, with a largerattendance than perbapia ever before. The Dame of our high school raakei it soujrlit by student fVom all parta of the coun try, and the classes are all filled to overQowing. The (bllowing statistics of attendance bave been elven ui by Prof. Perry, The actual enrollinent is largor cousiderably tliaa the figures jriven, for a rule lias been adopted that when a pupil is absent for threc days for any oaose, ble r her name is dropped from the list. The foltowlng is the enrollment : Prof. Patteniira room we Prof. Wiius' r(x)in. 5fl Miss Pnrter's room,. llu l'rof. (.'hutt-'s room 59 Miss Chlttenden'a room 101 Total 435 Tliere are ten teachers in the high school the above live only keep rollí, the others being session tenchers. The average to caeM room woukl be 43 pupils, fully as many as any one teacher can care for. There are also tw gramraar grados in the high school buildins: tflas Fond'i room 2 Miss L;nlds rooru 51 Tolal 116 Please teil a confiding public how tbese Iwo teachers c.-iii dojuttice by individual pupils éacb haviug (0 of thein to cacli anc! care for? The eurollment 111 the variojs wardi is givcn as iollows: FIRST WARD. Mrs. Plympton's room 40 Miss KldridKe's room :tt HlM Koliinson's room -12 Miss Milliird's room M M las Spitur's room 47 Miss McDlviU's room H Total 825 SECONI) WAUD. Miss Muihollands room 28 M i ss lioxart'fl room :i:i M iss Ii( wani's ro'tni 4!l Miss Gundert's room : Miss T:iylor's room 32 Miss Lutz's room is Total BH TniliD WAHI). Mi sr Boyd's room 47 .Miss li.iniifld's room 411 liss While's room 88 Miss Armstrong's room H Total 173 FOURTH WARU. Dr. Sultnn's room 50 Miss Sabin's room 49 Miss Cnrselios' room 42 Mrs. Kdson's room 40 Miss Cole's room 37 Total W Flirn WAHU. MiBI (íoodiile's room 83 Miss Htiode's room 3ii Miss Lowjoy's room IK) Total 129 In tbii ward Miss Lovejoy teachei six liours per d;iy, one section of the smaller chililren belogexciued aftertheflrrt hour i ii the afternoon. SIXT1I WARD. Miss Jowel I's room 4 Miss Wrlgbt'8 r.)iin M Miss Cornwell's room 1Total 120 Thismakcsu pand total of 1,053 pujiils in actual ittencliince npon our schools. The enrollmcnt would show probably 100 more namei that have been dropped bfcaiisu of the tliree days' absence rule, iiiuiy of whom will return and be registered anew. 'l'liis showing is one to be prouil of. To this niimber ftdd 200 more attendlng St. Thomas' parechinl school, tiO attend lnr Bethlebem and 65 Zions' paroclüal schools, together with 30 attendinjr the kindergarten and the lirfe attendance at the school of rausic and we have upwards of 2,000 scholars In attendance upon our schools.


Ann Arbor Courier
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