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Celebrated The best shoe' yet [for fthe Best American Calf, Button, Lace and Congress, all cut Hard wear in every pair. GOODSPEED &SONS 17 South Main street. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IV ANSÍ AltltOIC. Should advertise in THE COURIER. The best llistory of the War that has yet aipeared. -lioston Traveller. U ARPER'S jê& The platel of Ilurper's Weekly during the War lüu hu been destroyod, HAEPER'S Pictorial History of the Reüellion s theonly mean of obtalning ltsinvaluable ilstorloal lllustralions. In two splendld olio volumes, same size page as the weekly, nd contalnlng 1.000 of lts famous War picure. Prlce for set, caniage pald, In beveled lotli, $lli.00; ín Half Turkey Morocfio, handome tmllt stamp on siiln md marhled edee, '2 TO AVOII IK('1.ITI(IN, SKi; THAT iOOKS BEAR UABPKR'S NAME. Sold by iibsiripüou only. Seud for llluslrated clrcuar to MeDONNELL BRO'S, I5 Dcarborli St., Chicago, 111. Of Pricdess value for Preservation. - Joston Atlvertiser. l'-i. te to Nota This! I wlll senJ each of ray Customers Nolloe wlicn bis Note or Account will bo due. 1 wlll expect blm to Ivo the matter his rompl uttentlon at thal limo. I wlll Keiul nly one Notlce of this kind. I bop 11 wlll consldi-r lliN sulllclent. l'rofits ar too mail and oredlU too short to warrant me to orrow money to I'ay ray Debta, do maller ïowsmall or how great the Bill. I want It orthcomlng when duo. I am thankfiil for our niitronaKO, but the Pay I must have. Vours truly. M. ROCKERS, NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby glven that Hiere will be :i special meeting of the SlockhoM. rs of hu Toledo. Ann Arbor and North Mlchliian iiülway at the; Coiniiany's ullico lu Toledo, OLlo, on November 29th, A. D. '86, at 1 o'clock p. m. The object of sald meeting Is to approve or reject the agreement for cousolldatlon heretolore made by the Board of Directora of lh Toledo, Ann Arbor nnd North Michigan rallway company and tho Toledo, Anu Arbor and Mt. I'leasant rallway company, and for the iransaoUon of such other baalneM as may come before the meetliiK. C. K. COOK, Secretary. Dated Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 2tth, 18e6. Wanted. Kcliablc and energetic mcu to sell M kinils of nursery stock. New and hard; vurieties adapted to the climate. liuAiiess light and ciisily learned. To successful men we pay good salaries and expenses and give them steady cinployment the year round. First-class referonces required. Apply for tenns and address L. L. May & Co.. Nurserymen, St. l'aul, Miun. Dixon'a "Cnrburct of Iron" Stove Polisli w:is establlthed in Sy, ind is to-day as it was then the neatcstand briithtcst in the market; a pure plumbago, gtoiHB off no poisonons v;ipors. l'he si.c is now doublcd and cake wcijilis nearly half a ponnd but the quality and price rcniain the BW, Ask your groccr for Dixon's big cake, 1317-13..U apei PPDADHYLMrnll".''1'"1 ICLCUnMrn I gtoodtMj. siiuatmtu I fumlebed. Wrlto VuleiHlno Dros., Juuuvillv, Wi.


Ann Arbor Courier
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