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AkiMö POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlspowdernevor vnrles. A irmrvel of purlty.strenitth and wholcsomeneSH. More ecooomlcal tlimi the ordlmiry kinds, and eannot be sold In competltlon wltli the multitude of low tent, short welght, aluin or phoKphate powdera. Bold only In oana, Itoyul Kuklng Powiler Co . 1OÓ Wall st., N. V. ECZEMA! And Every Species of Itoliitii? and IJtirniui,' dí-imm'n Posltlvely Cured by Ciiticura. Il'ZIIMA, or Salt Rheum, with Ha aKonizing Itchj i na Hud ImrniiiL'. initamly rellevei liy a warm ouili with CtmcUHA Sii.M', :lli(l a cingle api'liiMtiilü of Ci'ticcka, the great Skin Cure. Tliis repeatitd il iil , with two or ihrcv oí (Ji tuce Kg solvknt, the New Blood PuriQer, 10 kefepfui blood cool, tbc percpiration pure mul uuirritatiut;, the bowelri open, the liver aud kldncys active, wlll speedily care Eezem;i, Tetter, Kingworm, Poria!¦¦, Lichen, Pruriuis, Scald llcnil, Uandrntl'. and evory -peci of Itch ntf, Scaly und PJmply Homors ol the Sc ilp and Sklu, wheii the heat pliyxU-ians aud allknowu remedit.8 tail. ECZEMA. I iratefully acknowlede a cure of Eczema or Snit Hheum oo head, neck, face, arm and legn for seventeen year ; not able to walk t-xeept on banda and knct's for one year ; not able to help myself for eiaht yeare ; trled hundredu of remedies; doctore pronounced ïiny case hopeless ; permaueutly cured by e uticura Hemedifs. U III ncDonald. ar12 Dearborn st-, Chicago, III. ECZEMA. Some flve monhts ago I had the pleasnre lo Inform yon ol my improvement in the use of the Cuticuua Kkmeiukü in my case of ievere Chronlc Kczeina Krytbemutosa, aud to day cueerfully conflrm all I theu aaid. I consider my cure perfect and complete, and nttrlbute it entircly to your remedien, having used no othere. Fernán IvíciniíarJn, S3M I'enna avenue St. Louií, lo, ECZEMA. "I hare soffered from Salt Ktaenm for over elL'ht yeare, at tiines o bd that I could nut attend to my busififxH Tor weekö at a time. Three boies ol' imciiBA and four bottles of Kksolvent have eutlrcly uured me of tlilf drcartful dtieasc." Mr. John Thtel, Wtlkesliarre, Pa. CUTICURA REMEDIES, Are Sold ly all DruK-iets. Price: C'UTlfURA, 50 Cis.; Kksolvent, Sl'.uü; Soap, 2ïcts. Pottkr Dbds anii Chihioal Vu., bostuu. Send fur "ilow to Cure tfkín Diaeases.' Mead rir"Han ti. Nkïu IHwnw " T3T? A TTTIfrY thc fomplexlon and S!n by JJjhixyJ umng Iba OUTIUUJtA Soat. I CAN'T BREATHE. Chect riiiis, Numbneu, Scireuef. k llai-kine Cousb. Aatlnna, Pleurmy aud TS?H inlHmation rklle v-l in oneminjJWJL. nte by Cutloura Anti-Palu rSS&F l"latT. At DrucKlêt, '.o cents. Vglfi l'otter Uruji aud Chemical Co., Boston. Catarrhal Dangers. To be freed from the dansers of suflocution whlle lyln down ; to breathe frcely, sleep sonndly and nndintnrbed; to risc refreshed, head cicar, braln active and free from pain or ache; to know that no poisonous, pntrid matter denles the breath and rots away the delicate machiuery of emcll, taste and hearing ; to feel tbat the system does not throufth lt veins and arteries, auck up Uie poiaon that is eure to undermlnc and deBtroy, ts indeed a blesHiug beyond al! other human enjoymentí. To parchase lmmunity from such a fate ehould be the object of all ulllicted. Bat ihose who have trled many remedies and physicians despair of relief or cure. Sanford's Radical Cure mcets evory phae of Cattarrh, from a simple cold to the most loatbsomc and destructlve stages. It is local and conslitutional. Instant in relicvin!;, permanent In i uri ji_', safe, economical and never failiuf. SANiirnKii's Radical Ciike consista of one bottleof the K.umiai. Cikk, and one boi of (ACMAltRAt, SOI.VENT, aild One JMPROVEI) Imi ai.kk; wrapped In one package, wltb treatlse and dlrectlond, aud sold by all drugaist for $1.00. Potter Drüo and Chhkmical Co., Boston. Oh, My Back, My Back. x Weak Backs, Pain, Weakness and InTF llummatlon of the Kldneye, ShootinK I.L Pains through the Loinp, Hip and 81de SJgAl Piiins, Lack of Slrencth, and Activity I PCS Kelieved in One Minute and Vn-r npeedily curea by the Outioura AntlI'ain PlaMter. A ncw, original, elegant and infallible antidote to pain and inflamation. At drurolsts 25c.; flvo for 1.00; postage free, or ol Potter IrnK and Chemical o., Boaton scofrs EMLLSION OF PURE GOD LITER OU And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatableas Milkü The only preparatlon ' COD MTER OIL Uiat can be taken reatliljr and toleratoU fur a long time ur delicate s,rnac.,s.ny „. MKOHI.llls Al ht.(TIIs. ANAKMIA. tiliNKBAL PKB1UTÏ, Cl(;llS_j M TllltOAT AF. EFTt."'"""1 h" ws"N(' '-s"'tnKRS Of filll.l)Ki: il is nnirti'llo'i'i I" I'1 r''"""1 (rcaeribed and aniloned by i üo best rhyalcUni In tliocountries of luo woilj. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. W. TREMAINE'S FIRE AM) I.IFE INSURA.VCB_AGBNCY ! No. l Kast Hurón Street, Opposlte Cook Honie, Ten Plrst-ClaM Oompauies representad, Assotts Over 25,000,000. uis-uw. wri CD A DU VLoornll"""""'''rn I tLLLinArn T (oodpar. Hitutiona I hii-ulJi. .1 Writo Vulentlno Bron., Juiuaville, Wto.


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