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Short ndvertlsemenU not o coeed three line, of Lost anü Fouud, Hohs&u for Sale or Kent, Wants, etc., lnserted tAnee weeks for L5 cents. Sltuatlons wanted, free. SI ir VT1ON WANTKH -By ;i Luw student, office work of any kind U do outalde of Lecture Uonrs. Address, Box 28. 208w LOST- On Liberty, Huron or Washington streets, a Haud-made, Uice Handkerhlef Finder wlll be rewarded bv leaving the same at Mrs. M. M. Tuttle's MlHluery store, Kcck's block. " GOOD HOUSE ond flve acres of land In good condltlou wlth good water on MUI Street, city, for sale cheap. Apply to O. L. Miitthcws, leal Estáte Agency. 193 FOR SALE-A number of Holsteln Calves by Mills Brothers. 18-20 HOUSES TO RENT- Clieap, pleasant- one oorner of Huron and Tliayer street, one on Mosely streot, second house went of Mrs. Klllsim soul li Mul n street. E. J. Knowlton, 21 North State street. 18-20 J-OR RENT- COTTAGE- Flve rooms, largo 1 bajement and oeüar. New, clean, warra, water lndoors, fuel shelter. Less thau oue block from Campus. Capt. L. L. Jauies,44 K. Unlverslty avenue. I (f ACRE.S best farm wlth stock und Y) tootaln HenzloCo., Michigan for sale or exchaug. lor W.i-ht.'imw VV.'rUtoW 17-1'J Apply toO-L. MATTHKW8. IOR SALE-Qood safe buggy norse Can 4 be seen at S. E. corner Iugalls aud North sts, 1B'1S FOR SALE CHEAP.-A Seven-Elghts Jersey, 7 mos. old Buil Cnlf, good slze; a g od Top liuRgy ; and a llght running gear, complete, for twohorse wagon. t,nqulre of J B 8AÜNDEK8. at Courier office, or at resldence 43 N. Pontlac t. (tlfth ward.) I6-tf TTOUSE FOR SALE.-Well arranged ind II commodlous, built slx yeurs, No. 8 8. State st. Inqulro on the premlses. 16-18 SITUATION WANTED-By a law student lo do chores for hls board Stock preferred. Address. GLEN V. MILLS, Ann Ar bor. 15" TWO LOTS on cemetery street and four lotó on Volland street for sale clicap lf nok at once. O. L. Matthews. Real Estáte Agency fOR SALE OR RENT -On reasouable terms: the properly known as the Ileurlques Mansion, on Corner of División wad Bowery slreete. Zlna 1'. Klng. u-io. ri"O RENT-House No. 18, Cemetery street JL Apply at Couuiek office. SF.VERAL HOUSES TO RKNT-ln ijoo. l.HulHles and repair - for 13 to $2b pe raonth. Enqulre ofj. Q,. A. Sesslons Hea Estáte and Insurance ageut. Office over Ex press office, Ann Arbor. 10 I 14 S.OO' 4973 , LOANING-Money to loan on flrst-class Real Kstate Mortgage at Current rates nterest. Satlsfactory arrangements roale wlth capltallsts deslrlng such lnvestraents iivery conveyance and transactlon In ab strack carefullyx.mledtMega


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News