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Who Tells The Lie?

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The Adrián Press says it is a lie, a dlrty low-lived, cowardly lie, etc., about Salstmry goin into saloons liere in Ann Arborand drinking beer, etc , and intlmates that he, Salsbury, is a complete and tota abstaincr f rom all that intoxicates. Sorry that the Press is not better posted in regard to its candidate. Mr. Salsbury has been in saloons in Am Arbor since his nominatlon. As to his drinking, aü we kr.ow abou it is the statement of one of the mos prominent dctnocrats in the city, a demo crat who was also prominent recently in the citizen's league movement here; a democrat npon whose shoulders reste the greater portion of the work of demo cratic conventions. This democrat openly boatts that he ha drank tchisky icith Mr. Salsbury in a $a loon in Ann Arbor. Of course, we don't know who lies, the Adrián Press or thia prominent democrat and citizens' leaguer of Ann Arbor Let others judge whether Mr. Salsbury is cudeavoring to ride three horses in this campaign, viz., the democrat horse, the greenback nag and the prohibition pony and in order to do so is he attempting to pose as a prohibitionist at home and the r verse away from home ? We are further informed by Uu very bei of authority, that there is a scheme on foot in Washtenaw county to place Solsbury's slips oter Mr. Crozier's name on the prohibition ticket by a large number of prohibitionists who do not like Crozier. If any rnan's word is to be relied upon it is the prohibitionist's who told us tliis, and we only regret that he wilt not allow us to give our authority. The assertion of our more or less esteenied republican contemporary that the proceedings of the recent republican county cenvention was a farce is a thing to be regretted, inasmuch as it was very far from being a farce, and the ticket put in nomination is one of the slrongest and best ever placed before the people of this county for their sufl'rages. Such an article coming from a republican journal witli any particular "influence" would have a depressing effect upon the wholc ticket and discourage enthusiastic workers. Any journal that will make such idle assertions without the least ground for them, ought to be side-tracked or muzzled. Great is the Boss ! Poor Maybury, one of the best congressmen the lst district ever had lias been decapitated. Eldredge in this district is no more forever! The disconsolate Comstock was slaughtered like a lamb on the altar. Wlnans is buried deep, deep. The suave and popular Carleton, who ffH the tower of strength in the glorlous 7th. was cnislied fine. Not a democratie congressnian who protested tgalntt Don's collar is left to teil the story. Gone, all gone, to oblivion. And yet all is harmony and enthusiasm(?). BhouMn't Lenawco county bc satlsfied o pass the congressionul plum arounri ut for once ? Washtenaw county, for the lirst time in 5 yenrs, will have coilgreuman alter March 8d ncxt. Thu gieenlwcken ure in u democratie ïole in this county, with nary a ray of of recognition on the the tusion ticket eaming down on them. Without democratie auditors wliat would prohlbition meetings ainount to? 3ow man y democrats will ndmit they will vote the prohibition ticket? The prohibition party as a party has Deen in existence thirteen years! Wliat progress has it made? Wliat rood has it ever done? What good can it ever do? The official prohibition oigan known as the Michigan Tribune, published nt Flint, calis the republicans "imps of heil." That fellow must be an angelic soit of a rooster. Qood argument, eh? Claim evorything1, everybody ! Get op and hurrah ! Pass out the boodle! Turn the state intoa vast sal vatlon arniy racket! But in all the noise, don't forget the legislature, boy?. That we must have. - Don. M. Eugene K. Frueauu" for prosecuting attorney, is a tip-top nomination. Mr. F. is one of our most highly respected German ciíizens, and as a man and a Iaw3'er commands the respect of everybody. We beiïeve hc will bc elected. Up in Qenesee county they have fusión in earnest. The county ticket is composei of six democrat?, two prohibitionists, anc one greenbaekor. And among the democrats we notice the name of one saloon keeper. Anylhing to beat Grant. I$u what a combination ! ! Matthew Seeger, the popular candidate for the legislatura In the 2d district, wen all through the war In the 20th Mlcblgai infantry. lic served three years, was ii 17 pitched baltles and wounded live times slighlly. Pretly good record. He was bom in Wurtemburg, Germimy, in 1839 If Mr. Allmendinger is elected to the legislatura he will go there as a represent ative of the great interests of this district He will go there not as a professional pol itician seeking his own ndvancement, bu as a practical business man, ready to ad vanee the best Interests of the people b repre8ents. A stronger ticket, composed of bette men, never has been placed before the people of Washtenaw county than tht one for which the republicans ask you sufïrages this fall. There is not a spot o blemish in the entlre ticket, from sheriff to coroner. Can you not consUtentl; give it your vote ? The laboring men of Ncv; Vork Cit; have nominated Henry George for mayor The capitalists have hominated J. Edwit Simnions, a democrat, and will spend a handsome pile of tlieir billions to elect hitn. In Xew York as elsewhere, tlu friend of the laborer is found ouside o the democratie party. me uemocrauc punv. My Dear George: ín sumo parto of tlie state our allies are making us trouble- fcel a little sore over lack of democratie appreciation on the county and legislative tickets. There s only one way to do Don't let any of the greenbackers suffer Draw on me - or the fund - you know what I mean. Your dearly beloved, Don If the statement of the Coürier, tha " it is as niucli as a man 's life is wortli, ii one-half of this country to-day to run for office on the republican ticket " is not trne why doesn't the Argus deny it, and no try to dodge the question by cries of re vamping old issues? This is not au ok issue. It i a fact thal exists to-day, ani the Argus knows it. The Brooklyn Magazine continued its voting for tlie ablest American paper up to the 20tb of tliis month. lp to the 2Oth of last month 1 1,972 votes had been cast the highest belng St. Louis Republican 4.S43, New York Tribune 511, Chicago ínter Ocean B03, New York Times 488 New York Herald 4S1, etc, down to 9 for the Detroit Free Press. The Argus nearly had a fit last week for fear some one on the rcpublican countj ticket would be asked for an assessnicnt Republicana run on theirmerits, Bro. Ar gus, not on thelr boodle. Therein they differ from the democratie candidatos you see, who have all paid from $50 to $100 each, we have been told, to help the dein ocratlc campaign boodle fund along. Wm. A. Clark, for the office of county clerk is a man worthy the support of the people of this county. He is a n old sol dier and one who bas never souuht offler Ba is not a rich man. lie hasn't a gooi farm.well stocked and well tilled toleave to others should he be elected, but the rev enue of the office would be a great help to him. Give him your vote, he needa t. Here is a specimen of democratie lovi for the laborer: "At Augusta, Me, i building is belng erectcd whercon are ein ployed twenty-three meclianics earnm, au aggregate of $40 per dny, and these are 'bossed' by seven foremen whose agre g.ite pay is $30 per day. The ncw build ing belongs to the United States govern ment, and all the foremtn are good anc faithtul democrats." Henry Ohamberlain, the sage of Three Oaks, and considerad pretty good demo cratic authority, said in a recent speech "That he was a Patrón of Husbaiidry and knew Mr. Luce well, perhaps bette than any person in the house; Mr. Luco was a gentleman and a good talker; tha he paid bis hired help well, was good to the poor and that lie nerer bouijht a Dolie mian oat note in his Ufe." In view of this strong democratie, authority perhaps our friend of the Argus wlll note it. This Is what the Adrián Press says o: Hon. Henry A. Robinson, the laboring man's candidate in the first congressiona district: "He is the candidato of Socialista and Anarchists. They first naniei him. They are the ones who professet to have the namiug of a candidate. They are no respecters of law and order Robinson is no better.1' Again: "He should be shuiined as much as a Chicago bomb thrower. Those men would all be howling for Robinson if they lived in Detroit.1' And again : " Rohinson shouli be defeatcd by 10,000 majority Iq that district, and communlsm stamped out. You can't disguise the fnct lliat it is a concession to one of the worst elementa of social governinent to endorse Hank Robiuson, and every man who has the honor of Wayne county at heart will labor to crush hls candidaey." These words are said In face of the fact that upwarda of C.000 laboring men of Detroit signed a paper asking Mr. Robinson to become a candidate. That is a genune specimen of democratie love for the laboring man.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News