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The leading articlü in the Seientific Vlonthly for October is on the "Distrimtion of Wealtli," and boyond its inrinsie value t is of especial interest to ;he people of Ano Arbor, bcctuise it is "rom the pen of one of our most promismg young thinkers, Charles 8. Ashley, son of tho ex-Governor. His tastes In ïollege were towards polltlcal economy, henee, to tlint end ho became an omnivDrons reader, a frequent debater and a close thinker upon that and Uindrrd subects. The writer discusses hls subject under three heads, viz.: 1. What has in:ide possible the acqatrement of the great fortunes of the present'gcneration ? 2. Will the favoring cirenmstanoes continue ? 3. How should we regard the holding of millious by a single man and its inheritancc by tils family ? The first is illustrated, in brief, by the rapid chnnges in methods of trausportation and the eapability of the few keen mlnda so to adapt themselves to stiifttnp; circumstances as to seize upon the world's work. With the second question are two heads; the one as to the probability of new inveutions agam disturbing the balances - which he doubts - and the other is uoncerning the dnration of the present excitement over the development of steain and electricity. Here the thought is advaneed that the crisis is passed and that an equilibrium is about to be restored. Thus-our friend comes to the conclusión that favoring circumslances will not inakc possible the sudden acquirement of great fortunes in the future. Now, as regards this optimistic conclusión, we would like to entertain it, but we fear some important factors of wealth-getting have been overlooked. Railroad and telegraph systems ire not the only agents by which shrewd financiers or even "Coal-Oil Johnuies" suddenly coinniand Fortune. For thcre are still gold and silver mines to beopened; pine lands to be brought IntO tnarket; oil, salt and natural gas wells to be struck. These sudden bonanzu hsve been (band bv men in the Enst. Tlieiefore they are more likely to be brought to llght In the West for many years to come. The pos9lbilities of the development of our great country are not yet compaawd by the mind of man, and who shall sny where lies its Ultima Thule? In the third topic, as to inheritance, notice is made of the thought of ricli men after the welfare of their property bequeathed. And concerning tlie leaving of large suins in perpetuo to charities, churches and educational institutions the high economie ground is taken that it is not only a waste, as eacli generation can best know its own wants and care for them, but_it is also a positive injury to tradfl and to the working people to have large amounts of money tied up in endowments, or withdrawn trom circulalation. Thai does thls essay on Wealth run n thoughtful channels and its general toae. is one of high regard for the best interests of the state. It evinces coniidence In the verdicts of public opinión and in style of argument it is compact and well arranged.


Ann Arbor Courier
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