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On Wednesday evening, Oct. 22d, there Wfll be !i republican meeting at the opera house in this city, at wliich the republlcan candidate for conjrress, Capt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, will speak upon the live issues of tliis campnign. Everyboily, whetlier republic .111, dumocrat. prohibitionist or greenbacker, is invited to be present. Special meeting of the council Thursday to appoint boards of registration. J. T. Jacobs and T. J. Keecli have been elected directors of the School of Music. J. T. Jacobs has purchased a fine new bicycle for his sou Charlie, who will join the wheelmen now. Hon. E. D. Kinne has been chosen a director of the lst National Bank vice J. J. Ellis deceased. A wise choice. The Bethlehem church choir serenaded John Keck and family at their new house on S. Fourth st. , last Sunday evening. Miss Alta Cauikins, of Dexter, of VhoM illness the Courier gave an account two weeks ago, was buried yesterday. The regular moiithly meeting of the ilobart Guild wil] be held In St. Andrew's Cbapel, on Ifondfty erenlng, üetober 18, at 7 o'clock. The ladies of the rresbyterian society will give a social this evening at the Chareta prlors, at half-past seven. All are Inrited. N. D. Tower, of Ypsilanti, and Peter Thomas of Dexter, have been drawn ns jurora for the U. S. district court at Detroit, for Novemler. If therc is such a bonanza in a street railway it te singular that not one of all the shrewd persons In our city has ever juinped on to it before ! The supervisors wlll visit tlie countj poor farm tliis afternoon. No dinner thii time- a new m&n on the board made tin motion. He will be able to catch on next time. George Gilbert has bought the horst known as "Gen Leo," from Mr. Wells of Mason, to match his horse "Frank D,' and now thinks he has got a pretty slick team. G. Frank Hobison bas been renominated by the democrats ot Wayne county for the office of prosenitiuv nttorney which he has fllled o acceptably for the past tuo yi'iirs. Egbert I'. Harper has been re-nominattnl for representativo in the legislatura in thesecond district tliis year. Bnt Mr. Button will not keep liini eompany from the lirst district. The City Street Railroad Comnany has organized with J. E. Beal, president; E. Duffy, vice-presldent; Z. P. King, secretary; T. J. Keech, superintendent and L. D. Taylor, treasurer. Rcv. Dr. George Wallace will fill Dr. Steel's pulpit next Sunday, and in the evening will give the annual address before the Young People's society of the Presbyterian church. When Goodyenr was In Detroit last week he purchased 2G6 different varieties of combs- all the kinds that one of the largest Detroit houses have In stock. Nothing like enterprine. Soft coal went up 50 cents Monday, on account of 35 ets. advance in freight and 15 ets. advance on the co:il itself on cars to Aun Arbor. Xo advance amongst our local dealers yet, however. The Ann Arbor Land League will hold ts next meeting on Friday evening-, at 8 o'clock, for tli ür-t time in the new St. Thomas' school building. This league is in a very prosperous condition. Dr. M. S. Terry, of the Biblical Institute at Evanston, will deliver an address before the Coekrr League at the M. E. church next Sunday evening. He bus a wide reputation as an author and scholar. The city market scherae doesn't seem to meet with great favor. Nevertheless we believe the people would not do away wmi ii maiKei snoum tnpy once have one. There are many things in its favor, few against it. Next Friday evening tlicre will be a reeeption at the M. E. church for all studente in the University and high school who attend the M. E. church, given by the merabers of the Cocker League of the Methodist society. The Ami-hictyonic Club O. L. S. C, elected the following ofBcers for the ensuing year last Friilay evening: President, Prof. L,. D. Wines; vice-prpsident, Miss E. V. Hill; treasurer. Miss E. Hayley; secretary, H. W. Blake. L. E. Cbapin, lit '82, of Toledo, Ohio, and Miss Lizzie Hadley, of this city, are to be marrtad this p. m., and go directly to their home already preparod for their reception at Toledo, where Mr. Chapin occupies the position of city engineer. Some of the supervisors have been endeavoring to break up the old practice of the entire board spending a whole day ritltlng t)lc oounty house, but the job appenrs to be as difflcult as it is for the board to adopt standard or the legal ti me of tlie state and ts courts. Among the speeches apportioned to this county wo note : Rev. F. A. Blades, of Detroit, at Milan, Oct. 21, and at Chelsea, Oct. 22. Giles B. Stebbins at Waldron, Oct. 11. Pittsfleld, Oct. 13, Lynilon Town Hall, Oct. 14, Sylvan Center, Oct. 15, Sharon Town Hall, Oct. 16. The Lower Town Sunday School Is doing good work in that part of the city, and it is best to encourage it. There will ba in opportunity of doing so next week Wednesday evening wben a social is to be given with singing, recitations, refrcshments and a talk from Dr. Hamsay. Station Agent Phillips tells us that he thinks through trains will be put on the road next week from Toledo to II t. Pleasant. The only drar-back is a couple of Bink holes that are making trouble. One ïieur Leiand and another near Duran nd. Weshall all be gla-l to see the throueh cars on this road. Evart Scott gave an interesting'report to the Pomológica! society last Saturday, of the fruit department of the State fair, of which he was superintendent. Of ¦l.noo piatcs of fruit on ezbibltton only tittv wen rorray, n reut improvement on Ibrraer yean. One man had 79 varietlM of tomatoes. The fruit department ncvcr luid a bctter display. Ann Arbor Cominander}', K. T., tliroiijfli ita social club proposes giving a series of elght purties at Masonlc Terapto, ca Fri(h,y cveninjis, commencing October 22d, (next week Kriday). SeaBon ticketa are pUoed :t the reasonable siim of $.00, and single tickets, $1.00. Ihese parties were very enjoyable last year, and we have every reason to bclieye wil! be equal if not superior Nut, stove and mixed coal is now wortli $6, No. 4 $6.25 per ton. Egg and grate $5.75 Tliat stone walk n front of Clarken's new building ought to be continued now to the end of the block north. Chas. H. Richmonei, of tliis city, lias been drawu as a grand juror lor the November term of the U. S. circuit court. A correspondent'gives some excellent reasons in another column why a market would be a ,'ood thing for Ann Arbor. Conrad Noll and several other members of the old 20th Michigan rufantf?, are attending the rogi mental reunión it L:insini to-day. Tom O'Conner, for plajinr dcaf and dunib and aakin alma on the streot, has been sentenced to 30 days in the county jall by Justice Frueauff. Up in Chicago they are quick to ' 'catch on." One nrm wrltes our city recorder to learn all the particulars about the "elevated railway" Ann Arbor proposes to build. In the circuit court last Monday in the case of S. E. Engle for the use of N. E. Crittenden vs. H. W. Druse, judfrment for plaintifl was rendered, damages being fixed at $346.31. The Ypsilanti Sentinel found a mistake in the Courier and proceeds to make fun of It. AU right, we will see how long it will be before the Sentinel will fall into the same rut. ïMst Iriday, James M. Asliley. Jr., was rtned $50 and coïts in the U. 8. court, at Detroit, on a charjfe of obstructIng the mail, in the railroad war had last winter with the Detroit, Lansing and Northern R. R. Co. If every reader of the Coukikr would take time to read the speech of Hou. B. M. Ciitcheon on the lst page, we feelsure that tlicy would be well repaid for the time spcnt. It is an excellent appeal for those who braved deatu to serve their country. John Piutercr bought the last lot of the oKl Weil property yesterday of Geo. Clarken, and he will build thereon soon. Mr. Chirken deserves the conimendation of the public for his enterprise in putting tliis piece of dead property into the inarket. Services, etc, in St. Andrews church next Sunday as follows : 7 :30 a. m., holy communion; 10:30 a. m., morning prayer and sermón; 12 m., lecture by' Prof. Morris; 12 m., Sunday School In the cliapel; "tfO p. m., evenliiL prayer aud sermón. The annual meeting of the Citizens' League, of Ann Arbor, will be held on Friday, Oct. 15, 1886, at 8 o'clock p. m. (local time) in the lecture room of the Congregational church. All friends of the cuforcement of law are cordlally nvited to be present. ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦' w 'i ' .H 111, A. R. Schmidt, who lives on Filth st., has owned for sotne tliue a large 75 1b. buil dog, with a bad eye and liandsome teeth, which has been the terror of lolterers and prowlers about that neighborhood. Well, the other night some person broke into bis house and stole that dog! The trensurer of Washtenaw County Agricultural and llorticultural Society, requests us to say that be will be n the society's rooms in the basement of the court house for the neit three Saturdays for the purpose of paying the awarded premiums, and also that the receipts at bis office during the fair was f1,759.38. A man by the name of W. J. Sheldon was arrested in Detroit last Friday, and Sheriff Walsh brought him to Ann Arbor, together with a gold watch, doublé barrelled shot-gun, revolver, and a coat Btolen from Vm. Denman's residence on Liberty st., on the ni;Iit of Sept. 24. He was brought before Judge Joslyn Tuesil.iy and bound over to await trial on a charge of grand larceny. If you wish to see a beautiful landscape, make n visit to the rear veranda of Cornwell's house, now bemg built on the liiïh bluff of the Huron river, east of Prof. Pattenglll's. Those gold and crimson autumd tints which bedeck the foliage far up aud down the winding valley of the Huron surpass all the beauties the artists can display on bis canvas. An instaure of long continued service is chronicled in this office such as is not of frequent occurrence in this country where constant cbange is the custom of the pie. Miss Sarah Giles has completed her 21t yenr n the Courier office, and in all that time has been a faithful and trusted employé, coinmanding tlie confidence and esteem of every person about the establishment. The above is also is just as applicuble to her sister, Miss Lou Giles, who carne to thls office a few tnonths later. The business people of the city were 8urprised and pained to learn of the assignment last Monday morning of C. C. Warner, the Aon St. grocer, to Nelson Sutherlnnd of this city. Mr. Warner lus been a pleagant man to do business with and is generally liked. The liabilities amount to about $1,800, with assetts at $1,000. There are preferred credkors to the amount of about $1,000. Mr. Warner has been ill for some time being confincd to the house, which had a great liJHBt on the failurc. PFomological society liad a new feature in its display oí fruit last Saturday. Mrs. Spence on S. División streef, puton exhibition some California grapes whlch a friend had sent her from Los Angeles, California. Une variety called the Muscatel Tokay welghed 3 pounds and was greutly admired by the society. John Alni.'iii had some branches of the Cuthbert raspberry loaded with ripe berries of the second erop. John says he A-ill have some on tbe market for sale. in a few days if the warm weather continúes. The Bcheme for a street railway in this city will undoubtedly fall through, as tliose who have Interested themselves iu the matter do not feel that the investment is of suffleient importance to make any llght tor obtaining a franchise. These men thought theyeould see a way to bui ld up and benefit our city. and perhaps in tlie course of a number of years make thcir investment a paylng one. But the chances are so doubtful that they are yery far from desiring to force the enterprise upon the city, There are always some dogs in the inanger who will neither do iinything themselves or let anyone elsedo anytlMiig. Atid tliis class of people have been a curse to Ann Arbor for generatlong, retarding its growtli and belittleing its imporlanceandabilities. If thisscheme for iuiprovement and advancement does f all tbrough for these reasons, tbe "kiekens" are the ones to tbank. No outside capitalista can ever be Induced to come in tiere and investmoney in a street ruilwuy; the thing has been tried many times, but the prospecte are not sufflciently brlglit to induce them. And tiien, too, Aun Arbor people rather walk, any way, lts ao much easier you know.