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TiTB íssuü of tho new one-dollar silver certifícate bogan at Washington on the ah. The deniand for theso notos was already very grcnt, and thetreasury olllcials expocted it would continue for months. DDukino' the nino months ended Septonr; ber 30 there were 7,583 business failures iu the United States, against 8,4! in the sama period of 1885. Tho total liabilities amountod to $77,110,644, against 190,976,;15 tn tho precediug nino months. The ïreasury Department ut 'U'iishington on the 5th roported 60,13'J,953 standard gilver dollars in circulation. Peach trees were in bloom on the 5th at Carson, Mo. A partv of boys hnnting on n farra on the 5th noar Ozark, Ark., accidoutally killed John Walker, a prominent attorney. McKbnzie's livery stablo at Wabasha, Minn., was burned on the 5th, and uino horses perishea in tho flamea. Heavy shocks of oarthquake havo boen feit near Ninoty-Six, S. C., two hundred miles from Charleston, and it was bolioved on the 5th that the center of the disturbanco had shifted from Charleston to that point. R. P. Wallace, tho alleged murderor of the Logan family, was lynched at Stoelrille, Mo., on the 5th. He protosted his iunocence to the last. A sevbre shock of earthquaka was feit at three p. m. on the 4th at Bardwell, Carlyle County, Ky. No damago was dona Tns American Board of Commissiouers for Foroign Missionsof the Congregatioual Church openod its seventy-seventh annual meeting at Des Moinos, Ia., on the 5th. The boilers of the steamor La Mascotte exploded on the 6th near Capo CHrardesu, Mo., killing eighteen persons and wound ¦Ing many othors. Tho boat, valuod at $30,000, was burned to the water's edge. The house of David Henry, at Chestor, 8. C, was dostroyed by flre a few nights ago, Caroline Berry, an aged domestic, and two of Mr. Henry's children porishing in the flamea. At Rocky Ford, Ga., Thomas Israel (colored) was lynched on the 5th for au a3 sanrt on a whito girl aged ten yoars. The triennial council of the Episcopal Church in America was oponed in Chicago on the 6th. Thero wore in attendance nearly sixty Bishops and four hundred clerical or lay deputies. Pvev. Morgan Dix, D. D., of New York, wns chosen to preside over the House of Deputies, he roceiving 187 votes of the 378 cast. Rev. Charles L. Hutchens was ro-elected secretary. A sossion of the House of Bishops, whose proceedings are conducted with closed doors, was also held. Tuk Indiana State Board of Health on the 6th ordered the State Veterinarian tu kill all horses suffermg with glandors. TnE packers of Chicago on tho öth unanimously decided to roturn to the ten-hour system of labor or close their houses. Foub men were blown to pieces and six others badly injured by an explosión of powder on the Gth in a mine near Deadwood, D. T. Near Manheim, Pa., on the 6th Daniel Bmith, aged eighteen, shot and fatally wounded his father while the latter was cutting a stick with which to chastise him. The centennial anniversary of the ettlement ol Frankfort, Ky., was colebrated on tbe Cth by a national salute, a graad procession and a barbecue. Tiie ireight brakemen of the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio railroad struck on the 6th for an increase of wages. It was reported on the 6th that rain was falling continually, from a cloudless sky, on the house and yard of M. P. Hoyle, who resides justbeyond tho eorporate Uinits of Dawson, Ga. Om balo each of ramie and jute- the first of those products ever raised iu the United States - wero presented to the Cotton Exchange at New Orloans on the 6th by Mr. J. Juvenet. The City Council of Atlanta, Ga., a prohibition town, agreod on the Oth by a Tote of 10 to 0 to allow breweries to deliver beer at private residences. Cafriel Laffinbekqeü, aged twenty-six years, and her six-months-old child were burned to death on the 6th at Kansas City, Mo. Tni flfty-sixth semi-annual conference of the Mornion Ciiurch convened at Coalville, Utah, on the 6th. The priests exhorted tho saints to stand firm and never surrender the divine right of polygamy. Representatives of the building trades at New York took steps on the 7th to secure permanent organization Lor protection against the labor unions. Thb American Board of Foreign Mis sions of the Congregational Church, in session at Des Moines, Ia., had an exciting debate on tbe 7th on the question whether probation and chance of salvation end with this life. The now departure was rejected by a vote of 48 to 22. At a factory firo in New York on the Tthono woman was killed in jumping from the roof. Am Incendiary fire on tho 7th In Silver Bow canyon, M. T., destroyed twenty-four thousand cords of wood, valuod at $100,000. Tiiere having beon no shocks of earthquake in Charleston for f our days, refugees wore returning on tho 7th iu increasing numbers. The Illinois Masonic Orphans' Home, locatod in Chicago, was dedicated on the 7th by the State Grand Lodge, assisted by flve thousand Templars and Hasons of Chicago. Bevastatixo prairie flres were on the 7th raging in Westera Man i toba. Hbskt Sderman and Fred Munobrath, Sioux City (la.) saloon-keepers, were arrested in that city on th 7th for alloged complicity in tho murder of Kev. George C. Haddock. H. L. Leavitt was also arrested in Chicago on tho same charge, and John ArensdorI was appre hended at Darenport. Judge Gabt on the 7th overruled the motion for a new trial for the Chicago Anarchists, and informally announced December 3 as the dato for their execution. Each of tho condemned men was giren an opportunity to state his reasons why sentence of death should not be passed upon bim. Charles McDossall shot and mortally wounded Nellio Lawrence and then shot and killed himself on the 7th at Yazo City, Miss. The cause was jealousy. The revenue stamps for oleomargarine hare been prepared and wiU be ready for use November 1. The grand jury at Columbas, O., on the 7th found a bilí for bribery agaiust B. H. Marriott, formerly deputy warden of tho penitentiary, and ono for embezzlement against Samuel Perry, formorly superintendent of the State shops. Two of tbo g ui des who wore present at the Burrender of Gerónimo stated on the 7th that the only condition was that the hostiles shouldbe taken to Fort Bowie and not harmed by American or Mexican troops. ïdeue wero 201 business failuros in the United States reported during the evon days ended on the 8th, against 205 in the preceding sevon daya. The total in th Uuitod States this year to date is 7,749, fcgainst 8,684 last year. Tni dotermination of the Chicago packora to return to tho ton-hour system was met on the 8th by a strike of nearly tweWe thousand workmen. A forcé of one hundred and flfty specials was sent to the Stock Yards by Pinkerton to protect property. The order to remove cattle from the Sionx resei-vation in Dakota was revoked on the Sth, and tha stockmon were elated. Toree severo shocks of earthquake wero feit at Summorville, S. C, on the Sth, and Charleston alsoexperiencod a slight quake. The Comptroller of the Currency on the Sth callod for a statement of the condition ofnational banks atthe close of business October 7. Josun Carteh, who for twonty yeara has boen town troasurer and tax collector of Pittsfiold, Mass., was on the Sth thought to be $180,000 short In bis accounts. Ox the 8th a water-spout ten miles from Woatherford, Tex., did great damage to property and drowned seTeral peron. Wrioht Weldon (colored) was hanged at Edgefield, a C, on the 8th for tho murder of John W. Lagrango. TniRTT deaths had up to the Sth resulted from the recent explosión of tho Misslssippi rirer steamer.La Mascotte, near Cape Girardeau, Mo. lx Maryland, Virginia and Forth Carolina it was said on the 8th that there wouldonly be one-third of a tobáceo erop, owing to severo frosts. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The New Jersey Republicans niet in Stato convontion at Trenton on the öth and nominated B. Frank Howoy for Goternor. Tho platform adopted opposes tho competition of convict labor with honest labor; favors equal taxation; condemns the removal of cripplod Union soldíers from public office, and tho attitude of the President on the pension quostion ; and favors snbmitting to the people the question of controlling the liquor trafile. The Committeo of One Hundred, a politIcal faction recently organizod in New York City, nominated Orlando B. Potter for mayor on the 5th. A pekmit was issued in Chicago on the 5th for the burial of Anthony Garrity, 103 years of age. After an exciting contest local option was carriod at Somerset, Ky., on the 5th by 143 majority. When the news went iorth church bells were rung and temperance women who had prayed all day for success sprang into each other1 arms shonting and crying for joy. Ik the recent elections in Connecticut the Republicans carriod fllty-four towns, the Democrats thirty-one, divided flf teen, a Republican eain over the previous year of five towns. The followinft Congressional nomina - tionswero made on the 5th: Ke publican -Michigan, Tenth district, Honry M. Loud; New York, Eigbteenth district, Henry G. Burleigh (renominatedj ; Thirtythird, John B. Weber (renominated) ; Massachusetts, Seventh district, W. H. Whitinfj; Pennsylvania, Twenty-flrst district, W. McCullough. Democrats- Kentucky, Sixth district, John G. Carlisle (renominatod) ; Pennsylvania, Ninetoenth district, Levi Marsh; Twenty-flrst, John V. Latta; Connecticut, Fourth district, iles T. Granger; Massachusetts, Tenth. listrict, J. E. Russell. Prohibitionist- Hassaehusotts, Tenth district, William H. Garle. Labor- Virginia, Sixth district, Samuel I. Hopkins. Fusión- Michigan, Fifth district, John Fedowa. TnE Colorado Democrats met at Denver nn the Gth and nominatod AlTa Adams for Qovernor. The platform indorses President Cloveland's Administration, favors the free coinage of silvor, and sympathizes with labor in its efforts to maintain its dignity and manhood. General John B. Gordos was on the Cth elected Governor of Georgia, there boing no candidato in the field against hlm. The annual report of the Utah Commission showed on the 6th that the law rogarding the disenfranchisement of polygamists had been fully and successfully enforced and that a number of persons had been flned and imprisoned in the penitentiary for polygamy. Folygamous marriages were on the decrease. Tue following Congressional nominations were made on the 6th : Republicans - Wisconsin, Fourth district, Thomas Brown; Onio, Tenth district, Jacob Romeiss (renorninated) : Indiana, Fourth district, Thomas J. Lucas; New York, Twenty-second district, A. X. Parker (renominated) ; Massachusotts, Ninth district, F. D. Ely (renominated); Twelfth, F. W. Rockwell (renominated) ; Connectieut, Fourth district, Fred W. Niles; Pennsylvania, Twenty-sixth district, W. B. Roberts. Democrats- New Vork, Twenty-third district, J. T. Kprigga (renominated); Pennsylvania, Tenth district, W. H. Snowden (renominated). Rev. William Barxes, the distinguished poet, philologist and historian, diod in London on the 7th. The thres Mormon Bishops who were eighteen months aeo genteneed to three years' imprisonment at Detroit, Mich., for unlawful cohabitation, wero on the 7th pardoned by the President, on the ground that the sentonce was illegal. The Nebraska Democrats met in State convention at Hastings on the 7th and nominated James E. North for Governor. Prixce Louis Bonapartk arrived in San Francisco on the 7th from the Oriënt. He is travoling incog. as Count Louis de Moncalieri. Tiie following Congressional nominations were made on the7th: Democrats- South Carolina, Fifth district, J. H. Hemphill (renominated) ; Nebraska, T. McKeigan ; New York, Twenty-second district, A. Corbin, Jr.,; Connectieut, First district, R. J. Vanee; Massachusetts, Sixth district, H. B. Levering (reuominated). Republicen- New Jersey, Th ird district, John Kean, Jr. Prohibitionist- Massachusetts, Soventh district, Willard Spaulding. The President on the 8th appointed General John M. Corso postmaster at Boston, Mass. H. L. Leavitt, who was arrested in Chicago and taken to Kingsley, Ia., as an accomplice in the murder of Rev. George C. Haddock, at Sioux City, stated on th 8th that the shooting was done by John Arensdorf, foreraan of tho Franz Brewing Company, and one of its stoekholders. On the 8th United States Senator Austin F. Pike dropped doad from heart-disease wliilo walking on hls farm, near Franklin Falls, N. H. He was sixty-savon years old. Josbph Roskkbero, a Germán Jew, dled In New Orleans on the Sth, aged 102 yoare. M. de Lesseps will attend the dedlcatlon in Now York on the 38th inst of Bartholdi's tatué of "Liberty Euligntening the World." Thb following Congressional norainations were made on th 8th: Republicana- New York, Twenty-fonrth district, Dayid Wilber; Massachusetts, Third district, A. A. Rnney (renominated) ; New Jersey, Fourth district, L. Van Blarcom. Democrat-Nebraska, Second district, W. A. McKeighan. Labor- Missouri, Eighth district, D. Wyman; Ninth, G. W. Davidson; Tentb, M. Ratchford. Independent- Alabama, Fifth district, P. A. Wood. I FOREIGN. Advices of the 5th stato that eyery vlllago on the Island of Niapu, one of the Frieudly group, had boen dostroyed by an earthquake. The grouud was coTered for twenty feet with volcanic dust, and a hill two hundred feet high was formed. Thk mercury rose to 80 de)?rees in the shade in London on the 5th, a temperatura unknown in Octobor for noarly half a century. Thk fourteenth annual mooting of the American Public Health Assoclation convened at Toronto, Ont, on the 5th. Mant Cuban tobáceo faotories were on the 5th shutting down because of a strike. Canada's revenue incroased $1,635,000 for September, 1386, as compared with the same month last y car. The Ajrxicultural Department of Canada on the 6tu notiöed the ünitod States Commigsioner of Agricultura that thore was no pleuro-pnoumoniain Canada. Advicss of the 6th say that hundrods of people wore dying daily in Corea of cholMr. Lakis. tha proprietor of a colliery at Newbold, Eng., and hls three gons were killed on the 6th in a shaft by choke damp. A formidable movement in favor of Russia ia said to be sproading throughout the Bulgarian army. Fiukndly natives captured Tamal on the 7th, Osman Digma's old stronghold, and killed two hundred of the revolting Arabs. Quken Christina, ot Spain, on the 7th commuted the sentences of the condemned insurgente and also signed the decreo freeing the Cuban alavés from the romoinder of their terms in servltudo. The Premier of New Bouth Wales announced on the 7th a deficit of 10,000,000 in the revenues of the province, on account of the exeatest commercial depression known for twenty-two yoars. Aix too members of the Spauish Cabinet resigned on the 7th. In Japan, from September 6 to 15, there were 11,954 cases of cholera reponed and 6,875 deaths. Sam Joses comraenced revival services in the Mutual Street Hink at Toronto, Out, on the 7th. Over three thousand persons were present. Thebe were flvo deaths from cholera and fourteen new cases in Italy on the 7th. In Austro-Hungary there wero tweuty-six new cases and nlne deaths. A loss of $1,000,000 was experienced on the 8th at Chesloy, Eng., by the burning of Lawrenco's cotton-mül and four adjacent houses. Ik Austro-Hungary thare were flve deaths from cholera and eighteen new cases on the Sth. In Italy ten new casas and four deaths were reported. The American Public Health Association concluded its sessions at Toronto, Out, on the 8th, and decided to meet next year in Memphis, Tenn. Dr. Steinburg, of Baltlmore, was olected president. Thk ill-feoling recently aroused between the Hlndoos and Mohammedaus at Diilhi over mutual violations of their respective religious principies culminatediu a riot on the 8th, in which seventeen persons wera küled. LATER NEWS. TnE Republicana of the Nineteonth New York district on the 9th nominated John Bwinburn for Congressman ; the Ureenbackcrs of the Sixteonth Illinois district nominated A. M. Clark; and tho Independent Democrats of the Second Illinois district nominated John J. Curran. TniRTT-six new cases of cholera and nineteen doaths were reported in AustroHungary on the 9tb. At twenty-six leading clearing-houses in the United States tbe exchanges during the week onded on the 9th aggregated $1,174,314,T56, against $1,055,246,270 the previous week. As compared with the corresponding weok of 18S5, tho decreasa auiouuts to 25.3 per cent. The Germans of the Second Illinois Congressional district have nominated Charles W. Woodman to run for Congressman against Frank Lawler. Three shocks of earthquake occurred at Charleston. S. C, early on the morning of the 9th, and one at Augusto, Ga., but no damage was caused at either place. Is the criminal court at Chicago on the 9th Judge Gary sentenced se ven of the Anarchist8 to suffer death on December 3, and Oscar Neebo to be imprisoned for flfteen years at Jollet. N. M. Nkeld, a member of tho Chicago flrm of J. C. Ferguson & Co., packers, was on the 'M ) i alleged to have absconded, havlng made way with $400,000. A fire on the 9th at Punxsutawney, Pa., destroyed over $100,000 worth of property. Thirty-flve buildings, including two hotels, wero burned. A fire on the lOth at Cincinnati do¦troyed a tenement house, and Margaret Link, aged sixty years, and her daughter, aged thirteen years, perished in the flames. General Miles on the 9th issued a proelamation declaring the Indian campaign at an eud and congratulating the troops. Josie Martel, an actress, wa8 killed by her husband in a theater at St. Louis on the lOth, who afterwards killed himself. Joalousy was the cause. JonN Dollard and James Reed quarrelod at Mount Pleasant, Tox., on the 9th. Tho men flred a dozen shots at each other and both were killed. The St. Louis club won the American Association baso-ball championship on the 9th. Thb Detroit brewers on the 9th locked out flve hundred employés, and resolved to subiuit to no dictation from trades unions. National Leaoue baso-ball clubs at tho close of the season on the 'Jth stood afollows: Chicago, games won, 90; lost, 34. Detroit, won, 87; lost, 30. New York, won, 75; lost, 44. Philadelphia, won, 71; lost, 4a Boston, won, 50; lost, 6L St. Louis, won, 43; lost, 79. Kansas City, ¦won, 29; lost, 89. Washington, won, 20; lost, 91.


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