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WlGHIGANPÍENTRAL The Miagara Falls (Route. Time tuble lakiupr effect May 30ih, 1880. Central Mtandard Time. CHICAGO XO DBTBOIT. H WÏ 8 f I TATIONS. i Ka I" i ü K g SCs Salí 1ük ¦! A.X. A.M. r.. F.M. P.M. p.M. A.H. tirano.. Lv. i 6 50 mi 880 4 00 8 15 955 rtichitjai.Citj ílih 11 11 517 6 82 1018 102 liles UI88121S ll 78 1111 1 íaiamazoo. .. 1:2 17 180 7 2:! 0ll286 808 45 Jattlt Cnik.. IOS 227 ful 130 3 50 7 81 }L: I ::::: r ïn'Vèi Mbion 2U 882 881 SiZB 4 id K i larkccín .lili 4 21 9 15 3 15 5 25 9 15 UraBí Lake....1 :l.'i7 547 m 1 t'helsoa 358 0K ss Dextrr 4 ÍS 622 1007 Ann Arbor.... 4 3:J 5 30 10 0 .... 4 35 6 40 10Í5 ïpeilanti 4 50 5 45 10 21 ... 4 52 6 55 10 40 Wa.MjeJnnc. 5 15 605 515 717 1103 Dctml ....Ar. 600 645 1115 600 8101145 DKTRO1T TO CniCAGO Á I Í é O .TAT.ON.. &j t SL g&C gd j_ _f53_j_a[ l.V .M l'.M P M. P.M. r.M Detroit....! v. 7 0(1 9 10 1 . 4 00 8 00 9 15.... Waym-Jiíiic.. 7 40 968 i ( 44 Ypeilanti .... 8 0110 12 2 'JO 51 9 05 10 21 AimAri'or ... 611026 2 32 530 923 1038.... Ueitcr 835 55(1 955 Chelee 8 48 605 1000 Giasoljike... H 10 6 97 1019 JackKon 985 1130 3 3? 715 1055 1203 Mrtrsluill 10 38 1445 4 22 822 1155 104 BattleCreelt.. 110.Í 10 4 40 a 52 12 22 130a.m Kalamazoo. . . Un I6fl 511 112 2 35 4 45 Nilce 147 322 63Í 3W J ÍK 6 40 MlchlpranClty 3 10 4 3.') 7:i2.... 4 35 5 40 K 03 Chicago.. .Ar. 545KI0 9 SO 7 00 8O5U)V uiiailii UIvínIoií. Detroit TO BUPPALO.- Standard Time. SU I Ü-J, a - oVj ! - . c P . ÏÏ o_, c STATIONS. St ril=S II S - P. M. r. M. IA. M. i . M. Detroit.. ..Lv 7 25 11 i -r 0" lili 12 05 p.M St.TlioinsaAr 111 20 10 00 H 4r 3 40 A. M. P. NI. Toronto...Ar 05 6 25 Ottawa pmtü-'i 4 88 Montreal 10 00 8 08 Uuuhec AHíti r. . a. ir hi.Thomae,Lv 11 V i i: 1 ti Waterfort.... 12 81 8 M B "i II 18 fi Ul Weiland 153 5 17 5 12 ÍS 54 6 27 FalldView 5 45 129 0 55 N. Fililí. Out. 2 'il 5 48 1 SnVn fi dge 2 3.1 5 5 150 7 10 tVTTÁÍo To DETHoiT- s aniiard Time. Brt falo To detkoit- anmrn urne. í .i ! ei = al zë sislse STATION,. J& t-g teê Sfl 1 ï A. M. P. . Phihi,1cl'a..Lv 900 P.a S.0 New York... 1U 30 6 00 9 .6 Boston S 30 3 01) 7 X) Wocc-tcr... c.i50 4-20 8 3 Spritiu-flelü... 11 35 6 05 10 lóp Mbariy 3 IKIpm 10 05 S :5 rticn 848 l-33ain 5.5 Syracuse 7 40 2 00 7 3 Roches ter.... U óó 4 U0 10 00 üull'i!o....Ar 12 15 5 50 12 lóp a. m. a. M. Buffalo....ï.v UMpm 5 45 6 03 9 00 1116a N. Fulls.N Y Snep'u B'd'Kf 12 31 6 43 IS 39 N. ï'alls.Ont. 12 51 7 (KI ... 19 H Palle View 7 08 105 Weiland 115 7 2S 7 10 10 15 1 33 9t. Thomas Ar 4 10 9 55 11 15 1 10 4 :tt Uuebec....I.v 2 30 10 IK) Montreal 9 10 Ottawa n 11 a Toronto, 8 10 105 St ThomasLv 4 15 10 00 2 fts 1 18 I I". Detroit.... Ar 8 06am I 05pm 7 80 1 5 2D. 8 46 t Stops only to let off paesungirB. Í Stops only ou eiumils. O. W. RUGGLES, . H. W. IIAYES, G. P. & T. Agent At.. Alm Arbor. Chicaco. Toledo, Ann Arbor & Xortli MUliIgan Kailway. TIME SCHBDULB. ïot;ikc effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sunday, June 27th,1886. (Southern División.) Trains ron ly Standard Ti mr. UOINO NOHTII. ii'lNGSOUTU g, ó STATIONS. g. d-S g &¦ p m I a.m I.eave. Arrlvu ia. ir.. 5 io 7 06 Toledo !l 305 110 5 06: 7 14 Manhattan Jnnrfn 9 28 I as 513I 7 L', Alexis Jnnctlon 9 UI I 17 -5 21 7 35 Hawtbari . U 1 W 5 28 7 M SKiimrla 9 004 30 5 41 8 0B Lu ". s 17 1 ai 5 46 8 15 Monroe Junction I I II 554 8 30 Dimde 8 80 1 04 01 8 37 Wai-on 8 26 4 10 I 6 OH 8 461 .Aalia 8 itU 8 M 16 8 59 11 Uu .lunction 8 W 6 21 9 0 Mllan 6 t. ¦: -il (29 9 22 t r:m:i 7 .rv 641 32 PUtsfield Jonetlon 7 403 M 7 00 9 50 Ann Arlmr 7 21 3 10 7 ¦') 10 SO L land 7 1 2 50 7.')ii 10 30 Worden 7 1; 2 W t; jS 10 45 Suii'ii Lyoti ¦ i i: Connectlone: At Tokdo, wltli railroads diverRing; at Manhattan Janeaos, wlth Whecllng t, Ijike Erlc R. K.; at Alexle Junction, wilh M. C 1(. Bt. L. S. & M. B. Ry. and F. I'. M R. li.; at Monroe Jnnctlon, with L. 8. & M. S. Ry.; at Dundi'e, with L. S. M. S. Ry., M. .t O. Hy.; at Milnn Jnnction. with Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry ; at Pitt-neld,with L.W. Jb M. S. liy.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central H. li., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lantng & Northern R. K., and . Mich. A. L. Div. of Grand Trunk liy. Trains 6 and 3 runs botweon Detroit niid Toledo, dally except Siinday, via Milan Jnmtion ; No. 6 arrivés at Detroit 12:00 1:0011. No. 31earv Dein It at 2:35 p. 111. Flag stations. + Daily, except Sundaye. I Tralns do not stop, : II. W. ASIILEY, General Slipt. : W. H. BENNETT. Ocn'l. Pass. AsenL THE ABN ABBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business, CAPITAL, $50,000. Organized undcr th Quen] ItHnklnj; Uwnl kthiB State, the stocklioldors r' indiviiluulh liahle nor mi additional equa! to the stock held by them. ihereby creatlng a Uuarantcc Fnnd lor the benefit t.l Dflpostt th of $100,000.00. Three per cent. interest is allowed on all SaviDfr Deposita of one dollar :uid upwarric, accordlng to the rules of the Dank and inU-n-M compoanded eemi-annually. Money to lxan on unlucumbend roal esWte and other good security. DIHECTORS: CHKISTIAN MACK, Wm. D. BARRIWAW, W. W. WINlis. HAN1EL UlöCOCK, WILUAM UKUBEL, WILLARU B. 81UTH. n.WID UINSEY. OFFICERS: C.MACK Pree. W. W. WIN ES, , 'ce-rris. j. jL. HISCOOK.flMhiei. INSURANCE REAL ESTÁTE un.! LOAN AGLENCÍ OF A.W. HAMILTON OfUce, Xü. 2, Fint Floor, Hamlltoa lilock. Partics èMlrlng to bnyor iel! k. :ü Kstate win flnd u to tiieir adyantage t eall on m I npreaeat tSfirtt-eUM Pire [nnrue Companlw, bvrlng vu agrasata c-upUui ovr IV Kuti-s Low. i.osscs liberal ly adjaitad nd promptly pald, i also tona Lift and loveatmenl Pollole " the New York Mu(u:il Llfia fnsnranoa Oompany, Assetts, 165,000. V ¦ ilcslrlng Aceldent tnanntooa, en hare yearly pulióles writtcn tor tbam orTravaler'a Coupon tnaranee Tickets Lamed at Low ratei Ln Ihe .im-Ident liisi!run-c Oompany of Nortli America Monei u Loan atCnrranl Ratea, OffloanonM from 9 . m. to II in. and - t B p. m. A.LEX W. BAMILT0N, Hamllton BloeV. I lllO I Hlbll UOWELI. COS Ncwspapor AdvcrtlBtng Bureau (10 8pruca Streo.D.wlioreildver. BBBvaaf ifODI ' bo iwulo tur it bi Ut II IWHni


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News