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MISOSflO inti: roitvAxs Akbor Comm No. L8 meets flrs ftiea lay 'ii oaon month, W. O. Doty, E. C. W. a. ïolohard, Beoorder. WAsaraAW Obaitvh, . it A. M.- Steeta tirst Monday eaeb month. [aaa Sandy, H. r.; ¦¦ Uuatb, Beoretary. BUSINESS CARD8. ¦ DULD IX CLOTH CASKET3, METALIC And Oommon Oofflns. C:ills attonted to Day or Niiiiu. Bmbalmlng speolaltr. Htoreroom on K. Washington streel. Kesldence Cor. Liberty mul Film. W. II. MCUOM, xüESii iriiiriiiiisiiirii. OFITICH! : Over Ilacli & Abel's Dry üood Storo. Entrance next to National Barjk. WILLIAM U1;K., House, Siga, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperini;, QIutDg. (ilding, and Calciminlne, and work of evcry iewriptKia dono in th" best -t) Ie. and warrantcd to t'ivo satisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. V. XV. & A. C. MCIIOLS, DEIÑTTISTS. Kooms Ovor Aun Arbor Savings Bank, Masonic Temple Block. GAS orVITALIZED AIR A'lministeri'tl fir the paluleM extraction nf toeth. STATE STREET Msrchant lúá Establishment ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, DbabSib: tf you want a neat Salt donut order untll you have seeu JOSEPII BERRV, Herohant Taller, State street, Ann Arlior, Mloh You wilt tlml a very flue line of Engllsh Worateds for üress Sulls, and all the Newest Shaden and Weaves In Badk sultings and trowsenogs lu stock and samples to order from. Our long experlence in C'uttlnc enables us to glve you a neat and perfect fit, and Clothes made iñ nrst-class order, at Lowest Living Fricos Callitnd see lor yourse f. Kespectfully yours, JOSKIMI BBSRT, Merchant Tailor GET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secority held for the protection or the pollcy holden. CHRISTIAN MACK Bcpresents the Mlowing flrsi-claíe companies, o which one, the Etnn, has alone paid f5(i,U(XI,000 Ure OS8üB in Mxty-Üve years: Etna, of Hartford $ 0,192,644 Franklin of PhlladelpliU 8,118,711 Oermanla, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán AJnertean, N. Y 4,06fi,96 IiOmlou Assüranee, London... l,416,78f Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287, G08 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phrenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losses liberally adjusted and nromptly paid Policies ssucil at the lowcat ratcs of premium. 1191tf LÏJMBER] LT7MBBR! LT7MBEE! If yon contémplate building, cali at FERDON Liüifi lili)! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sts., and. ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and gnarantee AERY LOW PRICES WGive us a cali and we wil] make it to your Interest, as our large and well graded stock fully ustains our assertion. Telephone Connectiona with Office. T.J. KKKCH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop A, DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate G-lass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lowcst Ratcs, Honorable Adjustments and Losses Promptly 1'aid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Speciai. attention oiven to Collection of ÜBjrn ami U sn c;i:mi:nt iif Ukal ETATK lMKHi;si-i Kon N c N - KliSI liKNTH. ENTIKK 8ATISFACTIOX TO OWMKHS OUARANTKKU. A. DeFORKST. Mraore tnoney than at anythlnR ele by tak Ing an aKi'ncy forih'i best elllng book out. Hi'sinne's sucrecd erandly. None "all. Teims free. Uallett Book Co., Portland, Maine. Sawing Made Easy. monabch uauimnQ SAWnro machtni Í A SENT ON & M 3O XWS Tor lofrelncr empt. wood-yanis, farmor setttns ooi "S. Z2J?'U JotI ?f loguttlng-U lm -mwïïSl. """?"{ "M ttorlf. a boy of 1 can aaw log tea aaü ¦7. Immense sarina of kb and humt. WrlU i? ''íS???" "onitoU catalogue int brilllnt oolon, Uol bHuUntljrl Ulumlnated poster In C Oülura. AU tra MWASCB WQ. C9., CASPEHUBTttZJ, Hl.


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