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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powdernever varíes. A marvel of purlty, streiiKth and wbolesomeness. More ecouomlcal tban theordlnary kinds, and cannot be sold In competltlon wlth the multltude of ]¦ test, short welsht, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Roral Baiclni Powder Co.. 1O6 Wall t.. N.Y. ECZEMA! And Every Species of Itchln? and Burniiijj DI -.cases Positirelj Cured by Cuticura. Ïi . Z EM A , (ir Snit Rheum, with lts agonizins itchi Ing and hiiruini;. instantly relleved by a warm bain with Cuticura Soap, ana a single appllcation of Cüticuka, tbc sreat Skin Care. This repeated daily, with two or thrce doses of Outicuba Reolyknt, the New Hl iod Purttter, to keep the blood :ool, tbc perspiration pure and unlrntatlng, the owds open, tlie livcr and kiducys active, wil) peodlly cura Eczema, Tetter. Ringworm, Pioriay Llchen, Pruritus, Scald llead, Dandroff, and very epeci e of', öcaly and Plmply Humors f the 8calp and Skin, when the lioat physicians nd all knowu remedies rail. ECZEMA. I irratefully acknowledije a cure of Eczema or Salt Rheum on head, neck, face, arme and legs for eventeen yeare ; not able to walk except on hands nd kneus for one year ; not able to help myself ór elüht years ; tried huDdreds of remedies ; docors pronoaoced iny case hopeless ; pcrmaneutly urea by Cuticura Keusdies. 111 IfleDonald. 3512 Dearborn et., Chicago, III. ECZEMA. Somc flve monhts ago I bad the pleasure to Inórm yoa ot uiy improvement in the use of the Juticura Kemidies In my case of severe Chronlc Iczema l-.r themuuisu, aud to day cheerfully conrm all 1 theu sald. I consider my care perfect nd complete, and attrlbute lt entirely to yonr emedie, having used no others. Fernán l-niicliiirdo, 33U6 leuna avenue St. Louis, Mo. ECZEMA. I havo suffered from Salt libeum for over night cara, at timen so bd that 1 could not attend to ïy business for weeks at a time. Three boxee of itn i'ka and four bottles of Uksolvbkt have enrely curcd me of thls dreadful disease.' Mr. Joh Tniel, Wllkesbarre, Pa. CUTICURA REMEDIES, Are Sold by all Drageists. Prlce: Coticura, 50 Cts.; Kesolvent.S1.U0; Soap, 25cts. Potteb Urcu and Cuemical Co., Úoston. Send for "Ilow to Cure Skin üiueases.'1 )S-iil t'.ir "II nn to are Nk In liH'iti-N " T3T7 A TTTIFY the Complexión and Hüln by WuAU usini; the ('i iicuha Soap. I CAN T BREATHE. A%. Chest Paine, Numbuess, öoreness, uw liacking Cougn. Amlnna, Pleuriny and Tj?yn Iniiamation relieved in one miiiJlwUk, '"¦ i) Cutlcnra Antl-Paiu nBHTV laster. At Druggists, 25 cent. 8fc l'otter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston. Gatarrhal Dangers. To be freed from the dangers ot uffocatlon whlle lylnií down ; to breathe freely, sleep Boundly and nndisturbed; to riee rcfreshed, head ciear, bruin active and free from patn or ache;toknow that no poleonoiis, pulrld matter deflles the breath and rots away the delicate machinery of imell, taste and hearing ; to feel that the system does not throagh lta veins and arterie, suck up the poison that is sure to undermlnc and destroy, is indeed a blesslng beyond all other human enjoyment. To purchase lmmunlty from such a fate should be the object of all ailllcted. But thoee who have trled many remedies and phyaicians despair of relief or cure. Sanford's Radical Curk meots evcry phase of Cattarrh, from a dioiple cold to the most loathsome and destructive stage. It Is local and contitutlonal. Instant in relieving, permanent in curinír, safe, económica! and never failing. sandfokd's Radical Cukb consiste of one bnttleof tho Kadical Cure, and one box of Catharral Solvent, and one Improvkd Inhalek; wrapped In one package, with treatise and dlrectlond, and sold by all druggist for $1.00. Pottíb Dbuq and Chhkmical Co., Boston. Oh, My Back, My Back. I Weak Backs, Pain, WeakneeB and Iiisff Ilimmation of the Kidneyn, Shooting A I'ains through the Loine, Hip and Slde SJfAl I'iiins, Lack of Strengtb, and Activity lpKpllevel in One Mlnnte and VrrV specdily cured by the Cutlcura AntlI'ain Piaster. A new, original, elegant and lnfallible antidote to pain and inflamation. At druggist 25c.: flve fortl.OO: postage free, or ol Potter lirui and Chemical Co., Bonton SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OF PURE GOD LIYER OIL And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatableas Milkl Th only prcpuration of COD MTEE OIL ü% can be teken readily and tolerated for a Ion Uw bTiXDCASfcAmí!'KMEI)V FOK CONSITtPnOW. SnwTTÏ.OI S Al KKIT1OX, ANAKM1A, DMtitvi, DKr.ii.tiY, corciis am throat tvnniiivt, a-M'. nM WASTIXI DISUKDKBS 0? (llll.l'KKN II Is nirrrrüons In lts rrnlm. lToscribtd and t-n.i.-irsnl ly the best Pbyicln ia the couutncs ot thn worU. ' FOR SALE EY ALL DRUGGISTS. W. TREMAINE'S FIUK AM) IJFK INt?ITRAiVCB_AGBNCr ! No. 16 Casi Hurón Street, Orposite Cook Iloimo. Ten Flrst-Clan ComIauii;s represented. Assetts Over $25,000,000. 13I9-13U. I CLCvinArn I uoud py. 84lnaUoiu I íunilili.d WiiU Val.mlne Bru., JuimtIU. Wl.


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