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The Lima township library has 40 uew books. John Fowler of Saline has moved to Ann Arbor. E. A. Hauser of Saline, shipped a flock of 800 sbeep to Detroit last week. G. A. Lindonechmidt of Saline has returned home from hls trip to Missouri. 51,077 pounds of butter has been shlpIed by the Mooreville cieamery this season. Ex-Sheriff Wal luce and wife have returned home to Saline from a trip to Dakota. The Dexter eider mili made 50 barrels of eider and 75gnls. of jelly inoneday recently. Henry Hall, of Jackson, now lives in the Phelps residenco on Aun Arbor st., Dexter. The Saline Presbyterian society have engaged Miss Fanny Cadwell as organist the coming year. Uev Herbert A. Kerns, of Butler, Ind ami Miss M. Adelle Wheeler of Saline, were married Oct. ]3th. Mlchael O'IIara of Saline and MissCarrie Uluui, of Lodi, were married last Wednesday at Ann Arbor. Saturday must have been a pretty good rat day, as Howard Kouse killed 23 in Nissly's cellar.- Saline Observer. The Ypsilant i city council has ref used to submit the question of water works to the people at the coming election. Michael Hoy is attending the law depart ment of the university and Misg.Joey Fleming the medical department. 'Both of Dexter. The season tickets for the normal lecture and music course, (nine entertainments) 800 in all, were sold quickly at Ypsilanti. In Chelsea, by the Hev. W. W. Campbell, Oct. 13, 1886, Proctor C. Pattengill, of New York city, and Miss Minnie E Btreeter, of Chelsea were married. The Methodists have organized a young folks society, and meetings will be held each Sunday e veiling. The Oxford league has disbanded. - Salino Observer. A. D. Crane, claim agent, has just procured a pension for Maria D. Bruen, widow of John D. Bruen a deceased soldier amounting to $2,048.20.- Dexter Leader. The Chelsea Ilerald editor has a fine collection :of shawls, wraps, umbrellas, canes, gloves, vails, stocki- no jewelry etc., lost by careless visitors at the Chelsea fair. Mr. Stephen Fairchild, of Ann Arbor, who was nominated for county treasurer, has declined the nomination on account of ill health.- Dexter Leader. Now will the Leader please notice tlmt Mr. Fairchild has not withdrawn. On Tuesday eveninff of last week Miss Hattie B. McElcheran and Mr. Wm. DeForest Snyder, botli of Ypsilanti, were raarried, at the home of the bride's parents. The allair was one of the society events of the season there. J. H. Bortle has a mammoth puffball on exhibition at his store. It niBasures 37 inches in circumference and weighs six pound8.- Saline Observer. Woodruft'of the Ypsi. Sentinel wants that to fix the Detroit Journal man with. County ofllce seekers are now on the war path, with blood in their eyes and all tlieir war paint on. Be careful, lest you arouse their ire.- Dexter Leader. No danger of that. They are gentle as sucklng dove. Their love for everybody now is something mar vel 0115. ine uall jame at Milán, Saturday, was a anide affair, tue Ann Arbor's givlng it to Milán by a score of 13 to 1. The thing was worked for the benefit of Milan'g saloon-keepers, the Ann Arbor's receiving their $50 and a share of the gate'inoney to play an exhibition game and give it to the Milan-state combination sluggers. Our neighboring town lias not gained an enviable credit for square dealing through its recent base ball schemes.- Saline Observer. We come to tho front again this week with another oL those apple tree curiosities. This time the freak of nature Is in the shape of an apple tree branch about four feet long, on which isgrown four perfectly developed apples, three Russete and a Baldwin. It was taken from an ungraftcd Ruseet tree in the orchard of Jos. McGuinness, Dexter township. All persons doubting the veracity of this, please cali at our office and examine before contradictmg.- Dexter Leader. It is a good thing Unit it is just about election time when people are prepared for strange stories. Should any of our readers desire to look upon a crushed and heart-broken class of people, a class of people who formerly made the " weikin ring" with reverberatlög shouts, emitted during their exuberant joy, but are now humbled to the dust. we recommeud them to secure at once a bird s eye view of the Dexter aggregatlon of base ball enthuslasts who havestuck to the Detroit club during the summer campaign, even cloRerthan a brotber." The spectacle is one that woulu melt a heart ofstone. The sorely-aftlicted fraternity have our hcartfelt sympatliy. All messages of condolence left at tliis office during the next 30daj-s, will be delivered freo ot charge.- Leader. The South Lyon Picket, under the heading "A Hard Blow to our Thrlving City," bas the following among other paragraphs: " Ere another issue of our paper arrangements will havo been made for the' trar.pfer of lreight and the Grand Trunk and Toledo, Anii Arbor & Northern Michigan railroad business from this point fo Hamburg junction. This is no heresav but a fact gleaned from the managers of botli compaiiies. With this transter necessitates the renioval of 7r people by actual coiiiitl,from our town. Kuniors of all kinds are afloat, one that the T. # A. A. Co. will openly defy the state and run no frains overtheir lino botween this point and Leiand. Another 9 tliat two of our business ilrmsare to move to Hamburg. Of course these are only Tumors but they all help as a set-back. Of course it is a bitter pill but one we are oblifjed to 8wallov at a single gulp without even the usual water attachments. Two or three more such blows as this, combined with the mining enterprise disaster would about ruin our embryo city and Dennis will be an appropriate name to give it"


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