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Sared His Life. Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Horso Cave, Ky., 8pj8 he was, for many years, badly afflicted with Phtliisic, ilso Diabetes; the pains were almost unenilurable and would sometimos almost throw hirn into convu'sions. He tried Electric Bitters and got relief from first bottle, and alter taking slx böttles was entirely cured, and had gaincd in flesh eighteen pounds. Says he positively believes he would have died had It not been for the relief afforded in Electric Bitters. 8old at íifty cents a bottle by Eberbach & on. Day and Night During au acute attack of Bronchitis, a ceaseless tickling ia the throat, and an exhaustlng, dry, hacking cough, afflict the suffercr. Sleep is banlshed, and great prostratlon follows. This discase is also attended witli Hoarseness, and sometimes Loss of Voice. It is Hable to become chronic, involvc the lungs, and termínate íatally. Aycr's C'herry Pectoral afford speedy relief and cure in cases of Bronchitis. It controls the disposition to cough, and induces refreshing sleep. I have been a practicing physician for twenty-four year, nml, for the i;it twelve, have suflered from animal attaeka of Bronchitis. After exhausting uil tha usual remedies Without Relief, I trled Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It hclped me immediatelv, tul etfcctcd a speedy cure.- Ü.Stovuáll,M.D.,Carrol]ton,Mls9. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is deckledly the best reniedy, within my knowtodm, for chronic Bronchitis, and all Mm;; (lineases. - M. A. lïust, M. D., South Paris, 3Ie. I wasaltackcd, lutwlntqr, with asevere Cold, wliich, from exposure, grew worse and fmallv settlcd on my Lungl. By night sweats I vas reduced almost to a skeleton. Mv Coa(fh was incessant, and I frequcntly spit blood. My physician told me to pWe up Imsiiiess, or 1 would not live a inonih. After taking various remedies without relief, I was tiually Cured By Using two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I m now in perfect healtli, and able to resumo business, after Jmwng been ' nounced incurable with Consuiuptiou. - S. P. Bendenen, Swilsbvrgb, Penn. Tor yean I sim In n decline. I had wcak hniK's. and siitlVicd from BroneMtis ándCatarrb. Ayer1! berry Pectoral reMorad me to health, and I have boen for a long time eoraparatlvely vlgorous. In case of a nidden coM l alwaya resort to the Pectoral, Rnd flud Ipeedy rellet.- Edward E. C'urtis, Butlana, A't. Two yrars a;o I Miffcred from n MVere Bronchitis. The physician atti'iiding me beoame fearful thai the dlsease wonla tiiïninate in Pneumonía. After iryini; varloua medicines, without benefit, he finallv prescribed Ayer' Cherry Pèptoral, whlca reüered me at once. 1 conttnued to tak this medicine a slnirt time, and was cured. - Ernest Cokon, Logamport, Iud. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepmred liv Ir. ,1. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mm. Boid by all DruggUta. Prica tl ; u kottlei, i. FOR DYSPEPSIA. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERCY, INDIGESTIÓN, ETC, ETC. u Ilors3ré ACID PHOSPHATE. A llquiJ preparatlou of Uio phosphate and phosphorlc acid. Recomraended by Physlclans. It makes a dellclous drink. Invlgoratlng and gtrengthenlng. Pamphlet free. FOB SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, Prorldence, Bhode Isiand. BEWARE OF IMITATIOXS. Rheumatism Can be Cured Notwithstandinjf there are man y thousands suffer - inp from thii painful and dangcrous disc;se, who have expended fortunes in doctorin in Jjie hope that they mig-ht be cured. But Rheumatism, like Scrofula and Salt Rheum, !s a discuse of the blood, raused by excess of uric or tithic acid in the blood. It has bafflcd the skill of our best physicians all over the land, and there are to-day more men, woraen and ehtldren sutterinj? from thi's terrible disease than ever before, and the opinión sccms ahnoat universal that it is incurable, but thts is a mistaken idea for it ean be eured. But not íd a day or weck, as many seem to expect, short of a thorcugh treatment with a remedy that will cleansc the blood of the acrid poison anti that will build up the debilitated systera, enrich the blood, increase the rirculation and restore the liver and kidneys to healthy actlom can efïect a permanent cure. A remedy compounded from roots, herbs, barks and fruits, whose curativo properües are particularly adapted to all diseases of the blood, and when hm as directed will cure any case of Kheiimatisin, either chronic, acute, inflammatory or sciatic, is H3b bard's Rheumatic Syrup. This remedy stands far ahead of all others for the cure of the diseases above mentioned, and the proprietors have that conhdence ia its curativc powers that they will give $100 for any case of Hheumatism, bált Rheum, Scrofula or Erysipelas it will not help or curt, Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup is put tip in Lirge bottles, and ia sold by dmg-?ist gencrally at $1.00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.00, or we Will send it to any address on receipt of Drice. lf you are a sufferer from any of the above diseases, or any disease of the blood or skin, do not delay but go at once and pet one-half doMO U of Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and you will bless the day you heard of it. Send for our pamphlet and read oí those who have been cured ita use. Address RHEUMATIC SYRUP CO., Jack&on, Miei NEURALGIA OURED. Jack ron, Mieh. Gentlemen I mifferod beyond mensure wlth NouriilK'ia, and I mu only too Riad to Hay that Hlbbard's Kheumatic Syrnp luis nfTorded me complete relief. ]t Is a ttreat remedy. bnn trnly, . MILLS, Dealer in Flour, Feed and (íinin, 1 1 1 Mili si. JACKSOV, Mirli., Ootober, 1S86. Tliis Is lo eertlfy that I have used ynnr moilldne for tlip run-nf snatir Rhenmatiam wlth beneticiivl resulta, nnd mn reoommend tho same to all panana similiirlynillictc I. Inllke an externul appllcation, it soom to remove the dl- tiv minfyinit tho Wood. Kespectfujly, QKORQE W. KENNEDY Svcrvtary of Jackaon Electric LigUt Oo.


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