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Mr. and Mrs. E. E. White of St. Jolins are I the city. Mrs. Wanty of Grand Rápida la visiting hor friends in thls city. Miss Marie Wilcox of Detroit is visiting at Gen. Wilcox's on Ann st. Chas. Spoor is visiting his daughter, lln. O. F. Webster, at Owosso. Miss Allee Hichardson went to East Saginaw, Monday to visit friends. Mrs. Jennie Troxel, of Vicksburg, Micli., is visiting at Prof. V. H. Payne's. Adam Kraft, of Neosho, Mo., is visiting friends and relativos In this city and vicinty- Ed. White and wife of St. Johus, are spending the week at Prof. J. G. Pattengill's. John W. Dafoe has gone to Fort Wayne, Ind., to start in business. He is one of the hustlers. Ilenry D. Bennett and wifo accoinpanied their sou Honry back to California yesterday. Bicyclists Keek, Henion, Osiu?, and Nickels rode to Detroit on their wüeels last week. Mrs. Ida McGraw Stewart, or Duluth, Minn., is visiting Mrs. E.T. Bradley on S. División street. living K. Pond of Chicago, is home for a week's vacation with his puents and friends in the city. Mrs. W. EL Rand, of Charlotte, Mich., is visitiug at the home of her father, A. Moore, on N. Thayer st. Miss Etta Field, of Alpena, came to the city Monday to attend tho wedding of her cousin, Misa Beal, of Dexter. Aid. Neitliammer is keeping bachelor's hall now,'his wife andfamilyhaving gone to La Porte, Ind., for a few weeks' stay. E. E. Kundel, one of Caro's live ïnerchants, accompanied by his famüy, who have been visiting relatives in Salem, are in the city this week. Mrsi 8. S. Walker anddaughter, Minnle, of St. Johns, who have been the guests of Mrs. Chapin, of Bowery street. for the past two weeks returned home yesterday. John Boylan and mother left Tuesday for Watertown, Clinton Co., to be present at a reunión of the Boylan f.imily, to be beid it Wm. BoyUa't at the above place.