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Prof. Gayley is in Geimany. Field day occurs one week from ncxt Saturday. A great rush between the fresh and soplis is oxpected next Saturday. The Palladiurn wltl be printed at the Coürieu office tliis year as usual. Moot court cases have already begun In the " presidential dep:irtment." Prof. C. E. Lowrey lias been obliged to go west in 8earch of better health. Prof. Payne's new book is handsomely noticed by the November Harpers. The Columbia college library has been increased by 20,000 volumes the past year. Johns Hopkins university ia to have a new $100,000 phyaical libraiy and observatory. JudgeHonierN. Ilibbard, oí Chicago, visited liis sou Joha D., of the class of '87, Sunday last. F. V. Job returned last Saturday to reniaiu his last year in the university, being now a junior law. J. V. 1). Willoox, candidato for piojecuting attoruey of Wayne couuty, tpent Sunday witli liia Sigma Phi friends. The suggestion of President Angelí that the hospitals sliould be located off the campus is meeting with hearty approval in university clrcles. Prof. Chas. H. Stowell has sot a good example by donating a numberof periodicals to the patients in the hospitals. Others might follow to good advantage. On Sunday evening, Oct. 31st, Rev. John C. White, D. D., will deliver the annual address before the Student's Christian Association in Uuiversity hall. Hou. Georj-e L. Yaple, democratie candidate for governor, was entertained after his speech last Thursday evening by the Sigma Chi fraternity of the university. Mr. Yaple joined the fraternity while attendiug Eyanston university. The following offleers were chosen by the freshman dental class last Saturday a. m.: F. P. Watson, president; Miss M. J. Robinson, vlce-preaident; Mr. Taylor, secretary ; and treasurer, II. N. Holmes. Football was discussed, and a committte appoiuted lo see to the matter. Mr. Murphy, a resident of Jonesville, Mich., who was consul to Gennany, h'as recently died and by his will, as published some months ago, he left his large and valuable library to thé university. His wife has not yet arrived with his retnains, andasyetit is impossible to learn the nature or value of the gift. - Argonaut. Politics havlng crept into the law department of the university the republican students thought they would take a liand in, and in the election of offleers for the moot congrega Saturday, party lines were drawn. The republican boys carne aut victorious, electiug W. E. Brown, of Uadley, Mieh., as president, and J. P. Looinis, of Mo., as speaker. The Argonaut, in speaking of the pressinff need of more room for the meetings of the literary societies, advojates the joining hands by the literary secieties and the athletic assocmtion for purpose of erecting a gym in which ttiia necessary hall room would be provided. Upon the invitation of the Philosophical Society and of the Polltical Science Association of the University, the Rev. 8. VV. Dike, Secretary of the National Dlvorce Reform League, will deliver a lecture on "The Family and Public Law," In the law lecture room, Saturday svening; October 23, at 8 o'clock. Preslíent Angelí Wlll preside. All are invited to attend. The class of '88 held its election of affleers, last Salurday, with the following reeult : President, F. C. Clark ; vlce president, Miss Laura E. Whitley; secretary, Hildner; treasurer, F. Sessions; historian, J. H. Greusel ; marshall, P. Richirdson. A black silk "plug"' was adoptcd is the class hat, and a committee of flve was appointed to assist in managing all he social affairs of the class. The following comm-uuication spcaks more thau any puff could possibly do for the excellence of the "Mexican Typical Band, which Is to give two entertainments at the opera house on Friday and Saturday evenings. Itead. Mr. C. M. Beach, Manager Teutonio Opera House : Dkvii Wedealre to make public aoknowledgement of the pleasure we derlvod Trom the concortH of the "Mexlrnn Typlcal Jrcliestra" glven Tuesdny and Wedneaday ivenlngl. Efuch performance met wllli the most hearty approval aad appreolatlon, not nly (if connolssenr In rauslc, but of those ilso who, like raany of the uriderBlgned, feel ind enjoy lt without pretendlng to a knowld(?e of lts technlcailtles. Our purpose In jnlllug in thlK commendatlon Is to eocourifvou In presenting to oar people a merltjus lloe of entertatnraents, and at the same Lime to pay tribute to a musical organlzatlon rt-hii-h we cannot too highly pralse. 8li?ned- Arthur HUI, E. Andrews, E. II. Pcarson, K. H. Allen O. D. Llttle, H. J. Northrup, James E. Vincent, Cha. L. Benjamin O. E. WUeeler, F. W. HolUter, L. H. IIopkliiB, E. M. Joslln and C. II. Oreen.


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