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ATT I If I o. MUI tJX.uenit'lorJpus'iatii; M I ' Ij and receivc free, a costly box I II I V of Ko0' which will help yon I I f] M.tomorcmonnyrigDtawaythan "¦"-¦¦1-1 'anythina elea iu fhis world. All, of cilher pex, eucceed trom first hour. The broad road to fortuno opens belore the workere, ab-olutely sure. At once addreas. Tkuk & Co., AnsuBta. Maine. 'ffa A fl rtfin " P gtveri atvay V'll Illll Send u ." cents pnstage, and y I I by mail you wil! get free a I Ijij -UU Pickase of coods of large T J v.iln.-, tliMi will start you iu ivork that wlll at Oneè brtng jou in inoney faster than aiiyttiiníí elee in America. All ahout the I 200,000 In presenta wllh eaeh box. Aconta wanted e rrywhero. of eithtr eex, of all pi'n, for all the time, or spare Uma only, to work fr ns attheir. ownbomef. Portase for all workers alieolutely assured. Don't dclay. 11. IIallktt & C, Portland, Maine. TTriT 11 ior workinirpcople. Send lOcenta I Ij I II poatage, anJ wc will mail yourf e H fl I y rojal, valuaWe aampln box of (oods I that will put you In the way of mah¦ iim mor'1 money in a few days than f on ever tboogbtpOBslble at any hiuinepp. Caplt il nul raqnired. Yon can live at home and work !n Urne only, or all time. All ol both si'xes, of all age, urandly succossful. 50 cents to - ly eiirncil fviMiim;. That all who want work niiiy test the buiinesü, we make this nuparalleli d off: To all who are not wcll satirinedwf wlll pend il to pay for the trouble of wrtüng us. Full parttcnlan, directions, etc, sent free. Immense pay a solutcly ure for all who start at once. Uon t dolay. Addruss Sti.nsn t Oo., Portland, Mafne. FRA.NCIS L YORK, M.A., Wlll riceive during THE COMING SUMMER , A Limited immber of Pupila In p:i a n.o, ORC 4N AND HARMONY, At greatly EEDTTCÉíD E'ATESApply by ninll orat XO. 30 SOUTH INGALL8 STREET. BEAL EL1A1E INSÜRANGB" AGEN6Y. OF J. A. SESSIONS ATTORNEY AND XOTARY PUBLIC Real Kstate snld or rented nnd renta collected on remoonabla terms. Nont bat old Mini lirst-class Itisurance Companlea repreonted - with inKurnnco oapItal of $10,000,000. Ratea ai low any otber LDsnranee compftny and loasei prorapi ïy pald. oilU'e over American Kxpiess olllce, Malu street, Vnn Arbor. Mich. fê f T T field in icarce, bat thoi vbo wrlte H I I Stinaon k Cn.,rortlnd, Mlne,ill receir T I I I free, full Information bout work which I I I I lhFfCBD do, una 11t at tiotnfl.tbatwtll py UU1III them from tn to (25 pr itj. Boma bara comed over $.Vlin aday. Etlher bcz, youDfforoid. Capital notrequlred. Yoa areitarted fr. Tbose wboiurt al onc ut absolutclj luro of (nog Utllo fortmea. All il on. t HUVCn I IdCnd th.s paper, orobtain eitimatet on advertising space whon n Chicago, will find it on filo at thoAdvettitingAgencyof LUIHI tt i llURIIIdl J JAMES G. BLAINE'S M ? OBEAThieroRv K Oiitsolla nll olherbociks. ITon. ,-fc. JS J. W. Vis;or ':t.. Sïiys: " H'ho, , , r f .& "4 tnki-sit upxiu matter whHhcrhé oe Mr. Blaini 's frii WÊUammii 'riU ''¦¦'" "-' " down tnttU hc Zfo VHKi Afis n-titi ' ¦¦ "-hole." Jlott. Allen iHD O. Xiiunnaii, says: "A cliusio "¦' in ourpotiticai hüttory." A- nta want d on ciiinml. - i-fiöiary. Addrcss, KtUo Iiruther 'HPWWWW Vnhtmlua, Ohia NOTICE. NOTIOE Is bsreby (tyaa Itaat Utn UI b ü Bppclal meeting of the Bloobbolden f the Toledo, Aun Arttoraml North Mtohlffan Kailway at Lbe Coiiipanyi oÖLce lu Toledo, Ohlo, on November 29th, A. D. '86, at 1 o'clock p, m, Tli'1 oblri't nf Malil niri-tiiisi is to approveor rejeol íheagreemenl (or onnimlldaUoc heretotore made by the Board of Directors of tho Toledo, Am. Arbor and tiorth Ulohlirarj rallw;tv eooipaDy aml tlití Toledo, Anu Arbor and Mt. Fíeanant railwny ciimpüiiv. and for the trnnsncil.m of snoh otlier btuineaa us may come before itw meel Ins. , O. K. 'oi)ic. Secretary. Dated Toledo, Oblo, Sept. Utb, 1888. aVBSCBBB FOB The Ann Arbor Couricr.


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