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Tns exporta of broadstuffs for September were ralued at $1432,5'13, as against $9,007,713 for the same period In 1885; and for tho nino months endei Soptember 30, 188C, $110,838,599, as agaiast $102,190,793 during 1S85. TnE strike at the Stock Yards in Chicago remained practical ly unchanged on tho 12th. Men wpre boing brought from other clties to fill.tho places made vacant by the strike. The American Aendomy of Modicino convened at Pittsburgh on the 12th in tenth annual session. It was reported on the 12th that tho seotion about Ninety-Six, 8. C, had been regulary shaken by underground expio8ions since January, 1885, and tbat the noises sometimos resembled thunder orthe bowling of a sevore etorm. Scieutists thought the noise? were volcanic. GoVEKNon Pierce, of Dakota, in his annual report on the 12th estímate the rallway oonatruotion in that Torritory for the year at eight hundred miles, and reports the population at 500,000. The assessment of property is $130,000,000. Charles L. Whittif.r, a lawyor, was arraigned in Boston on the charge of ombezzling $100,000 from Harriet D. Reid, a cliënt. Tas erent in the conrention of the Knights of Labor at Richmond on the 12th was the defeat of the proposition to make the terms of general offices threo yoars, InBtead of one. Tue lowa Women's Christian Temporaoce Union met in annual sesslon at Sioux City on the 12th. Edward Robixson, one of the foremost business men of Tippecanoe County, left Lafayette, Ind., on the 12th for parts unknown, and sinco his departure about $17,000 in forged notos had been brought to light. It was discovered on the 12th that Asslstant Postmaster Burrage, of Troy, N. V., had fled to Canada, taking with hiiu $3,700 of the Government funds, Thk town of Sabine Pass, Tex., was iwept out of existence on the 13th by a radden rise in the Sabino ríver. Not a house was left standing, and sixty-flve Lives were known to have boen lost. It was made public on the 13th that Judge Gary, State's Attorney Grinnelland Captain Schaack, connected with the trial of the Anarchists in Chicago, had receiyed a large number of threatening letters. The latest missive, addressed to Mr. Grinnell, opened as follows: "Jïespected Sir: With much solicitude for yourgood health and that of your estimable famiiy, I wish to ad vise you that your doath is very noar. Bowing to the ground in honiage of you, I Boize this opportunity to forewarn you that I will cut your throat at my first conTenience." Tue National Council of tho Congrogational Church began a week's session iu Chicago on the 13th. An incendiary flre on the 13th destroyed the new Baptist Church at Bennington Center, N. Y. The loss was $40,000; insurance, $10,000. The motive was revengo because the church people had suppressed the sale of liquor in the vicinity of the church. The Neidringhaus cattle syndicate at St Louis was on the 13th said to have met with a loss of $250,000 in its attempt to drive from Northern Montana to British Columbia. The Treasury Department has decidod that a bicycle purchased and used in Canada by a resident of this country is entitledto free entry as "personal effects.'1 President Green made his annual report on the 13th to a meeting of the stockholders of tho Western Union Telegraph Company in New York. The year's revenues aggrogatod $10,298,633; the profits were $3,919,855 and the surplus is $4,809,834. The demand for small .coins was so great on the I3th tbat the Fhiladolphia mint could not keep pace with the orders. At West Stratford, Conn., Josoph Fruse fatally wounded his wife on the 13th with a dagger, and then ondod hislifeby throwing himsolf in front of an express train, which beheaded him. The switchmen's strike at Minneapolis for an incroase of five dollars to ten dollars per month had on the 13th become a serious matter, as every road seemed to be lnvolved. The Ames rolling mili and spike factory and some out-buildings in Jersey City, N. J., were burned on the 13th, causing a los of $200,000. At a meeting in Albany, N. Y., on the 13th of the National Association of Knit Goods Manufacturers it was voted to shut down fltty-nine knitting milis, and twentyflve thousand operatives would be rendered idle. The steam-barge Selah Chamberlain, of Cleveland, O., was run down and sunk ofl Sheboygan, Wis., on the 14th by the steamer John Pridgeon, Jr., and flva ol the Cbamberlain's crew were drowned. A 6EVF.HE storm swept over Northern Illinois on the 14th, crossing Lake Michigan and contiti'uing in a northeasterly direction. Telegraph wires were prostrated and considerable damage inflicted to property. ADVICE9 of the 14th say that Johnson's Bayou, La., was inundated by the waters of the gulf during a recent hurricane, and man y houses swept away. Seven families penshed by drowning and several persons were reported missing. The wind at Buffalo, N. Y., blew sixtyfive miles an hour on the 14th, and twentynine houses on "the island" were destroyed. Two persous were drowned and others were reported missing. Millions of acres of grazing lands in Indian Territory had on the 14th been burned over by prairie flres, and large numbers of cattle were said to have perished in the llames. Sarah E. Howr on the 14th reopened her Woman's Bank in Boston, after having seved a term of three years for swindling depositors. Batard Pütnam, Chief of the Government Topographical Survey, hanged himself to a tree on the 14th near North Adams, Mass. Harrt Wildman, a farmer near Atwood, 111., who murdered his wife July 3 last and attempted aulcide, was taken from jail at Monticello on the 14th and hanged to a tree by a raob. The severest wind-storm of the season prsvailed in Chicago on the 14th. TelegTaph poles were felled to the (round, wires were blown into networks that could not be digentangled, and for houra Ihe city was cut off from communication with the outside world. Several houses we.-e blown down, others were unroofed, roo were uprooted and numorous ton war ín jurad. In the guburbs graat damage was done, flfty housoj at Lehmann lieing destroyed. Ik Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Iowa great daraage was don on the Hth by a terrifle wind and ruin-storm. 'i ïiTUKK adrices of tha Hth say that over a hundred persons were drowned in the recent flood at Babine Pass, Tex., and every house was elther swept away or badly damaged. The loss of property was estimated at (250,000. The entire business portion of Eastport, Me., was destroyed by flre on th Hth, causlng a heavy loss. On the persons of two tramps killed on the Hth by a railway accident at Old Deposlt, Ky., was found $430 in currency. Later reporta on the 15th stato that over two hundred lives were lost in the recent great storm on the gulf coast Babine Pass, Johnson's Bayou and the delta of the Miasisaippl were the sceneg of the greatest devastation, but six houses out of one hundred and fifty being left in tha flrst-named town. At the Knights of Labor convention in Richmond on the 15th Mr. Powderly arged the importance ot temperance, and ach of the general offleers formally pledged himsolf to total abstlnanco f rom intoxlcatlng liquors during hU two years' term of office. Hesrt Norris, who killed Ooorge Elliott, owing to a quarrel about a chew of tobáceo, was hanged at Buchanan, Ga., on the 15th. The Oerman Orphan Asylum at Indlanspolis, Ind.. was destroyed by flre early on the morning of the ljth, one of the boys perishing in the flamea. Charles Thomas, a convict serving a Ufe sentence in the West Virginia penitentiary tor killing the seducer of his wife ten years ago in Arkansas, was on the 15th panlone'l by the President. General Fairchild, Commander of the Grand Army, issued a circular on the 15th calling upon the varlous posta to suspend collections for the Charleston sufferers, as ha bad been informad by Mayor Court enay that no more funds were needed. Thb business failures in the Unitea Statos and Canada for the saven days ended on the 15th numbered 179, against 190 the previous seven days. An'otiier shock of earthquake was feit at four o'clock on the morning of the 15th at Charleston and Summsrville, S. C. Advices of the 15th say that the recent fire at Eastport, Me., burned ten hou ra, destroyiog ten sardina factories, thirty dwellings, two hotels, the custom-house, post-otBce and every place for the sale of goods of any description, exeepting two small grocories. The loss was $500,000. In a quarrel on the 15th at Somersot, Ky., Edward Logan, United States Commissioner, and Henry Boyla, Special TTnlted States BallifT, killed each other. Krom all parts of Michigan cama reporta on the 15th of damaged buildings, ruined fences, broken telegraph and telepbone polea, uprooted trees and a general state of demoralization, caused by the recent storm. The strike in the Stock Yards at Chicago had on the 15th settled down to s question of enduranee, the packers remainlng flnn in their decisión not to resuma work except on the ten-hour plan. A tire on the 15th at Roselle, N. J., destroyed tha Windsor Hotel, and a laundress was barned to death. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The President on the 12th appolnted William L. Maglnnis, of Ohio, Chief-Justice of Wyomlng. Ox the 12th Brigadier -General J. H. Potter, commanding the department of the Missouri, was placed on the retired list, he having reached the age of sixty-four years. The funerals of three prominent men tooK place on the 12th at Washington- CJeorge W. Adams president of the Evenittg Star Company; ex-Senator Yulee, ol florida; and Judge Thomas Sunderland, a California capitalista Eioht more of the "boodle" aldermen of New York City were arrested on the 12th. Two hündrsd members of the Orendorfï family, representingaeventeen States and Territories, commenced a Miree-day reunión at Bloomington, III., on the 12th. One of the party drove a pair of mules trom a point in Missouri live hundred miles distant. Thb following Congressional nominationa were made on the 12th: Republicana -Missouri, Ninth district, Nathan Frank; Illinois, Nineteenth district, General J. S. Martin; Louiaiana, Second district, Richard Sima (colored) ; Kentucky, Third district, Dr. G. W. Hunter; New York, Eleventh district, James S. Ketcbum; Twentieth, George West (renominated) ; Massachusetts, Sixth district, Henry Cabot Lodge ; Eighth, Charles IL Allen (renominated) ; Pennsylvania, Eigtheenth district, Louis E. Atklnson (renominated). Demócrata - New York, Fifteenth district, Henry Bacon; Thirty-third, James Jackson, Jr. ; Massachusetts, Second district, 15. Morse; Connecticut, Second district, C French; Utah, John T. Calne (renominated). The National Committee of Anti-Saloon Republicana on the 13th issued an address, in which all ouemiea of tUo liquor truflio are urged to unite with the Republican party in the snppression of the saloon. It is urged that the drinking habit is directly fostered and encouraged by liquor dealers in order to stimulate the taste for liquor, that they may thrive upon the curse thu9 inflicted. The saloon and liquor interest is accused of bandlng together to defeat all restrictivo measures, and the charge is made that raoney ia freely employee! to control primarles, to carry electlons by the purchase of votes, to prevent reitrictive leglslation by bribery and to obstruct the course of jus tice by tampering with juries. At the General Asaembly of the Enlgbts of Labor on the 13th at Richmond, Va., T. V. Powderly was re-elected General Master Workman and MrGrifflth General Foroman. F. B. Turner, of Philadelphia, was chosen Treasurer, and Charles II. Litchman, of Massachusetts, was made Secretary. Judoe McCord, of the Seventh district of Texas, was on the lSth requetted by elght hundrod prominent citizens to reaign his office for releasing influential murderers on bail of $4,000 each. Major John R. Hotai.i so, for a long time General Logan's Chief -of-Staff, dled on tha 13th at Hurón, D. T. The members of tba President s Cabinet wera all in Washington on the 13tb. It was said that Becretary Manning wonld serve out his time. CoxQtxssioNAL nominations were made on the 13th as folio ws: Republicana - Missouri, 'Seventh district, John R. Martin; ArkanAas, Third district,. H. B. Holman; Connetticut, Second district, Edward C. Lwls; Now Jersey, Beren th district, 8. Hammerscblag; New York, Thirty-flrst district, John G. Sawyor (renominated). Demócrata- Maryland, Third district, H. W. Rusk; Fourth, Isidore Raynor; Michigan, Tenth district, 8. A. Fisher (renominated). rrohibitionist- Iowa, Sixth district J. R. Davis. Mart Seüoer, daughtor of one of the most prominent business men of Laf ayette, Ind., eloped on th 14tu witb the family coachman and married him. The remalns of Chlef-Justlce Chase arrived in Cincinnati on the 14th, and after appropriate ceremonies were consignad to Spring Grove Cemotery. The Wisconsin Anti-Prohibitionists mot at Milwaukee on the 14th and adopted resolutions declaring that erery honorable moans would be useil to prevent the further enactmentof laws restricting the sale of liquor, and to hare repealed the existiag laws. Tue Knights of Labor in sesslon at Richmond. Va., on the Mth elected members of the General Executivo Board as follows : Thomas B. Barry, John W. Hayes, William H. Bailey, A. A. Carleton, T. B. McGuiro and Ira H. Aylesworth. Tok followinfj Congressional nominationR VerO made on the Hth: Ropublioans- New York, Fifteenth district, Moses Stevens; Twenty-sixth, M. H. Delano; Thirty-second, J. M. Farquhar (renominated) ; Pennsylvania, Fourth district, Franklin Bound; Arkansas, Third district, H. B, Holman. Domocrats- New York, First district, Perry Belmont (renominated) ; Seventeentn, William Lounsberry; Pennsylvania, Fifth district, E. Satterthamite; Massachusetts, Ninth district, D. E. Burnett Greenback -Pennsylvania, Twenty-fourth district, Z. F. Allen. Theodorb Roosevelt was on the 15th nominated for mayor by the Republicans of New York City. EX-CONORE99MAJt BEN WlM-IS dled in New York on the 15th, aged forty-alx years. He sorved two ternn in Congress, from 1874 to 1878. ! FOREIGN. ' AT Fresnillo, Mex., twenty persons charged with insurrection wore shot on the 14th by order of the Government. Rüssia on the 14th selectod Prince Alexander, of Oldenburg, as the future ruler of Bulgaria. Tiikue were thlrty-three new cases of cholera and eighteon deaths in AustroHungary on the 14th. Thk schooner George M. Case, grainladen and bound from Chicago to Buffalo, foundered on the 14th near Port Colbourne, Can., and three lives wore lost. Advices of the 15th report three droadful crimes in Canada. At Rentrow David Gorgol killed Mrs. Stuart with aii axe, at Palmer Rapids a landlord beat the head of his infant to a jelly and then burned the body, and at Stratfor J a brute beat Mi s. Conway. an aged widow, to death. Rev H. W. Bekciikh caused intense excitement among London clergymon on tl e 15th, while delivering a lecture at thu City Temple, by pronouneing the doctrine of retribution a barbarie one. Several divines protested agninst his views. A hVRKICane on tho 15th at Niágara, Can., blow down fencos, wind-milis trees and homes, leavin the town in a dilapidated condition. Nobody was hurt Is Austro-Hungary thero were fortygeron now cases of cholera on the 15th and twenty-two deaths. The daily deaths from cholera in the capital of Corea were reported at one thousand or more. A TEBRiFic wind-storm extended ovor the entire southwest coaat of England and Ireland on the 15tb, doing an immens) amount of damage. The Talue of oxports from Oermany to America during the fiscal year endnd September 80 was $20,000,000 more than for the preceding fiscal year. ¦ ¦ It was denied on the 15th that ex-President Gonzales of Mexico had been assasinated. LATER NEWS. Refuoees who arrived at Boaumont, Tex., on the 17th from the flooded district about Sabine Pass said the loss of life would exceed two hundred and üfty souls. The number of sufferers around Johnson's Bayou who had lost every thing was over twelve hundred. There was another severe earthquake shock at Summerville, S. C, at eight o'clock on tho night of the 16th. No dam age was done. In Austro-Hungary the deaths from cholera on the 17th numbered nineteen, and thero were thirty new cases. The Postmaster-General's report shows an increase of 2,362 post-offlees in tho past year, the whole number being 53,014. Advices of the 17th say that in the recent storm on the Euglish coast flve vessels were wrecked and soventy-eight persons were drowned. A fire on tho 17th at Salisbury, Md., swept ovor the entire business portion of the villaje, causing an estimated loss of $1,000,000. Tub Chicago Exposition closed on tho 16th. There was an attondance of about 500,000 for the forty days. The schoonor Emelino was wrecked on the lOth on the west coast of Nowf oundland, and the captain and crew of six men were all lost. At twenty -six leading clearing-houses in the United States thoexchanges during tha week ended on tho I6th aggregated $1,106,987,559, against $1,174,314,750 the provious week. As compared with the correspondinc week of 1335, the increase amounts to 11.4 per cent Nearlt three-quarters of the cranberry erop on Cape Cod was killed by frost on the 17th. After a qunrrel with her husband on the lOth Mrs. Leader, wife of a London butcher, threw her five children and herself into the Thames, and all were drownod but one child. The sale-stables of Jacobs Bro9., at Franklin, Iud., were bui"ned on the 16th, and sixteen horses perished in the flames. Ninbteen brakemen of the Iron Mountain and Missouri Pacific roads woro on the lOth arrested at Fort Smith for conspiring to rob freight-cars. At a hotel in lndianaDolis, Ind., on the 17th Henry Zigler noarly killed his wife with a revolver and then slew himsulf. Jealousy was the cause. MsrER KARLRoTnsCHiLD, the head of the great banking-house at Frankfort, died suddenly on the lGth of heart-disease. The following Congressional nominations wore made on the löth : Ropublicans - New York, Fourteenth district, Jamei Wood; Illinois, Second district, Charle W. Woodman. Democrat - Conirecticuf, Third district Frederick Hyde. Prohibitionist - Massachusetts, First district, Uut. U" 1 „ 1 11 II. ..(Til


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