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AKlHö POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powiler never varíes. A marvel of pnrlty, Strengtb and wholesoraeness. More ecoDomloal tlian theordlnnry kinds, and cannot be sold in competí tlon witli the multltude of low test, short welght, aluin or phnsphate powdcrs. Soldonly in cnns. Kflynl liuk liii.wder Co.. 1OO Wall ut,. N. Y. ECZEMA! An! Every Species of Itchlng and Biirning Disensos l'ositively Cured by Cnticura. ' ECZBM A , or Salt Rheum, with itg agonlzin ltchlu Hiid bu riiiuix. inftantly relieved by a warm bain with CuTicuitAoAp,aiidasiueleapplication of CCTicr-KA.the k'reat skin Cure. Thia repeated düily, with two or three doses of CnTiniriiA Itis8OLVKNT, the New Blood Puritter, to keepilie llood cool, tho pcrspiration pure and anlrruiiting, the boweln open, the liver and kidneys active, will speedily care Kczemi, Tetter, Ringworm, Psoriasis, Llchen, Prurilu, Scalil Ilc-ad, Dandrnff. and every speck-s of Itch:n&i, Scaly and Piinply Uumorg of the Scalp and Skin, when the beat physiciane and all known remedies fail. ECZEMA. I firatefully acknowlcdge a cure 'of Eczema or Salt Kheurn on head, neck, face, arme and lega lor seventeen years ; not able to walk except on handa and kneee for one year ; not able to help myself for eiuht years ; tried huudreds of remedie; doctors pronoDnced imy case hopeless ; permaneiitly cured by Ccticuba Hemedieb. Will ,-TIcDonald. 2512 Dcarborn et., Chicago, III. ECZEMA. Some flve monhts ago I had the pleasurc to Inform you ol my improvement in the use of the Cuticuka KüMKDiEa In my case of severe Chronic Kacma r.rytheniatona, and to day cheerfully contlrmall I then gald. 1 conBider my cure perfect and complete, and attrlbute it entirely to your remedies, having used no othera. Fernán EsenohardOt 3306 Penna avenue tít. IjOuU, Mo. ECZEMA. "I have snfl'ered from Salt liheuin for over nlsht yeais, at times eo bud that I could nut altend to my business for week at a time. Three boxee ol UTicuKA and fonr bottlcs of Uksolvint have entirely cured me of this dreadiul di&e&se." II r. John Th iel, Wllkuebarre, Pa. CUTICÜRA REMEDIES, Are Sold by all Druk'ciats. Prlce: Cüticuba, 50 Cis.; Kksolvknt, Í1.U0; Soap, 25cts. Potter Ukuu and Chkmical Co., üoston. bend for "Huw to Cure Skin Dieeases." Mentf I . r II i to Care sk in Ihiiiki-h " Trr A TTT1PY the Complexion and Süin by JjL&U ueing the Cuticuka Soai. I CAN'T BREATHE. fc C'hent Paine, Numbness, Sorenees, &fihv Hackins C'ouh. Ayihnia, Pleurisy and ffí? U Inllamation relieved lu one ininï,"' by Cutlcura Anti-1'aiu JNSreT' '" "¦- Al ürugglBte, 2ó cents. vBSfc1 l'utter Uru; and Chemical Co., Boston. Catarrhal Dangers. To be freed from the dangers ot oflocation whlle lylntr down ; to breathe freely, sleep eoundly and uDdisturbcd ; to rise rcfreshed, head ciear, bralu active and free from pain or ache; to know that no poisonous, putrld matter detllee the breath and rots away the delicate machinery of emell, taste and hearing ; to feel that the systcm does not through ita veins and arteries, suck up the poison that ia sure to undermine and destroy, is indeed a bleseing beyond all other human enjoymente. To purchase lmmunity from such a fate ghould be the object of all afflicted. But those who have trled many remedies and physiciane despair of relief or cure. Sanpord's Kadical Cure meets every pbase of Cattarrh, from a Bimple cold to the moet loatlieome and destructive etagee. It is local and constitutional. Instant in relicvinc, permanent in i uriiiL', safe, economical and ncver failing. SASunmns Habicai, Cuke consista of one bottle of the Kadical Cuke, and one box of UATIIAKRAL SOLVENT, and OUC IMPROVBD [HHALIB; wrapped In one package, with treatise and dlrectlonJ, and sold by all druggiet for $l.(J0. PoTTfia Dbuo and Cuhkmical Co„ BoBton. Oh, My Back, My Back. .i Weak Backs, Pain, Weaknees and Inyf9 11 immation of the Kidneys, Shooting í. l'ains through the I.oinp, Hip and Side SSAl Pains, Lack of Slrength, and Activity I PtS Kelleved in One 'Minute and Vttt ppeedily cured hy the i'utlrura Antll'niri Planter. A new, original, elegant and in fallible antidote to pain and icflamation. At dmeglets 25c.; flve for f 1.00: postale free, or ol Potter Drnc and Chemical o.. Boston SCOfTS" EMULSIÓN 0F PURE GOD LIYER OU And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Al most as Palatabloas Mllkl The only prpparatlon of COD LIVEB OIL ttt can bo taken rcadily alid tolerated for a long time mTiTKMVi.v ron roNsrMPnoN, KillllH IQI S AIH.CnO.NS, A.NAKMIA, iiKSn[. dhTiIhv, (dk.iis am thuoat afM,(TKVS. and all WASTI(i IMSOUDKItS OV (HII.DUi: il is iii.irvi'llmis In ItH ri'nnlt. l'rescrilxil md ïi'lors. .1 ly lüo Dcsn-üyslcUn 1d the countrics of tho world. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. W. TREMAINE'S FIBB AND I.Ili: lNSURANGB_AGBNCr ! So. 10 East Hurón Street, Opposlte Cook House. Ten First-Class Compiiiilr- represen tcd. Assetts Over $25,000,000. TE LEG R A PH YfeMïiraiiïaiS I furulüheu. Wrlto Vulmtloo Uro., JíbmvIU... W1.


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