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The editor of the Three Oaks Sun wrote Cyrus G. Luce, asking answers to several campaign assertions, and receiyed this reply: W. K. Saywer, Esq: My DearSir- I am In receipt of yoursof the im li, wlth enclosures as advlsed. So far rh 1 slanderg are concerned, I pau them by as the idle wind. In reply to the narked paragraph, wlll only say wnat I can prove. 1. 1 am a full-fledged farmer, and have do other personal business In tbeworld; live on my own farm, vork lt, run lt, control lt and own it. 2. I never saw a Bohemlan oat. never owned, bouKht or sold one In any way, dlreotly or lndirectly, In my llfe; never boughl or sold notes of any kind; am not now and never have been a note shaver or dealer; am simply afarmer and nothlng else. I own a machine shop, but am not a mechante. I un sume bank stock, butam nota banker. I own 300 acres of lmproved land and have wlth my own hands plowed every acreof lt; there Ís hardly a fence on the farm but what I have spilt the ralis for; I have succeeded as a farmer and tbank God for lt. Slncerely jours, C. O. LUCE. As the Argus of this city lias published all these eampaign l'alsehoocl will it have the íairness to publish this denial? Every laboring man who votes for Yaple or Salsbuiy votes dead agaiost hla owíi intereets. Vote for Allen and the protection of American industries and laborera. "For God and Home'' the prohibitionists are flghting to elect the democratie ticket. All the Englisli landlorda favor freo trade in America. So do the Chinese coolles. Mr. Salsbury monopolizes the Argus. Is the county democratie ticket to be sold out for Salsbury ? It looks like it. A vote cast for Stephen Faircliild for county treasurer is a vote cast for as worthy a man as the county of Vashtenaw contains. The venom of the Argus would indicate that the great "boodle" fund started by Dickinson, Yaple & Co., had overflowed into this county. Fred. B. Draan would make a most excellent sheriff for Washtenaw county. He 8 one of the rising men of this county, and will come to the front. The democratie randidates have all paid their assessments like little men, but all the work done for them has been work they have done themselves, it is asserted. The man who voted against Gen. Grant, the noblest American of the present age, wants to be governor, and by your vote ! What do you think about it ? The truthful(?) Argus will not gain anything by m ierepresenting the Courier"3 words in respect to Mr. Allen. The straddle of Salsbury is too notorious, already, to be oheckcO by MwhoodK The democratie party papen cannot begin to cali the republicana the bad names, or say the mean tilines tliat the prohibition papers do, ill for "God and Home." The offices ire not wantod, of course. Mr. Arch, a former member of pailiament of England, eays that under free trade that country "employés 800,000 less men than she did fifieen years ayo." 15y all means give us free trade and üestroy our Industries and farms. It is stated on good authority that tbe American b ranch of the English Cobden club tías sent $10,000 into tbifl district to buy up votes for Salsbury. English monopolists and aristocrats know who thelr friends are. (Sample item a la Argus.) Wm, A. Clark, for county clerk is a ileserving soldier boy. Wounded while fighting for li is country, he never yet turned lus back upon tne enemy, and doesn't propose to in this campaign. He Is making a good fight and onght to win. Give him a boost, can't you ? Geo. Frank Allmendineer does not belong to the order of crunks or boete. He is quite iinassuining, unpretenditig, yet a man possessed of sound judgment, convincing argument, firin principie. He is the man tliis district needs at Lansinf.'. Vote for him. A democratie president and a democratie congress have persistentiy refused to revise the tariff. Then how can a democratie governor, who would have no more influence on the tariff tlian he would on the weather, be of any service? Don't throw away yo vote. Truth will stand the test of fire and water; falsehood skulks around and comes out at the last moment when there is no chance to refute it. Look out for that sort of stuff just before electlon. We understand that there is some of it on tap at the Argus offlee. A man of excellent moral cliaracter, honorable and upright, prompt in all liis dealings with liis fellow-man, kind to bis family and cordial with his friends, Mr. Eugene K. Prueauff would make a record as prosecuting attorney that the county would be proud of. Give him your vote. John W. Bennett, who has been placed upon the republican ticket for circuit court commigsioner in place of Hon. Andrew J. Sawyer, is a young lawyer of good ability, excellent reputation, clean personal habits, and if elected would perform the duties of the office in au intelligent and acceptable manner. It would be an honor to the county to elect sucli a man to the position. Mr. Salsbury is atrempting a difficult piece of horsemunsliip in bis endeavor to ride so many polltical equines : Temperance and anti-temperance ; free trade and protection ; tariff on wool and tariíl' off of wool ; prohibitioii and beer; good Lord in Lenawee ; good devll in Washtenaw ; "in favor of tbe law but agin its enforcement " all tbings to all men, only o he gets their votes. Thos. B. Barry, is a member of tbe National Executive coramittee of the Knights of Labor. Two years ago be was elected on the democratie ticket to tbe legislature from Saginaw county. He voted for the Egan bilí to compel an honest counc in the elections beid in cities, and incurred democratie displeasure, so this year tbe demócrata have thrown him overboard and put a rich lumbertnan on in his place! The letter of Hon. Arthur Ilill, tlie democratie mayor of Saginaw City, coming out in strong terms lo opposition to "Gov." Yaple, Congressman Tarsneyand the fushion free traders in general, has etruck consternation to the democrats all over the state. Mayor Ilill has rung tbe death knell of the fusionists before electlon That letter destroys all hope for thefusion state ticket, even if ever there was any, wbich few really believe. If the Knights of Labor propose to make their power feit at the poll?, they surely cannot be very rnuch gratitied with the action of the democratie party, whieh is abusing Robinson in the fint district; threw overboard Walthew and the other Knights of Labor leglslative cundidates in Wayne county; nd also threw oyerboard Thomas B. Barry for a renomination in the Saginaw district, putting a rich lumbermau on in his place. All these thing8 it would seein ought to discourage the K. L's about aid froin demo cratic sou rees. We understand tliat our democratie friends of the Argus llave a great politica) gas bag they expect to explode after all of the other papers are out and there ia no way to refute the charges made. Such a method of warfare, even in politics, is contemptible, and we warn the people everywhere to be on their gaard. If the demócrata of this county, with from 800 to 1200 majority at their back are so hard up that they are obliged to , resort to such tactics, such contemptible : methods, to make a vote or two to help them out they must be badly scured. It is possible, that if this plan is earried out as now lntended, it may prove a bad t vestment. Such thinjfs have been known ( to react and turn the tide the other way. ( Capt. Allen is a nativo of Waslitenaw county. Li-t's go for the nativea. "Sellout everythlng for Salsbury," is the word passcd along the line of trusted workers. Freo trade, low wages, unemploycd workmen, starvation, want and misery are twin evils. Do you want them ? Let every republican who believes In the principies of the republican party cast a clean straight republican ticket, next Tuesdajr. In Wayne couiity the demócrata threw overboard the democratie Knights of Labor and nomiiiatcd men who are pledged to do tlicir bidding. A rich democratie lumberman goes on the democratie ticket for the legislature in Saginaw county In place of Tlios. B. Barry, one of the foremost Knights of Labor in the west. If Allen is not elected it will be Washtenaw county's fault. It will be a sliame upon her to defeat one of lier own sous, and one so able and deserving. Give Allen your vote. Col. H. S. Dean and Dr. Owcn are confident of being the next coroners of this county. Tliey will set on the defunct OOrpSM of the oppotlng candklates wltb grace aml pleasure. Edwin G. Fox, of Mayville, is the republicun candidate for the state senate in the district componed of Tuscola and Huron counties. Mr. Fox will not only be elected but he will make a tip-top legISIator. The Ypellantl Commercial says that if ulectcd Yaple will be tlielirst native born governor. The Commercial can't even teil the truth nbout tliat Ex-Gov. David II. JiTonie was born in Detroit, and was the lirst native born governor. Allen's speech of acceptance was an earnest of his faith and belief in the cause of oppressed laborers. If elected lus voiee will be raised In bebalf of thosc who are wronged. He will always be ready to commit himself to what is right. Free trade would close the doors of one-half of the work shops of tliis nation. The workmen would bc forced into the country on farms to become competitors with the already too numerous farmers. By all meana give us tree trade, to ruin proaperlty ! ! The close attention of business of Mr. Candidato Crozier at the Argus oflice this week means something. Those who pretend to know say it nieans a big blow about Allen after it Is too late to answer it. Falsehood nhvays skulks aioand until it thinks truth powerless and Uien it shows its hydru-heailud face. Beware of roorabaelu, The demócrata are startiug all sorts of storles about the republicans trading their county noininces for congress and tor the legislatura, etc. These stnries are all lies manufuctured out of whole cloth to help bolster up the fast wmning fortunes of the t'usioiiists in this county, with their 1,200 majority. As the pay of a member of the legislature is less than it costs to live during the 8essiou at Lansing, it is quite a sacrifice f r a business mail to accept the offlee and no man can urge his own election as being a help to him. So when a lirst class man does accept, like Mr. Allmendinger, for iiistance.he ought to receive the hearty rapport of' the people regardless of party Unes. There is not In the county of Washtenaw a more honorable, upright, conscientious man, than is George Frank Allmendinger, the republican candidato for the legiilature In this district. And in the event of his election he will have no politica! grndxes to pay off, but will devote all of his time to the interests of liis constituents. W. G. Thompson, of Detroit, says that if the ilemocrats carry the legislature In this state that Don. il. Dickinsoii wül be tlie "silver gray" senator! Wonder if Capt. Manly, if electetl, would help the Boss after he has set down on him so unmereifully? Or would he be ander obligation to tho greenbackers who noniinati'il hini, and support JIoses V. Field, in denanee of the Boss? It would be embarrassing (or Manly, either way, so the best thingto do is to vote for Allmenginger, who lias no oíd scores to pay olf. Some of our good prohibition brethren mlght possibly read the following to advantnge : John Brown, sou of the old John Brown, whose "soul is marahiag on," and who is in the grape business at Put-in-Bay Island, writes to l friend: "I have been so radical in my views on the temperanco question that I have refused to sell a pound of my grapes to make into wine, and yet I have not seen it to be my duty to vote wlth any other than the rcpublicau party - that party which once 8:ived our country from utter ruin, nnd still, I believe, retains that 'leaven' In it which shall 'leaven' the whole lomp witli all that is best in statesmanship." I ii order to cali attention away f rom the " boodle " the managers have secuerd to help buy up and bribe voters in the interest ot the democratie ticket in the couuty, the Argus liowls about inoney paid for Allen la the last campaign. There was two dollars spent forEldredge to one for Allen, as everybody admitted it the time. And to-day this district is beIng worked by paid men in tlie interest of Salsbury, while Mr. Allen is fii:litui; iiis battle practícally sinrle-handed and alone He is a poor man, remembsr Mr. Arus, and cnnnot ]ut moncy in the campair lie manhood and honor thougli, and does nut gtnuldle all questions to make Totes. Before bis nomination Salsbury snubbed the delegation ot Knights of Labor who waltod upon him to ascertain his views upon the labor question, we are told, saying to tliem in effect, "X am sure of the nomination, and t is not for me to coinmit myself on the labor or any other question," and then he sat back on his dignity. A friend of labor is a fricnd volien a candidate as well as at any other time. The trouble witli Salsbury is that a Hule success in Ufe slnce becominfr a demucrat appears to have made an aristocrat of him, and he is too lofty to even roceive a delegatiou of laboring uien cordial ly. Instructlons are reported, and we have the report from Rood authorlly, lo have been sent out to trade the whole republican county ticket for votes for Allen. Money is beiug used to buy ttiose of tlie prohlbltlon votcrs, who are supposed capable of belng liifluenoed In lhisway. üthers aro belng labored wlth to vote for Allen as Is u most pronounced temperanceman. Ou the other hand an efort Is bel ng made to secure the llqour vote. And as Hhowlng thü desperate trali;hts to whlch Allen's frlends nre drlven It has been reportfd that some $6.000 Is beliiK raled by the protecllonlsts to ald In earrylug thls district. The above, it is ncedless to say, is an extract from the truthful(?) ArgiiB, for no other paper in the county would stoop to it. A party with a boasted 1,200 nvijority in tliis county resortin; to such methodsl A county with sucli a majority thaf'anybody can curry it'' and lts organ reduced to fíriiidiiig out stull" to bolster up its candidatos! Is not the spectacle a pitiful one ?


Ann Arbor Courier
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