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L ROYAL fWíí J) B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls piiwdiriii-v.T varíes. A marvel of pu rlty,streUKtli and wholesomeness. eco n mu en I Mi ni tlic onlltiary kinds, and cannot bu BOld lu competltlon wlth the raultltude (i low test, anort welgbt, alum or pboaphati powders. Sold only Ín cana. Itoj ni Kakln Powder 'o . 1O Wall si., N. Y. From 115 LDs to 161 Lds. lo tlic Ciitícnra Remedies I Owe My Health, My Happiness, and My Life. A (lny never ta0B that I do not tbink and p ak kindly of tiie Vuticttra Remedies. Seven year agoi alj of a doen lumps formed on my ujck ranioft tu eize f rom a cherry atoiie to an Ottíoge. The lare ODN were friííhtful't Mok ;it, and painful to beur; pi'opie tuined uide wfaeu Ibej saw me, lu dlcgust, üüd I wad aehamed to boon the at reet or In eouiety. Phyt.clan and their truutnu-ut and all mediciie tuileil to do any rood. In a moment of deepaff 1 iriedthe CUTiCl'KA Cuticura, ihe great nkin cure, uud Vuticura Soap, an cxquisiie 5ktn lieautifler, extenially, and Cuticura Resolvente the uew itlood Puriöor, iateruuliy ; ttie mail liimps (as I cali thcuij crudnally dii:tp;jt'ared. and the larye oues broke, ín ftbosl two wetttu.discliarg tng lare quantitieö of matter, leavtbg two elight scars in my neck tu-ay to teil tho etory ot my sufferíng. My weiht then was ooe hand red and flfteen sickly pouuds; it is now one hundreü and pixty-one eoltd, heaitliy pounds, and my height is only flve toet flve inches. In my travel I prainod the Vuticura Remedies, Norlh, South. Khhí and Weet. Tot ie ra Remedies I owe My Health, My Happinési and My Life. A prominent New York L)ru'L.M-t Uked me tne otber day, "Do you ftill M8 the Cnticura Remedies f you look to be in perfect iu-alih.'' My reply wae, '"1 do, and nhall always. I have never know what sicktu's if pince I comraeticcd using the Vuticura lêtnedies." Sometitnes 1 ain lacghed at by pruir-inij tlium to puople not acquainted wlth their nu-rits, but sooner or later they v. ill oomc to their sensee and believe the same as thime tu-u ue them, as dozena have whom I öave tld. May tho time come wneii there hall be a larire Cnticura Supply House In every city in the world, tor tbu benefit of hunianity, wbere the Cuticura Remedies ehall be eold only, eo thal there will bc raiWy a ueed uf ever enteriug a drui,' atoro. M. HUSBANDS. 21Ü Faltón St.New York, N. Y. Cuticuka Kemsdibh aro a poíltlve curo Por every forin of Skin and liluo'l Dieeaee, from Pimi Ion to Scrofala. bola everywnere. Cuticura, öU Cts ; Cuticura Soap, 25 Olí.; Cuticura Ubholvbnt, $1.00. Prepared by the Potthu Dkuu and Chbmical Co., Boston. S.-nd tur "Hv to Cure Hkin BIC- Cl "P" ptyi'I-KS. BUckbMds. skin lilumiöties and Baby IA HamoRi UQ Cuticura Soap. 4fan Sidney Pairis. Êt Wlth Uiyirwtviry,, dull achinu', lifeles-, T Jl all-goñe ¦ensafton, relleTea in om' liniuiiii"i the ullrura Anti1 JL i'aiii l'liiHter. Wtrttntad. At tht DrncglaU 23 centu. l'otltr Drug Company, Jtosion. Sneesing Catarrh.The ditrO8Binff sneez", suueze, uneee, Ihe acrid watery discharges froui th; eyca anil noee, the painful iufKmnmtion exteudin to tbe tliroat, the swelline of tbc muooas linlag, causlni: cliokliiK seneations, cougb, rinfiin noleee in the head aml aplitting headacheB- how familiar these symptomB are to thonsands who suffer perlodical from luad colda or influenza, and who live in ienorance of the fact that a single applicailoi. of SANDFOR!S RADICAL CUBÉ kou Catakrii will afford ínatantaneous retirf. Hut thls treatmeot In cases of 'simple Calarrh ives bat a lauit idea of what thla remedy will do in the chroulc forme, where the Ineathing la obstrocted by cnobing putrid mueone accumulath'ii-, the hearing cffectcd, Binell and taste tfoue, throat ulcor&ted and hacklujz couh.Kradually. facteniiiL' iitLlf upon the debilitatea Bjatem. Th n it is that the marvellous curative power of Sanford's liadicul Cure munilenta lueliio inslaiiiam-oua and gratelul rallar. Cure begins from the ftret application. It is rapid, radical, permaneut, economlcal, and safe. SAMHoitD's Ra Die. ii, C'CBE consiat of oue )ottluuf the Radical Ci kb, aml odo box of 'ATIIAItRAL SolA'KN'T, and olie T M l'Ii" 1 D t.viiAi.Kii ; wrapped ín oue packae, wltli i - and dlrectlom, and eold by all UrugKlat for il.tO. POTTEB Dltl'i; AMD l'HIIKMIi Al. Co., I ACHE ALL OVER. _ " MUST OIVE UI', I cannot bcar fek this nii.; I actie all nver.niid nothlnc I fJÊ WB frv doew me any frood. liack-ache, MNSK l ierine paini, Hip and Slde palns, ó'VaU Sorene.'s, Lanlene, Weaknea?, and ''?4íír Innammatlon relieved lu one ïlin'ut', by ihat ncw. original and (Hccant 10 puin nml irlliiatuation, Ihe CÍTTICURA Anti-1'ain PLASTBB. At l)rnffi,'it Zc. ; üve or $1. Potter Drug uní Chemical Co. SCOTTS EMULSIÓN OF PURE GOD LITER OIL And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatableas Milkl The only rrcramtion of ( 0I UTEB OIL that can be taken roadily aud lol.-ruted for a long time oimifims ai n:rrïï,-i. avakmia, jkhti, iKiïïrrrY.'rnri.ii.iI'_ï"K0AT hvKKtliONS, nnd atl.mMIM) IMMH10KBS OK rTnTÍ"i.'l. il is niiirri-lioiH t" I'" n-snlta. j'r,.„.ni,. .1 iiiüi ¦ "'¦ d 'S' th0 ast l'uyelclana tn ¦ FOR SALE BV ALL DRUGGISTS. wT TREMAINE'S 1IKK AND. LIFE INMAMJUfiBNCY ! No. l East Hurou Slrret, Opposltd-.K.k Huns... 'ïvii JW-CIbm Compauli n pn i nted. Assatts Over 25,000,000. TELECRAPHYaarrn.n.-" I ruriilühvd. Wrlto TUnOM Urun., Ju)cvUl, WH


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