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"to Be Shot Dead At Six."

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A terrible example has been made in Tonquin. One of the special correspondents attached to the expedition now in the field was Camille Farcy, well known as a brilliant writer. He had long been connected with La Francc, one of the leading journals. The anny which he was detailed to accompany was that of General Forgemol. The ollicer is a martinet, and entertains the most rigid ideas regarding discipline. Beforo the expeditionary force landcd he, in conjunction with General Vincendon, concocted the following pledge, which all the journalists were obliged to sign: ¦I. , promlse upon my honor to trnnsniit no Information whatever, elther by telrgraph or mail, or by any othor means, without flrst havlng submitted my manuscript to tho offleer commandini? such expedition, or to such offleor or offleors as he may deU'inite that power to. I further afrroo that any failuro lo keep this piedle will ex puso mu to tho rigors oi' martial luw. This document was signed by all the eorrespondents attached to the expedition. When Farcy's turn came, he took the pen, but it was with evident reluctance that he signed. When he had done so he said to Forgemol: "General, I sign this document only because I am forced to do so; because, without doing so, I could not fulfill mj duty as a correspondent; because, without doing so, I could not accompany the expedition. But I wam you, sir, that 1 shall speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, touching such matters as may come under my observation." And with a defiant glance at the General, Camille withdrew. The old General gnawed his grizzled mustache to coneeaï his wrath. He did what, perhaps, most men would have done - he set a spy to dog the footstops of Farcy. The expedient was successful. Twc evenings after the spy detected the journalist, under a disguise, quitting the camp. He lollowed and saw hini deposit a large envelop in one of the minor postoflices on the frontier. He was at once arrested and conducted to Forgemol's headquarters. "Aha!" said the General, "at it already, my fine fellow? Well, what havo we here?" and he seized and broke open the envelopc. "Hum - addressed to La Francc. Evideutly some correspondence which you were sending Without my knowledge." "Yes, General," said Farcy, calraiy. "Let us see what it is," said Forgemol, as he began to peruse the letter. "General," said Farcy, coldly, "perinit to rpmind you that you are violating f .ate correspondence." "Prix. ate correspondence? Bah!" retorted Forgemol. "Very private, indeed! All Paris would know it in another day," and ho resumed his reading. There were some severe strictupes in the letter upon the conduct of the compaign. Forgemol's reading was interrupted by oaths and when he finished ho was purple with rage. "So," said he, grimly, "you consider yourself competent to judge of the operations of a General in the field, do you? Well, sir, you shall have a tasto of martial law to add to your knowledge of military affairs." Farcy disdained to defend himself. A court-martial was immediately convencd. lts proceedings were summary - its sen tence short: "Camille Farcy is condemned to bo shot at sLx in the niorning." It was then mjdnight. Tho doomed man was placed in charge of a Lieutenant and a squad of soldiere, put npon a .special train, and was borne swiftlyinto the capital city, whcre the execution was to take place. At half-past five o'clock the train dashed into the city. It passed under the walls of tho palace where Albert Grevy, the Governor General, lives in state. Tho windows were brightly liehted. and the strains of a waltz wero borno to tho ears of the prisoner. The Governor was giving a bali. 'You have half an hour to prepare for death," said tho Lieutenant, conipassionately. "Would you liko to have me sendfor apriest?" "I suppose," said Farcy, "you will grant my last request?" "Yes1 "Then let me go to the ball. I would like to have a waltz before I die." The officer bowed, and repaired to M. Grevy's palace. "liis request shall be granted," said the President' brother. "Who could rcfusc a dyinjx nian's request? Uring him here, he shall dance with my d;ui{rliter." And it was done. The last moments of his lifo were spent on a ball-roora floor. At six o'clock the officer spoke: "Tho file is waitingv" said he. "Let us go," siiid Karcv. He saluted the dancers and withdrew. When he reaehed the grouud whcre the file was waiting him, he rcfused to allow his eyes bandaged, and demanded permission to give the word of command. "May all journalists do as I hare done," said he; "itis theirduty." Then, folding his arms, he cried: "Fire!" Tho crash of the muskets rang out on the morning air. Camillo Farcy feil dead, pierced with balls. The vengeance of General Formcgol was accooiplished. - Paris Figaro. - Thero Tras a timo when Egypüans iook pride in keeping tho muniuuis of their anci'stors out of the hand of imiioU3 inliduls, but tipocimeus can now H opetüy boaght for $2.3 to $ 100, tbso witli wéu aiitl-.cnticated pcdirocs )v;ing the most valuahle. - Fhiladi'lphia has a flannel cltib. It consista f men who dare to beoomfortable in warm wcather and wlio have adopted a club uniform of light-colun-cl ov while flannel. All tlic Blip rlluities of costume are devoted to dres occasions. - Philadelphia Pres.


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