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Edwin De León, autuor of "The Khedives Lgypt," contributes to the November Harper's a thrllllng chapter of inner Lgyptian lustory called "TheTrairedy of the Mouffetiïh, au episode of Khcdive Isniail s reign." Woods Pasha, Admiral of the Turk.-h Navy and one of the best living atithorities on everylhing relating to naval aflairs, has written an article for the November nuniber of theForiim on " Reoent Naval Progress," iu whlch he makes valuable sugjrestious as to the construction of our new war ships. A popular treatise on the application of electricity is just published by Messrs. Cassell & Couipany, under the title of "Electricity ia the Service of Man." The work is translated, with copious addltions frora the Germán of Dr. Alfred Ritter von Urbanitzky, by Dr. K. Wortnell, with an introduction by I'rof. John Perry, and contains upwards of 850 illustrations The co-operative activities ot our country will find somo helnful points in the article which appears in the November Ilarper's ou " Co operatiou araong English Working-men," by an able authority -A. H. D. Ackland. The progress of that inovemeut froui its start, forty years ago, furnishesmany lessons of valué for us, and the opportunity ís presented to study the detailed operations of a cooperative society in stores, houses, íictories, and banks with rcmarkable instances of its success. AmoiiK the illustrations for " The Life of Lincoln," In the Oentury for November, will be a tine portrait of Sarah Bush Lincoln (stepmother of Abraham Lincoln) at the age of seventy-six. This portrait explains the most important influence of the Presidenta early life. It will be remembered that Mrs. Lincoln said of Abraham : ' I can say- what scarcely one mother ina thousand can say - Abe never gave me a cross word or look, and never refiised in fact or appearanne to do anything I asked him. His miud and mine- what little I had- seemed to run together. I liad a son, John, who was raised with Abe. Both were rood boys, but I must say, both now beiug dead, that Abe was the best boy I ever saw or expect to see." The biography of "Schuyler Colfax," which Mr. O. J. Hollister has written, is an excellent example of the career of a " self-made min." Bom in poverty, Colfax raibed himself by his own unaided efforts to the second place in the nation, and carne near to (retting the Presidential nomiiiHtion In 1S72; but many of the political issues ofihat time are now moribund, if not actually dead, and the work does not now posseas the interest it would have liad had it been publishedsome years ugo. Mr. Hollister has had access to all the letters and papers ,lcft by Mr. Colfax, and has presented many vahiahle facts- notably, in connection with the Credit Mobilier affair, In which he acquits Colfux of all blame. The volume is a large one of over fiye huudred pages, and contains a portrait of Schuyler Colfax in the prime of his life, and another of Colfax and his mother in 182C. Published by Funk A Wagnalls, New York ; for sale by the booksellers; price, $2.50. M-iria Henrietta, Qiieen of the Belians, recieved a letter Iroin the unlortunate ex-Empress Catlotta a few days ag, asking her to come and see her as sooifas possible. The Qneen had lier ponies hitthed to the caleche which she nlways drives licrself, and set out at a jrallop. Overtaken by a storm her Majesty took refuge in a barrack. Being mess lionr the offlers set about improvising the best dinner they could for their august visitor, Uut the Queen refused, saying: "A neu lyarrived recruit should be content with the ordin.iry fare." And she sat down :it the common table and ate a píate of cabb;ie soup and "picked" a pigs foot.


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