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Ax oxpross and freight train colu Ie 1 on the 35th at Altoona, Pa., and leTea ( sengers wero badly in John Bowlib, oonfidential olerk n a Montreal jewo!ry-h:m '. ¦ílcipp '1 '" '¦ ester, N. Y., on Ola SBth, with a largo amount of dlamonda and thlrty gold watches. It was believod on the -V.tli tliat Heury l'etors, a m uring witnesa iu tho Had I niurdor ut Sioux City, Ia., was killed lv the assassins to prevent Uis rovealing tboir namos. A sos of Charles Surrell, living noar Owingsvillo, Ky., aeeldentálly dlieharged a rifle on tho SBtb and sliot his sixteenyear old sister through tho head. The steamer EthiopU artid in New York on the 20th frotn Bt John 's Ui tlio passenpers of tho disableil Anofaoria. Dl-riso the past year the cost of transporting mails to foréign ooontriei $357,43, against $331,903 tuo previOUí j sar. At the session of tho Women'i Christian Temporáneo Union in Minneapolii on the 2th the oorretponding ecretry reported the number of onioni at 4,ü-l, with a total membership of U-'t SS '. Is a curve fiftoen miles wost of Madison, Wis., a wild train and a passenger train dashed togethor on tho 2T. tl, the enginea being wreckod and the baffgage and mail car, with thoir coutents, bnroed. One man was killed, two fatally hurt, and three others wore severely svounded. Oscak Latman agod fourteen yonrs, was buried under tons of slat on the S6tb while at work in nu iiiti-y in the NiuUelPlate mines at Brazil. Ind. Bakuaht Stii.i.wei.i,, a farmer noar Akron, O., was entiood into a lonely wood on the 26th aud torturad until he surrendered $1,500 whlcli was concoaled on his person. As expresscar on the San Francisco road was robbod ot $r0,000 on the even int; of the 25th near Pacific M,o., by a man who had been admitted on a lettor bearing the forged signature of an officer of the express compauy. Tho mossongor was silenced by threats of murder, and was found bound and gagged two hours af tor the robbory. The proprietors of the knit-goods miUa at Amsterdam, N. Y., declineJ on tho 2Cth to negotiate with the Knights of Labor with a view to ending tho great strike. They would only treat with thoir own employés. The Jordán Block at MurCroesboro, Ti'nn., wasdestroyed by flre on tho 20th, causing a loss of $100,003. A CROwn of rufllaus engagod in a freo flgbt in the smoking-car on a passenger train near Tiptou, Ind., on tho S6th, and during the fracas two men wero fatally injured and others were wonnded. It was announced on tho 96th that a mysterious and fatal diseaso had broken out among cattle in Montgomery County, 111. The animáis suddenly become stiff, lie down and die in a íew hours. Mrs. Chaui.ks E. Bldib was killed by the cars at Maldon, Mass., on tho ÜOth, while walking on the track, and Mrs. Cynthia Deering mot a liko fate at Erie, Pa. Rev. R. T. Piehce, a Methodist pastor at Butler, Mo., was beheaded at Kansas City on the 27th by a cabio car. At Littlo Rock, Ark., on tho 27th County Treasurer Ward was accosted by two nnn, ¦who knocked bim senseless, and then taking his koys robbed hia oftice of over $11,000. Sixteem structuros, including two hotels and the principal business houses, at Pocahontas, Va., were destroyod by an incendiary flre on tho 2Tth. Ono man perished in the Dames. SniPLEY, DOBSBT & Co., wholesale drygoods dealers at C'inuiuuuti, asko 1 an extensión of timo f rom their croditorson the 27th. The liabilities were placed at $820,000. The rolling-mill of the Old Colony ironworks at East Taunton, Mass., was burned ou tho 27th. Loss, $150,000. Tiie steamor British King landed 307 Mormon couverts at Philadelphia on the 27th, who would immediately proceod to Salt Lake City. THEnineteenth annual convention of tho railroad conductors of the United States and Canada was begun at Baltimore, Md., on the 27th. Samuel and H. Duany, two woalthy brothers, wore drowned in Rockland lake, near Nyack, N. Y., on the 27th. In a collision on the 27th noar Codar Lake, Ind., an ongine and seven loaded cars wero wrecked and burned. Two drovers were killed and four other persons received fatal injuries. Tiie Case School of Apülied Science at Cleveland, O., was dostroyed by fire on the 27th. Loss, $200,000. The two banks, opera-house and other buildings at Murfreesboro, Tonn., werodestroyed by fire on the 27th. Loss, $100,000. The grand jury at Plymouth, Mass, on the 27th indicted Petor McGeoch and William Bokefer, Knights of Labor, for conspiracy against tho firm of Charles Harrington & Co. Fkeuekick, a veteran who lost his eye-sight during the war and was oneo a licensed beggar iu Montrea!, on tho 27th received a pension of $10,000 in back pay and $72 a month for life. A defalcation of $75,000 was discovered on the 27th in the Detroit office of tho Pullman Car Company. The General Episcopal convention adjourned ine die on the 3Sth, after a session in Chicago lasting twenty days. A LOa-CABix near Flat Rock, Ky., was burned on the night of the 2dth, the wif o and five children of William Poe, and Misses Alice Carnos and Sallie Ad.-ims perishing in the flames. It was estimated that ono million persons witnessed the unvailiug by President Cleveland of the Bartholdi statue on Bedloe's Island, in New York harbor, on tho 28th. Although tho weather was disagreeable the parado was tho groatestover seen in that city. Tho naval display was especially fiuo, and the buildings were profusely decorated. Among thoso participating in the ceremonies were M. Bar tholdi, Count de Lesseps, the President and Cabinot, General Shoridan and the Governors of eight Statos. For the last fiscal year thore wero 14,488,153 money-orders issued, representing $132,71R.317, for which fees aegregatiug $1,214,507 were received. It was estimated on the 28th that the expenses of the postal servico for the next fiscal year would aggrogate $55,342,150, an increase of $97l!,2$ü over the current yoar. The notion firm of Meyers, Thiemau & Co., of Cinciunati, failod on the 2Öth for $100,000. Tu E llmited expreis train on the St. Paul ¦ouiiran intoan open switch at Kio, Wis., on :Mli. and wns derailod. Tlie cara at ncc took flre and the injurod passengere were roasted. It was bolieved that twentysix lives were lost Eleven cuarred corpsos iail found. Tu n Imiikinx-hnuse of William M. Dustin t Co. at Lincoln, 111., closed its doors mth98ttk Th linbilitios were 1SS,OOJ umi the ussots il'.T.OOO. Onb hotel in Washington was on the 28th entortaining twenty bridal couples. nuil anothor had ten in charge. I'.v the MTlng in of a tunnel on the 2Stb a'ong tlio naw Crotón aquaduct, near New York, the Chicago linn of Brown, Howard & Co., suffered a loss of $80,000. A W muil train which left St. Louis on the 2Sth collidoil with a freight train when ten miles out. lïotli angina! were wrecked and an engineer and biakoman wei-e Ulied. Joun Delanty, a prominent showman, who reeently married Miss Montague, Forepaugh's $10,000 beauty, was murdored on the 2Sth on the railroad track at Flemington Junction, Pa., by unkuowu parties. HF.rnr,si:NTATiVE wire manufacturers as¦embled at Pittsburgh on the 28th and fnrmed a National Association, C. S. Washburn, of Worcester, Masa, being chosen president. The Secretary of the Treasury on the 30th uit. called in $10,000,000 in three per cent. bonds, interest to cease with Decera ber. Seventeen stores wore burned the other moiiiing at Franklinton, N. C. James Whitesihe, of Wabash, Ind., swallowed his false teoth while eating on the 30th uit, and was noarly suffooated before they could bo removed from hla throat. The annual report of the Indian Commissioner, made public on the 30th uit., says that during the past year the Indiau race has taicen a firmer step in the march toTrnrd ciTÜization than OTor boforo in the game length of time. The estimetes for carrying on the Indian service have been reduced from $7,33S,049 in 188G to $5,608,873 for 188S. He urges that more schools be established. At Forest Green, Mo., on the 30th uit. a colorad woman locked her three children and two others in her house and went to church. The house took flra from a lamp and four children were burned to death. The American Humane Association will hold its tonth anuual convention at the Grand Cincinnati, O., November 17, 18 and 19, 188(5. The subjects for discussion includo insufncieney of winter shelter and food for cattle; hydrophobia; protection of birds; humane benevolence; training of horsos ; the duty of the State toward waifs; places of amusement; protection of youth against vice and crime, and methods for the organization of humane work. Wiixiam Klixkhamer, aged flfty-eight years, of Chicago, who was bitten by a dog two weeks ago, died of bydrophobia on the 30th uit ïiie amount taken by the robbor who recently rifled the expresa safe on the St Louis & San Francisco traiu was on the 3Üth uit said to be $81,000. Ik a collision of freigbt trains on the Baltimore & Ohio road on the 30th uit near Zanesville, O., two engines and twenty-seven cars with their contente were totally destroyed. Los, $100,000. One man was seriously injurd. A Killixo frost was reportad on the 80th uit in sections of Louisiana and Mississipi. The business failures in the ITnited States and Canada for the sovon day3 ended on the 30th uit numbered 215, against 19S the previous seven days. The number of deaths from the recent railway accident at Rio, Wis., was on the 30th uit. placed at twenty. Three Sisters of Morey from Winoua, Minn-, were amonft the vietims. The remains of thirtcon had boen identiSed. Conm i. Hun. mam denied on the 30th uit. the rumor that a large fllibustering party had been organized to enter Mexico under command of A. K. Cutting. Natuhal gas was diseovered on the 30th uit. at Fort Wayno, Ind., at a depth of 1,450 f eet. The Canadian steamer Isaac May was seized by the custom-house officials at Chicago on the 30th uit for alleged violation of the American coasting laws. A boiler in ain-house at Little Rock, Ark., exploded on the 30th uit, killing Frank Wators and his wife and severely iujuring four others. The liabilities of the broken bank of Dustin & Co., at Lincoln, 111., on the 30th uit. footed upover 1900,000, with assets of only tOT.OOO. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Geuoximo and fourteen other warriors wero on the 25th incarcerated at Fort Pickens, Fla. Hon. Masox W. Tappav, Attorney Gen eral for New Hampshire, died at hia home in Bradford on the 25th. llAiiuis Cohen having been nominated for alderman in New York, fourteen clothing or shoe dealers of the same name in his district hung out signs on the 2üth fcating that each was tho gonuino nomiee. TnE Woman's Equal Suffrago Society convened on the 2üth at Winfield, Kan., Miss Susan B. Anthony and other noted fomale suffragists being present. Tiie following Congressional nominations were made on the 26th: Republicans- New York, Ninth district, A. P. Wagner; Tenth, E. L. Fancher. Democrats - New York, Eleventh district, T. A. Merriam; Thirty-second, W. T. Rogers. Labor- New York, Twentieth district, HarToy Wiek. Jon McKrojfET, of New York City, an old and respected citizen, was killed in a bar-room on the 26th by John McGrath, becauso he said he should vote for Henry George for mayor. Mr. FoTHERixonAM, the Adaras Express messenger who was receutly robbed on the San Francisco road, said on the 27th that the perpetrator gare his name as Jim Cummings, the last of the Jesse James gang. The National Brotherhood of Locomotivo Englnaers, In sesstou on the 27th in New York, re-elected their old officers, with P. M. Arthur, of Cleveland, O., as Grand Cbief Engineer, whose term is three years. lx court at Columbus, O., on the 27th Francis, the couvict who attempted to escape the previous day, testifled as to the forging of the election tally-sheets a year ago, and pointed out his portion of the work. The testimony produced a profound sensatiou. The Republicana of the First Louisiana ilistrict on the '27th nomiuated Judge W. L. Burwoll tor Congress, and J. Oscar bee (colorad) from tho tjixtli district. Democratie Doltei-s in tho Twonty-first ; l'ennsylvunin district nominal. M Dr. H. L. Donnelly. Tiie (uneral of Mrs. Cornulia M. Kt, i wart, widow of A. ï. Stewart. took plaoe iu New York on the 28th: Cakteii HARmsos on the 'Mli dcllned to beconio tho Domocratic QoingreMkliull ondidate in tho Third district of Illinois. Thk Republicana oí tln Tnth district of New Yorit on the 'Jstb nomlriated Allon ï. Hiep for ConRres-fninn. Si. hi:tai;y Manninv, Petnmed activo control of the Troasury Uepartnunt on the üüth uit. A New post-otlli't' tn Dakota tpaa on tha 30th uit. nauied liartholdi. Mu. FAntriiu.i-i, Kirst Assistnnt. Soeretary of tho Treasui y, said on tho 8Oth uit. that tbere was no leal provisión for the exclusión of Mormon immisrnnts. Thk American Woman's Suffrage Amo tion at ifc letsion in Topeka, Kan., on tho 30th uit., re-elected William Dudloy Foulko as presidont. The platform recomraends municipal and Prosidontiiil suffniRO liy statute and amondmonts of StiUu and National constitutions. FOREIGN. Aivi.:i:s of the 2ütU ïh details of the massaere oí nativo (.'hristians of Uganda, África, by the ordur oL Kinff Mwango. Many were tortured, rautilated and spjarod, and thirty-two were burnt alive together. Sam Jones and Sara Small, tho Georgia evangelista, closed their meetings in To ronto, Ont, on the 27th, in tlio presence of fivo thousand persons. Seven persons woro burnod to doath on the 27th iu a saw-miü at Triberg, Oermany. Floods on tho 27th partly submerged the city of Avignon, iu France, doiug great damage. Kino Otto, of Bavaria, was on the 27tU pronounced violently insano. It was reported on the 27th that cholera had broken out in tho villages ot Finther and Uonzenheim, iu Germany. A Vienna cablegram on the 27th roportn that the ezamination of intending eiuigrants at Ratibor, for the quarter eudod with September, kopt 452 paupers trom coming to the United Stat .!¦-,. An alleged schemo was on tho 27th said to beon foot to olovato President Diaz to the Dictatorship of Mexico. Floods in the Rhone and Garonne valleys, in France, had on the 2-Sth caused great ravages. Numerous villages wero submergod and tho inhabitants wero iu groat distress. Tue Bteamer Bordorer, frora Boston, collided with tho Minerva, iu the Thames, at London. on tho 28th. The Iatter vessol sank and seven persons were drownod. CnADWiCK's thread-mills at Bolton, Eng., were damaged by fire to the amount of L40,000 on tho 28th. Tiieiie were eleven new casos of cholera in Austro-Uungary on the Sth and seven deaths from the scourgo. Rev. Johx Adams, of Now York, died suddenly from heart-disease on the 2?ith while delivering a sormon in the pulpit of the Calvinist chapol at Beaumaris, Wales. The cholera returns from Japan for tha four weeks ended Septembor 25 gave 3-1,908 new cases and 23,774 deaths. Canadias merchants were on the 28th clamoring for an extradition troaty with the United Statas. The heavy lossea by the Rothschild failure at Torouto were tho cause. Heavt reductions in rents had on tho 28th been made by a largd uumborof laudlords in West Clare, Ireland. Robert Evan' Sproule, an American citizen, was hanged at Victoria, B. C, on the 30th It. for murder. He stoutly protested his innoconce on the scaffold. O The districts of Maremma and Forrara, Italy, were on tho 30th uit. sufferiug disastrously from floods, and great distresJ prevailed among tho peasants. LATEK NfcWto. At twenty-six leading elearing-houses in the United States tbe exchanges durin the week ended on the SOtbult. aggregatod $924,782,877, fcgainst $1,063,902,899 the previoui week. As compared with tho corresponding week of 1SSÖ, tha decreasa aiuouuu to 6.3 per cent. General Booth, of England, the leader of the Salvation Army, arrirod in Chicago on the 30th uit. In the Federal courtat Fort Sraith, Ark., on the 30th uit. six murderers from Indian Territory were genteneed to be hangod on January 14. A fike at Des Are, Ark., a few days ago destroyed sir stores and two churehes. Loss, $150,000. Presidext Cleveland has solected Thursday, November 25, as a day of National prayer and thanksgiving. Rev. Henry Wakd Beeciieii arrived in New York on the 31st uit., aftor a tour of four months in Europe. COMMANDER B. V. C'UANlir.EH, CÍTÍ1 Ongineer, U. S. A., retirad, died on tho 3Ut uit. at Onset, Mass., aged seventy years. Durino the ten months ended on tho SOth uit. there wero 8,312 business failures in the United Status, against ü,104 the prerious ten months. Canada had 991 this year, against 1,088 last. It was stated on the 30th uit. that the money recently stolen from au Adama Express car on the San Francisco road wal nearly $120,000. A fi he on the 31st uit. at Nos. 105 and 107 Madison street, Chicago, diddamago to the extent of $200,000. One flreman was killed and several others were injurod. Skven native yillages in the Friendly Island group were destroyed by volcauio eruptious on the 30th uit. TnE wife of tieorge Donaldson, with ¦ child in each arm, jumped into the Potomac river, noar Washington, on the 30th uit., and all three were drowned. No cause was known for the deed. SLionTs shocks of oarthquake were feit on the Sist uit. at Charleston and SummerTille, S. C, and atColumbus, Ga. Nodamage was done! Four men were killed in railway collisions on the 31st uit. near Portland, Ore. Leadiso roforinurs in Canada met at Toronto on the 30th uit. to discuss tho question of annexatiou to the United States. The insane asylum at Hamilton, Ont, wasdamaged by fire O:i the 3 Ut uit. to the extent of $50,000. The post-oilico at Mount Vernon, O., was robbed on the night of tbe 30th uit. of oue thousand dollars in money and a Uko amount in stampa. The GoTernment receipts duriug tho first four months of the present üscal year ended on the 30th uit. were $127,S44,377, being $U, KW, 891 in excess of the receipts during the corresponding period of last voar. The expendituros wore 983,854,035,


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