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MASO.V1C DIKKí'TOKY' As v Akiwh OOJCM ivnmiv, No. 13 moets lirst ruesda ot onuli mnntli, V. (j. Diity, B. C v. a. Folohard, Recorder. WvsiinivAW CiíAiTKit, No. 8, B. A. M.- MeUs tirsi Moudny eael month. Isaac Hamly, II. P.; z. Kuath, Seoretary. BUSINESS CARDS. o: k.: maíbti CLOTH CASKETS, METÁLIC And Uommoti Collins. Calis attented to Day or Nlght. Kmbalinliiü a ipeelalty. Ktoreroom mi K. Washington stroel. HisUlencc Cor. Liberty and Klftli. IT. II. JTACK8ON, ID.ESiüSTiiTuInSliTIL OFFICE : Over Hach & Abel's Dry Good Store. T5ntrance next to Nutional Bank. II. 1. 1 ni I1ERZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! rMer1og, Olazhip, (íildinp, nd ('aldmtnine, and work of every düscriiition done ín thu bcet , style.and warrrtDtud togtve satfofecttoD. Siop, No. 4 W. Washington Si, Ann Arbor. { W. W. & A. C. MCIIOLK, ZDE.WT.ISTS.. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savings Rank, 9faonic Temple Moei. GAS or VITALIZED AIR A'iiuinisterod for thfl pftinU" extraction of teoth. STATE STREET Ikhut Tailorin Establishment ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, llKAll Siiï: If yon wniit. 11 nuat Sull ilu nut order until you liave seen JTOSEPII BERRÏ, Merchant Tiiilor, Stato Street, Ann Aroor, Mlch. You will flml a vory line line of Enslish WorsttMls lor liri'ss Sults, and all the Newest öhades aud Weaves iu Siu'k Sultiiis and trowsenngs i il stoelt and samples to order fmin. Our long experlence in ( 'uttlns; fimbles us to gíve yon a neat and perfect lit, and Clothes minie In flrst-class order, ut Lowost Llvlug Prlces Cali and nee for yourse'f. Respectfully yonr, JOSBPH BBRBY, Merohant Tallor CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Securlty hoKl tor the protection of the ]o]lcy CHRISTIAN MACK Bepresenta 'he f'tMnwins; llrst-elSM conmute, oí which ore, the .Etna, hae alone pald i.'jii,ü(K),Oil Ure Ofses in Hlity-flve yarx : Etna, o HurtCord ...i 9,192,644 Pntnklin of Philadelphia 8,1 ls,7i:i Germania, N. V 8,700,739 Germán American, N. Y 4,066,96 Londou A.seuraDce, [radon... 1,416,788 Michigan F. 14., Detroit. . . 887,008 N. V. Dnderwriters, N. Y 2,696,679 National, Hartford 1,774,60 IMicenix, Brpoklyn 3,169,036 I.osses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies issued at the loweet ratcs of premium. 119Uf LI7MBER] T TTTVTT3 TT T5 T Ij U JM L Ld JTÍ. l ITJMBER! If you contémplate building, cali at FERDON Ij i ui lis 11! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sts., and ?( our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our owu Lutnbcr and guarantee AERY LOW PRICES JGive us a cali and we will make it to your interest, as our luge and well g;raded stock iully ustains our assertion. Telcphone Conncttions w ith Office. IM. KUECII Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop A, DcFOREST. Fire Insurance Píate Grlass Insurance. Steam Boiler INSURANCE ! Loircst Rates, Honorable Adjiístinents I and Losses Promptly Faid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS BraCIAIi ATTF.NTION GIVF.X TO OOUUKTIOH or Rb.nts and Makaokxsbt of Kk.u, KsTATE I.NTERKSTM KOlt NoN-IlKSI HK' T.S. E,NT[RK 8ATI.SKACTIOK TO OWNKUS Ul'AKANTBED. A. DeFORKST. Ijl 1 1T more money than at anythlngelse by Uk 11 IV u"! "" K'-ncy forlha best selling book II 111 Bujfinnera nucceed eiandly. Nont AI fail. Terms free. Hallktt Book Co., l'urtland, Malne. IÉHPRWMK3 clFañsíT ¦rA3aJnHYOUR scalp I F JÉB WÊÊIa &MEvry Othor Day with K 0H!i55BSI1 llTUIS and yn wil1 bo Uu fl urpriBCd at tho VHH remarkablo chongo. ¦ H h F fl - Rcinovcs Scurf and LAkLLAH Dandruffancl prevent VVQVH dít?aao8 of tho Scalp. JllÉlH xt Imparta vitality JB to tho root-bulbe, mak1 1 3Cj J N Í fl lnfi Ucaltliy actíon. MÉAnijill It Cures Üaldnen, ¦¦¦iKSSHprüaervcsthehairlrom BnfEH CalUnp out or fadíng Cj BBaiul lHluiuriouafürthc ( KJtoilot. Olvosanatural gloy nd aoft ppoaranco to tho hair. 60 oenta at yourDruOTU. PcrfecUy Hanuleao. Iunotadyo Sond iUmp for troatlso "Howto havo flno Ilair ' J.H. WHTQXMAITN &CO..Pa1tlnioro, Md. SavofB.bymendlinrauytliiniítliafu! roken.with ¦ Prootw' Alwmy uqud Qluo. Sold everrwharo.


Ann Arbor Courier
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