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gH O YA C BS WSi j B POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThUpowdernejer rarle. A marvel of dorlty, stri-niiiii and wholesomeneg. .M,,reeeo lomlca tban the ordlaarj kin,K,.,,„i eanno jesoldiDcorapetltlon wlththe multltudeof owtest, sbon welarbt, alamor i'h..M.hité wderg. Sold only In aans. Uoyiil Baklea Powtr Co.. lé Wall t nv From 115 Lüsto 161 Lös. To the Culiciira Komedies r One Mj Hor] tli, My ifappiness, and .11} Life. A .! iy novor paaaea trut I dn uil Ifalnk ai.d ap „k klndljr 1 1 th -í'iol al] of a dozen lurops formed on my nec'k raii"Tn" In size Irom a etaerry etooe to un orangc. Tl onea were irighirul to look at, und pafnlal to be ,'r ¦ people tained aaide wheo tbayaa me, In dUgnst iin.l I uMlMmed tob oo the (treetor tn o PhyelcUn and tbelr treatmrot and uil medl. mtled 1 1 do uuy l-oo.1. in a niim-nt "i dceDilr I riCl'KA OtfUura Ihe Itrratt f kin care. and OuHatra Soap, an qallm skin Baaallfler, externalW, and Guticura RftoiMnt, ttaanaw Blood Parlotir, [nwroallj tae inull lumps (as I cnll thora; LTiiiluuüv dlaap eared and the &t- onea broka, In iboni u. i brgItifr giiantiiii-s ot matter, leaving two tllght scars lu my neck to-dy to teil the story ol iny 80 f - rerlDj;. .My walghl tben was one bundrud :u Uiteen Blckly pounds; Itta dow one hundred and aixty-one sulld, healihy pounds. and my b'ip;bt la only ave lci:t live inebw. lu my travelx I pralscd the VuUcura Rtmedie; North, South. Enst nd West. ¦íu'.ulíciira Rrmediéi I owe My Health Uy Happinetë and ty Ufe. A prominent New lork L)riiLri.'ist :ikrd me tne otbur rtay, "üo yon tlll aae Ule Cuticura Remediett yon look to bé In perfect health." My reply was, "1 do, and chalí alway. I have nevir know wnat sickneis in pince I commencod ulng tho Cuticura Remedies " Sometimes 1 am lauL'hed at by pralalui them to people not acqaaintM wlth i belr merlts, bat sooner or luter they vvill oome to their censes and helleve the Bme a those ttiit nee them, as dozens have hom I uuve told. May tho time come wheu tlu-re ch.ill lie a lame Cuticura Supply House In ever dtf ui the world, tor the benefit or humatiity wbere the C'utUntra emedies shall be sold only so thiit thori! will be raielv a need of ever entering a store. B M. iirsiiNn M. IirSHVNDS. 210 Pullnn Bi. Ni, N. V. C'ith .-e a i.'kikuieh are a positive cure lor ve y form of Skin and Bluo-1 Dlaeate. from PiniIe to Scrolola. Sold everjrwbere. Cutici ClH ; CUTICUBA SoAP, 28Cl.; CUTICURA btMOLvíNT, Í1IK). Praparad by the Pottcb Druo ad Ciümh ai. 'o.. Botton 8endfor"Bv to 'in-e DIaeasea m PfWPr-ES' Blaclthei, skin Btamlahea md Babj b ¦¦ II iiinurf, om CtUicuro Soap. b Sidney Pains. ¦f Wild thi-irwiviry,, ihill lehlDr, llfeleu, T Wm !llii""i' sensaiiou, rollcvcd In one 1 miniitcbv the iilieuru Anti' Falu 1'luNler. Warnoted. Al the Drnggiati -) cuita. Potttr ruj Vommmy, lïost filt. Sneozing Gatarrli. The ilistreBsIng sneez.1, snoeze, sncczo, the acrid watery discharges froni the eycs and nose, the ininlhl lnfltmmaHoD extendlng to the throat, tha aweOIng of the maoou llatng, caaalofr choking tanaationa, congh, rinaing nolses In the head md spliuing headachcs -huw familiur these syüiptoms Me to tfaonamdg who puffer poriodlcal Irom head culdi or luflueüza, anil who live ii iynorance of the fact tlmt sintrle appllea Iod of Sandk(iki)'s Radical Cubb por Cata Rit 11 will affurd inttnnhmeoui relief. Hut tbli treatment Id CMei of 'Imple ('a'arrli glves but a laint Men of what this remedy wlll do In the chrouic lornii, where the breatbintf ie obstructed by chokint; putiid mucous accnmulntiuns, the hearing cflVctcri, smell and tale goce, throat ulcerMed end hack ine coacta gradnalTy ra imelf apon the dobilihited System. Then it is that the marvellous curativa power of StmorJ'8 i'iH,;il Cure in mlfeata 1tH.-ir in hiH'antaneous and grateial relief. ( !nre begloa from Ihe Srat appücatlon. It ii rauid, radical, penimuiiit, tconomlail, aud safe. s ikdford's Radical i tuk cemsists nf one ottleiif the liAiiiiAi. CURK, and one box of AiiiAURii, Sui.vknt, and one IüPROVED mi m.i.i:; wnippud In urn.' packnee, wltti treatlae aud dlrectlonj, and uold by all dmgsUt lor $1.10. Pottkr Dana u CmraiOiO. (',., Boston. I ACHE ALL OVER. Akv "I MUSÍ QIVM IJ', [cannol ber V9 B ''- piiii; I ache all over,ind nothini; 1 rnJBB'ry does mit any ;ood." Hack-ache, SJWJK 1 liriiic pain", lll and Side paiiis. S-iiSjLr Sorenefs, Lamenevs, Wcakiu1, and v7jj Infliiinni ilion reli'vel in one niiiutf, by Ihat new, original and clPEHiit antiote lo jmin and ii il uiimaiUm, the Cü'iCURA Axti-I'ain Plastbu. At Drasglat SSc ; fnv for fl. Potter Urui; niid'Cliemlcal Oo. scorrs EMULSIÓN OF PURE CÖD LIVER OIL And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almostas Paiatabieas Mille, The only propnmtlc.n of COD LITER OIL that can bo taken readlly aud tolcratod for a long time Uv ttonuu ha, and as a iii:in:nv fo:i foysniPTiox, SI KOU I.OI S Al KMTIO.W AN.1K.1I1A, .KNKinl, DIJIII.IIV. col -;,S A.M T11KIUT At'. iKHONs, mui lin v'as'I'inu i'iisoí:i)i:hs of llill,l;N[ ji isi:i:irvrllii:is in iN r'-viill. Prescribe áñd t n'loratd by tlio bes l'hyalclan bithAoooati .ld. FOR SALfT n.' ALL DRUGGISTS. W. TREMAINE'S PIBE AND I.II'K IMRAÏiCnilllNCy ! o. ! Kast Iluroti Stnci, )pio8i(o C'ook Boaae. Ten Plrst-ClaMCompanlea repreaented. ssetts Over $25,000,000.'J irw.i. PCI CODtDUVL'lrnllri"'l"n ' ¦ iil- laVrl#rn I goodpar. Bltnatlona ¦ tualahed. irrHe Valentina Broi., Jaaeerllle, Wia


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