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An Eloquent Address

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Th followingilit brief portion of the eloquent addresa oL Mr. Depew upon the occasion referred to above, delirered ()ct 28, 1886": We dedícate thU statute to the friendshlps of nationa :uul the pvace of the worltl. The spirit of liberty embraces all rncea in oommon broiherhood, i TOice ui all languagea the sanie needa and aspirationg. Tae raya fróm thia torch {Ilumínate a century of uñbroken triendship between France iind the United Blatas, rué Preneh allianoe whlcti enabled as to win Independenoe II the romance of history. Il overéame Improbabilitlesl IfflpoMible In flctlon, and lts resulte surpasi tlie dreninü ol iniiriiiatioii. It is the most magniacent tribute in history to the rolcnnlo forcc of ideas and the dynamite power of trnth, tbough Ihe crust of the ;lobe iniprison thcui As the ceatury rolls by and lu the fullriessol time the ruys of llberty's toren ure the beacon llehta of the World, the central niches in the earth'a Pantheon of freedomwill be fllled by tlie tljfures ol luliington and Lafayette. The story cl tlildjoung French noble'a lite is the history of the time wiiich made possihle tbia stiitiic. mihI bg spirit la tlie veiy soul o! this celebrution. It is Idie now to epeculate whether our fatben could have iueceeiled without the French ftllianee 1 lie strujrgle wouhi niidoubtedly have been Inflnltely prolonged and prnbably compromised. Jitit the alllance assured ourtriumph and Lafayette seoured tho alhance. Tbe flower of the young aristocracy of France in thelr hrilliant uniforuu, and the fannera and the frontlersmen of ' Amerka In thelr faded continentals, : lionnd by a common baptlsm of blood ' ... mu' uruuiers in t lie kmsrlitliooil of liberty. Witb emuloua eagernesa to be tlret in ai the death, while they shared tlu' glory and -tormcd the reiloubts at Yorktown and compelled the surrender or CornwalUsand hUarmy. While tliis practioallyended the war, kt (trenthened tne sllinnce and cemented the frlendshlp betweeu the two ffreat peoples 'nH' mutual confldenoe and chlvalrlc courteay wlnoii characterlzed tlieir relations has no like example in international comity, lit'ii an offleer from Geu. Carito, the lintisli comraander-ln-chijf, onme to thc beadquarters with an offer ot peace and lodependenoe, if the Americana wonld renounce the Frencli alliance, Washington refused o recelye hlm; conjrress spurned C.irltun's sei-retary bearing a similar meMajre; and the states, led by UHryland, denounced all nrboentertalnitd propoaltlona of peace which were not npproved by France u public enemlee. And peace rlth indepcndcncc manni proiperlty and bappinem to :i people In the vcry dcptlis of poverty and despalr. 'lame, on thu other liand, though sorelv (jiroseu ior money, sanl m the romantic spint wlik-li permented this wonderful t oniou: "Of the 87,000,000 llvrei we j have loaned jrou, we furtivo you 9,000,¦ 000 as a gifi ol friendshlp, and when wlth yi'urs tlicic comes prosperlty you eau pay the balance without interest.'' Wlth Ui e tall of forktown Lafayette feil tli it lir could do more for peaoe and Independence in the dlplomacyuf Europe thaii in the war willi America, llisarrival in Frunce shook continent. Tuough onc of the mott pructlcnl and si'lf-poisfil of men, liis romantic career In the New World liad Captlrated courts and propios. In the formidable league wbtch be Imil fiiikly forineil with S)iiin and Frauce, England saw Immiliatlon and defeat, and made ,'i treaty of peace by wliicii bIic recognlzed the indep lence of tbe repiiblie of the United States. In tliis treaty were )aid the deep, tunad and indestructible foundations for ine fireat stntuic we this day dedícate. It lelt to tbe American pepple the worktin out of the prob'lem 'oí aclf rovernnifiit. Without kin;.' to rule or class to follow they were to try the experiment of building a nation iipou the sovereijfnty of the Individual and the eqnallty of all men the law. Their only (flllJe, and trust, and hope were God and liberty. In the fraternal greetiega of this hour ÖO.OuO.OOO ofwltttewe bear tettimony to thelr wisüoin, and the foremott and freest gorernment in the world is their monument The Ogflt for überty in América was won. Iu future liere was tlneatened wlth but one danger, the slavery of the negro, Uut Frcncli cleinociacy had not been tratned and edooated In the lehoole of the purltan or the colonlst. Ageaof tyranny, of suppression, repreaaion and torture had developed the tiger and dwarfed tl tan. Dereocracy liail not k-nrned the lirst rudlmenta of liberty, self-restraint and government it beheaded Icing ad qneen, t drenched the land with the blood ut the noblest atul best, in IU Indiscrimínate lïeiizy and madness It Snred neltber a_'c or hx, rlrtue nor marlt, and drove its benefactor, becatne he denouncccl Ita exceuei mul trieü to stem ttaem, Into exile and the dungeoa of 01iinitz. Thugended lo Uie borrón of rhe Freoch Revolntlon Lafoyette'a üi.-t liht tbr libcrty at boma To-tlfiy in the ift by the. one, and the acceptance of the olber, of the collossal statue, Hit' people of the two oountriea celebrute their iinity in repiibücan nstitution?, n grovernmenti fouuded upon the American Idea and In tlieir devotlon to llberty. Toiretber tbej rajolee that its spirit ha penetra td 11 laada and is the bopeful future f 11 peoples. Amerioau libcrty has been for a ccntury i beacon Itgbt for the nations. Under its teachInga and by the foree of its example the ItHlians liave ezpellod thelr petty and ,irbitrnry princelingl and united iinder a parllanientary government; the gloomy detpotlsm of Sj:ün has been dispelled by the representatirea of the people and (ree presa; the rrc"t Oerman race have d( monatrated tln-ir power lor empire and tlccir ability to ;oveni themaelves. The Auatrlan monarch, wben lix) yean ago Washington pleaded wltb hun acroM tlie mm tot ihc rriecae ol Lafayette from the dutifreon of Olmutz, replied tbat "he had not the power1 becauae the ufefy ol hla throne and lii-i plecTffes to bis royal brethren of EurupccompeUed hlni tbkeepoonii ik il ihc one man lm feprwontcd the enfnuHSbioement ol the people it' every race and country, li to-duy, in tita perion ni bis sneceaaor, reJoloJng wlth hix Sllbjecta in the liniilalions of a OODStltUtion whiefa gitaraateea llbertlea, and a conjfreas wuTcli protecta and anlargea thcin. Majrna Charta, ivmi at linnnvnirde lm" Kiil;Ií.-.Iiiiicii, and davetopiug Into tlie principlet of ihc Dcclaration of [ndepsnaenefl with thelr decendanta, Iihs retumed to Ihe niother country to beat fruit in ao open parlUment, a free presa, the loss of royal prerogatlTV, and tlie pas fiiïe of power froni tlie cianea to tin musset. I all ajres the achterementi of man mul lila ap!ntlon havo heen representad in sjrmboU. Unces have disappeared and do record remnins of their rtee or fall hut bv thelr iiioiiiimenfs we know their historv rhe hun monollthi of the Ajtyrlana nd the obelUka of the Esryptlans teil their storlesof forjiotten civlllzations, hut the sole purpose of their erection was to Plorily rulera nul preterre the boasts of"con(juerors. They teach Sftd Icssons of the vanlty of ainbition, and cruelty of arbltrary power, mul the mteerle of mankind lüe Olympliin Júpiter cnthron.-.l In the 1 nrthenon expresse] in ivory and rohi the iwlii! majestyof the O reek Idea of the ;:Hls: the bronze Itatue of Minerva on tlie Acrópolis offeredthe protectlon of the patron-goddRM of Athensto the marinen who steered their Shlps by lier heimet and ipear, and in the Cologgns of Kbodes. ea uoneol Che wonden of the world the lord of the stin welcomed the eommerce of the ewl to the city of hjs worship Uut they wereall dwurfs n sizc, and pi.Miiies n spirit, besidc tiiis mlrhty structure and Iteliispiring thought. HIgber than tho monument In Trafalgu square whlch commemoratea the victories of Neiaon on theea: hljrher than the Column Vendóme rhlfch perpetúate the triumphs of Napoleon on the land; higlier tban the towers of the Brooklyn bridge, whlch ezhibltthe latest and grandest rt-sults of sciencc inrentloo and industrial progreai, this statne of liberty vises tov;iri! the henvens to illustrate an idea whlch nerved the 300 at J hermopyic and aimed the 10,000 at Mirathon, whlch drove Tarqnln from Home and aimed theurrow of Tell.which charired wlth Cromwell and hls Ironsides -i tul accompanled Sidney to the bloclc, whlch BreU the fnrraer'a gun at I-xinffton and razed the bastile In lu-is, which insplred the charter In the cabin of the Mayflower and the diTi.nTition of independence from tbe continentu] cunare. il mi-niisinatwith the abolition of priv ileges tothe few and the enfranehheinenl of the Individual, the equMrty of .-.11 mor nefore tlic law, and universal surtra"-e tlit ballot secure froni tVaud and the TOtei trom nitlniidatiuii. the pren free and cd iication furnlshed by the state for al! libvily of worshlp and free speech, the risrht to nse aud eqiial opportnnlty for honor and fortune, the problenu oí labor and capital, of Boclal ragoneratlon and moral ifröwth, of nroperty and uorerty will work themselves out under the bonlirn Inlluences of cnliffhtened hiw-making. and law-abldlng llberty, and without tb e ald of kin-rs and armies or of anarchiste and bomba. Throujrb the obelisk, so strangr-ly recalllng to us of yestcrdaytho past of tireuty eenturle, a for-rotten monarch sapa : :' I am the Great King, the Conqueror, the Chastlser of Xations," and except as a monument of antiquity it convcys no meaning and touches no chord ol luiinan sympathy. But forunnumberd jen tu ríes to come as liberty levéis up the people to hlgher (taodards and a hroader lire, th Is statue will grow in the admlratton and affectlon of mankind. When ITranklIn drew the liffatolng trom the clouda he nttle dreamed that In the evolntion of iclence hlg discover; would niumlnate the torch of Liberty for Franca aiul America. The rays froni thisbeacon "?¦""L tuis guteway te. the continent w il welcome the poor and the persecuted willi the hope :uul promise of homes and citi.enship. It will teacli tfaen tliat there is room anil brotlierhood tor ;!1 who wil] mpport our Inttitutlona and aid in our dovelopment, but that those who who come to dismrl) our peace and dethrone .mr lam rc aliena and enemta forever i devoutlj believe that trom the unseen and the iinknown two rreat sonls have come U) particípate In tliis celebración The f .iith in whicli tliey died fulfllled die cause lor which they battled triumplmnt tlie people tliey loved In the fu!l enjoyment ot the rljrhtl for which tliev labored and lniiSlit and suffered, the spirit voices of W Uhlnstnn and.Lafayettc join in the glad RCOlalm of Pranceand the United States to Liberty tnlightening tlie World. HISTOBY OP TnK STAT IK. On a pretty little Illand of about thirteeu ncre extent, situated in New York harbor, is au old fort. l„ ,i,t. m(Ulle of tius is the BarthoMI statue of Liberty Knlijjlitening the World. Tbll Kapen' duons statue is the largwt ever erectcd bein :0"i bet above water. Bedloe's islam] on which it is situated is one of the most aceessible as well as one of the most pleasant breathing spots around New York. The solid granite wallsof the old fort, which are in rood condition, balance well the beiglit of the Statue and contrast nicely with the beautifnl grass and tfaade trees with which the lalaud is covered. Thll statue which is now the oyes of tlie worlil is a gift of the French people to America. A party of Freucb gentlemen haring made up thetr mimls that it wonli! bc il good tliing to 'et up a costly gift, to bc paid for by mail miIscnptions of the mutas, engaged Auguste Bartboldl, a young and promislng sculptor, to carry out their idea; sent Dim to America to confer witli aeommittee here as to wiiat the most acceptable form of the rood wil] of France to America would be. Ou bis arrival he was struck with the beauty of New York's liarbor, and seeing Bedloe's islaud eonccived the dea of an Immense statue whieh should te inucli larger than anytliing yet beard of. As liberty had its birth In this country it seemed rlgbt that Uie statue slioud represent "Ijiberty Knlightcning the World." This would be a a laating aoknowledgemetft of France' gootl will and at the same time lilit up the barbor at aight and be a great Aftcr lie arrivcd at home the plan was put in execution, the money raised. and work cornmenced on the statue, the weiWit ofwblch is 440.000 ponnds, ofwblch n,000 aro topper and the reinalnder wroiigh't iion. The belgbt of the statue is 151 teet and that of the pedo.nal 160 feet. The cost of maklng it was $40,000, wliit-li does not inclnde making modela, etc., luit simply the manufacture of the statue. The pedeltal, whicli was built by Atneri can subscriptions and au ippropriation ol congroai for putting up the statue, lias coat $..(), 000. The pedestal wili oontaln elevaton to convoy slght-een up and down, and tlie look-out on the toroh niay be reached by Btaln tlirougli the statue. To give ¦ome idea of the size of this enoruious QDdertftkiog, we that twelve persons eau stand on the toreh at, one linie, trom which a niagnillcent view can be be obtained. The wldth of the eye is 28 luches and lengtb of the note 8 feet Oinchesand the foreflnger is 7 feet 11 Dcbea long, The itatue wlll be ligbtad by electrto igliti in and aiound it. The eleclric iffhts in the toroh will be so arranyed tliat the Mutiles will not t)e sciti, but R ¦ rong reflector placed ander the light w il ÏT powlrta] n7 "f llKht skj tl,;1t mybefen for out at sea Another serie of similar lights will 1, '¦"' "' "'e toe. Kl.-etne Tljrhta uil "Ng :" ewü of the íbur cor MM ol the pedestal. Tlie effect of the oonblnaHonol these llgUts will be to il lumlnate thefstatuo at nlghf, so that i wil. loom OpfmtndlV III the surroun.lintr darki, io proteot the statuc fron gh niiig four rods will be t.nncho.l ,, e top of the torcli, which, after passim '?"throhthe'lnterlorJfthf stBtue, will lm seperntetl and one of the roa will pass down at each corner of the pedestal where opening, have been left for them, and K down throucrh the irn.uml mitil water is reached. It ia be"ered that wUh thesejrods the statue is pwfcctiy protected from destraotlon by jrhtn itijr I„ the conrse oí erection it as gtruek a number of times without;r,. . thus provine that tlicre ni.e.l be "o ipprehension on thls score AujfUite BarthoJdl, the designer of the stolue.watchedstepoj pite construction In nne ol the best tnetal works in ,!i:r:,.11'-" MHanthastheW w uentojrtbepeastol,and Gen.stone the englneer in oülef, liad chante of the congtriictton of the pedestal and of putii'ÍT the Btatne lo place after it had been brooffht over from Frunce in small pieces o be rivetod togethcr in one beautlful ma. If space permitted we might mennmndyother.whodld good workoñt tin ooramlttee, raising raoney, etc But the t nee we ment ion had work to do wliich hM at laat taken solid form and sha;,, and reS,,ltedn thls wondert..! preductlon of braing and skül AuKuste Fredericke BarthoJdl, 11! Il most dtetlngulshed Uring icnlptor of colowal atuary. wat boni at Colmar, In 1833. He startod Ufe V a Panter, but soon turned bla ttentlon to "Ptnre. At the nge of nlneteen he prodoced a notable bas-relief oí Kruifew d Remtai, whlcb won bim Mis Btst tmeN. DurlngtheFranco-Germaii war ne touglil as :i volunteer. In 1B78 he prodaoed the "Mon of Belfort," colos" sal monument to the hemism „f„ h..i -. ¦ ured ganison. carved in roUd rock f„ reoognition of thls brllllant work the ¦ jrOTemment be.towed on him thecrosa oí tbe legión of honor. Amera his other important work. ,„.ly bTrtmtK crcingctorix," the oíd (íallic patriot and the itracetal sutueol "'1 la Unten sqIUrc, New Vork. At the oen. tennial eshlbltion be was awarded tl,,meüalforthe sculpturc of bli "Geniug uU Graan of Mtoery," "Peace," Hnd Mie ïoungVine-Grower.'allin tiroaze More tlian teu year3 Bartl.oldl devotod tö lus rigantic work, making rnany personal sacrifices in strivnK to acoomóháfa lus greit life-imrpose. He bat, however, round bh reward; hia name wil] be mraortal.


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