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Lanaing BapnbUoaa: "IViimps.'tlie worst feelinji and di-:mpointed ni.ui in the ft-tute is Crozier, the probibltlon nomlnee for congress In the soooiul district. This contest played him complete!? out. His vote wasn't anywhere near lip to expecUtions j ha ilidii't sacceed in bertlng Capt. Allen, so tbst ilemocracy owe liim notliiD" for servi.vs, and iftheydld they oouidn't pay anU be hun t any particular future woitü looking forward to." 'l'be Escanaba Delta, referring to an occurrence In that place, hu the followiug most excellent words for inothcrs aiul daughters. Iïead: lonng girls oannot be too cantiou about selecting their company for eveí nifí strolls, nul the liabit wliich man bare of picking Up with men who ar perfect strangersto tlicm cauriot help bu lead to haruiful results. Ín nine case OUt ot ten forwardness in young ladie laadt to sonie distressing trouble Thej are not the kind eitlier, that honest youii men are looktng for wheu lif eompanions. The young iady who re spects herself sufflciently to stay at hom and inake the gentleman seek her out i Ule one who niakes the happy wife am mother. J5ut the girls are not altogethe to blame for this state of aftairs; the mengers genernlly can be held nccounta ble for most of their forwardness. When chiklren they are seldom allowed their Htle playmates because it makes so much botlier around the liouse, and wlien they grow up the mother holds 011 to tho same rule. Slie will not allow her dau'hter to have gentlemen cali on her at home and consequently the girl rebels ngain.-t the unnatural restraint placed upon her ;md generalij' loses lier love tor home, ani witli it slip away her liner feininiue feelings; she becomes careless in her manners and bold, and at the time wben she should be married to some honen younc mao who woald wllllngly work hls lift out for lier she is running the streets beIng spoken carelessly of by all, and f loes ever marry it is generally te. tome worthleat fellow without ahn In lite ¦ad one wliom she would not have recogni.ed had the intluence u her home been of a proper kind. Mothers, look thithlng einare in the face, and il' you Iiave been one of the kind depicted abore, and still have youog dauhtera growing up, tiy the Otber wav. Kncourage them In' liavltifr conipany at home, only asklns them 10 try and seleet siuh as Ihcy think are worthy of coming uto thelr mother's presence.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News