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A Martyr

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We have a Inmrtyr- ft self eoulusseu martyr, a regular male Joan de Are, :i uoble JohnJHuss. He llves In Ypsilanti. Ilis 1111:11e is Pattison. He ran Tor state lenator on tlie'. probJbltlon ticket. He ilidn't }?et eleoted. He didu't even run up to liis fondly antlolpated] expectatloM. He liidn't revolutionlze the eounty and countryby hia wonderful arguments in his puper. He didn't smash the republiCMii purty by liis iinatlicmas, Innendoe, and false assertions. In fact ,he diilu't aecompllsh moch of anylliing. Consequently he was mtid. Mad all through, from hls big toe nail, clearup tlirougli lii. gizzard to the cow-lick on the right side of his occiput. Last Wednesday nlgbt the republicana held a Jolllflcatton meeting at the riuk, in Ypsilanti. It was ¦ big meeting. Very joliy peoplc were present, confiiiedj to 110 politieal party, but consisting oreuubüean, democrat, and prohibitioni8t, men and wonieu. He wnsn't tlicre. Tlie noise of lhe?joy coming to bis generousauricularüappendage, opeiated on his mental facilities as dotfa a red rag upon the pugilistic propensities ol amalo bovine. He went home and raved of the ijrnorance, perveri-ity and politica! blindness ot tlie peoplc. About an'hour or so after ihe great j 1 fication was over a lot of boys gathered ! ind built a boniire. As the tire began to ( vane the boys tliought to inake i night i of It'by "serenading" prominent people, ' mul makbig nlght uideous, as boys are ¦ won't to do- which any resident of a college town can testify. In tlieir rounds these young kids'liappened to pa9s the house of the self-uiartyr, Pattison. He ¦was home. The crowd gave three groans for the prohibition party.J jThe miirtyr awoke, and gleelully clapped his hands! Then three groans were givcn for Pattison hiniself. This cansed him to vrrhlg bis hands with deüght, for wasn't herc i chance to show persecution 'i Then one Of tlie boys in the crowdjsaw a cat in tlie yard, and boy fashion, he threw an old pan at tlie feline, hut not being a member of ¦ base ball club, and beins; built somewhat on the girl plan, he didn't hit the cat, but the pan tlipped and broke two ten cent lights of glass in a basement window. This wasjglorious! This silly boy, who couldn't hit a cat, had made a martyr! In Pattison's frenzy of delight, it is reported, that anotlier light of glass was bioken from the inside of the house to add to the mnrtyrdom. The unfoitunate pan Slinger iiii:miliatcly realizi-d his situalioti, and at once wrote ii noU' of tipology and encloaed enough moocy to pay for the pinas brokM leveral times over. The martyr lias got the money yet- and the note also. But the };raiid opportunity was not to be lost. Not much. A son of the martyr ii correspondent of the Detroit Pree Press. In that wonderfully truthful (?) sheet iippeared the next moiniug a blood-curdling account of how the great orowd went directly from "Allen's jolllflcntton meeting," aud mobbed Pattilon'l residence, witli all the necessary additioni to inake it fearful to contémplate. Then the martyr, with the money to pay for the braken glass iu his pocket, with the knowledge of who broke the „uco ín liu inruil. o-rU out from bis own Cillas 111 illO 1 1 vi'- f '" vmw v ...w w -. - Dfflce haiidtñlla otfering $25 reward for L'viücnce convicting the depredators. Then he comes out In his own paper witli a column and a half article telling of his persecut'ions and martyrdoni, and pottng before thepeople as a second St. Bartholemew or lometblog of that sort'. In all seriousness and candor the affair was one to be deprecated. ín this free country one has got a right tobelieveand tliink as he pleases on politics and religión, and foracrowd, even of boys, to express tbeir disapproval by groan?, etc., U to be condemned by all good citizens. The breaking of the two ligbts of glass, ve are informed by a reputable gentleman, the boys claim to lmve been accidental, and how the third liglit was bioken no one outslde the house appears to know. The affair reflects no credit upou the participants, hut to attempt to pose as a persecuted inartyr on account of it is sublimely rldiculou?, and to atte mpt to besinirch C:ipt. Allen and his frieiul.", who were as innocent of it as Pattison himself, is a trick dirtier than the action of the rattle-headed boys, for tliey did not realizo the enormity of their crime while Patterson's vears are suIHcient to bar hiui from pleadiug the baby act. The course of the Commercial In the past campaigii was very cxasperatin; to republicans, that Is true; it was very bitter, very vliidictive, and in many nstances much deserving of the censure of truth-loving citizens; but the crushing rebuke given it by the people at the polls Nov. 2d, was suflicient to satisfy all of ts opponents, no matter liow WTOVffht up they niay have been. The nttempt of Mr. Pattisou to build himself up on the actions of a few harumecarum boys ; to use their acts to kill off good people with; to make a mountain out of a mole hill, will do him no good; but react against him. Wc beg pardon of our readers for the length of ihis artlcle, but "inartyrs' are not subjects found every day for articles. Last week we pubüshed an item to the effect that George Frank Kobison had been defeated for prosecuting attorney of Wayne connty. This week, we must confees, we feel a trifle gratitied by saying that the official returns give hiui about 250 majority. Mr. Wilcox, bis republican opponent is as fine a gentleman as Wayne county possesses, but liad he been elected, lus hands would have been tied In a way that they ought not to have been. Mr. Robison, we understand, is the first prosecutiiii: attorney of Wayne county who bas ever enforced the law relative to the state tax on saloons, and because cf doing hls duty the siloon men banded together to defeat him. Consideriiifi that fact, the ipmpsthy of the best portion of the people is with Mr. Robison. This law bas been enforced every wbere In the state except in Detroit, and ihere is no reason why the saloon-keepers of that city should be favored any more thun tlicir country contemporaries. Grover has mude op his mind that he really would be pleased to accept a seconil term. At least a Washington special to the Boston Post saya President Clevland rccently said to a prominent New York politiclon: "When I first carne to Washington as President I must confess that I did not like the duties of my olh'ce, and liad before that made up my mind that one term was all I wanted under any consideration, but now I am so wel] satisfied tliat 1 would lie kto secure a renomination." Second erop of red raspberries lor sale on the naarket last Friday.


Ann Arbor Courier
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