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Common Council Proceedings

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Mondiiy evenlng the councll beid Itt idjourned rotular KMlon, wHb nearly h full board, A!1. Keattng being the only ibsentee. I'KTITIONS AN! COMMI NICVTH .S. Of N. (. Bottt, Olivia I!. Huil and ton othcrs, Biking lor i Street lamp at the interscction of Voltead and 14th Itreet Referred to Street Lighting Committee. Of Byron Green uktng peraltaron t use ti portion of Fourth street with building material. Beferred to Street Committee uitii power t u-t. The bond of the Ann Arbor Van de Poelc Llgbt nd Power Company, in tfae suin of $5000, was received and iccepted. Aid. AUaeñdloger, from the oommlttee on flnaaee, reponed the follovlng ex penditurcs for the raonth: lRt ward 1 ¦ o, ii M DU S .. 5152 Ith : :: i:::::::::::::::. General It'reet fiind..... J -:l Qeneral fiiml ''' " Uontingent fttnd - :i" ¦ Total IM A bilí of J. Hauser, $8.00 for sprinkling the court house llVDWU piocntcil and allowed. Also a bilí of Bbeeban iV Co., 4.-20, for dockft luniished Justiee Pond; and one of Andrews & Wilherby, $0.50 for dockets furnished W. J. Clark. Over these two latter billa there liad been fnni(!iT:ilillï OIK'Slioil. But as tllC'SC Jockets are the propei ly of the city, fuere seeined to be no doubt oi' the city's liability i 11 paying lor thein. The inspectora and clerks of election were also allowed their usuiil aniounts. The case of the rug peddlers was theii brouglit up, mul their offer of $15.00 per year liiense was rejected, and the city marshal wns instructcd to énforoe the oriliiiiince relativa to peddlan In tlu-ircase, though the matter vih subject to considerable dlscnsslon. An amciuimcnt lo the orlginl resolutiou oflered by Aid. Poland, redaolng the llcelise to$l per d:iy, v;is losl by au Bye and nay vote, " to 8. Aid. Poland, froin the special street railwuy comniittee, reported In favor of granting the franchise, after certaln alterations had been mude In the proposed ordlnance. A copy of the ordinnnce with the alterations made therein not belng present, the matter wal referred back to the committee toj?ether witli the city attorney with u ivquett to report ut a special meeting of the council to he hek] witliin OTic weck. The Recorder froin the special -mmittee to examine the SenLarfet ct-ounts reponed that tlie commllteq had foiuid said accounts all correct, and recommended that the Recorder be atithori.ed to draw u warrant tor $500.00 ia iccordance witli a prevhun resol iition of the council. Canied. P. McKernan iu behalf of his next friend, T. L. Hewitt, prew ntad the claim of said Hewitt tbr $ö a.irainst the city for damages caused by the teariii"; down of his stand on July 4th last. Aid. Allmeinlinfjer moved tliat the street committee, to whom thta claim had been reterreü some linie sinee, oe instructed to report upon the same tilia evening. Alter a few minutes' intermission Aid. Kearns, from general ftreet committee reported against allowin; the claim. Wliioh report was adoptad. Aid. Kearns from the sanie cominiltse iiloo reported in favor of the removiil of all stands from the streets at once. After considerable discusión it wu inoved by Aid. Kearns that the matter be referred to a special committee of three. Carried, and the Mayor appoiuled the Recorder, City Attorney Kinnie and Aid. Kearns as such committee. Tliis ïnuiee iniuie a ïiiiijoiiiy um umiwnij idport verbally, at once. The majority favoring the retalnlng t' the two stands DOW in the city, the minority agrainst it. The inajority report was Pejected by the followiiiK vote : Yeas- Aids. öwift, I'oland, Mayor and Hecorder. Nays- Aids. Herz, Allmendinger, Kohison, Walz, Kearns, Wiiro, Martin, imd teere. Yeas, i; nays, 8. The report of the street corainittee was then adopted. AM. Steere moved tliat tlie Italians owning these Btallde be -iiven one inonth's notice of the aetion of this council, thnt tliey may m:ike sucli ananïemeiits as tliey ni:iy deern best. Carrled. Aid. AUmendinger moved tbat the street Ufrhtlng connnittee be instrueted to (]csiinate the wlicre the electric lijchtssliall be located. A proposltlon to have a plan adopted by the connnittee, and repoited to tlie council for was rejected. The recular monthly reported of City Treasurer Sor; stiowed the following anee on haud: Contingent fuml, on hiind ! 4,52! l7 (Jeueriil Kuud, overdrall 6 67 General street fuud, overdralt SI I lsl ward fund on hand 417 18 on ' ¦ 200 8S U IS8 W 4th ' " 'MI 08 5t 57 98 (ttli " ' 53 9 Ctly Ceraetery fd, overdraft 24 7 Doi; tax fund on hand 100 w Delinquent tax, ovcrdraíl 927 4 Water Works fuud ou hand ".4i5 W Total 11,198 47 City Marshal SipWy reportad the following cxpemlituies of tlie poor fund for the mouth : lt ward s 00 ., ¦ ii 5 10 ti .. '.'I 1 ju, .. r.:::::::::::..::.: 51 su. ¦ r. Oth " - -j 5J Total li 71 Alan reportad tlie arrest of five persons (lurinu t lio mo:ith for nriOH causes. Council then acljourncil.


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