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Michigan Cmisal The JJiagara Falls (Route. Time labio t.ikinsr etlect Muy soth, 1880. ntrl Nlandant Time. ciiicACü Tu detroit! "glíg Zl TJ" ¦.,; ¦ K S= 3 "5 í ¦ ÍÜ3lf g"f 1U88 1216 6M 75 1114 11 SSSS=5S :E:::::.8is Ann Arbor...: 4 83 6 8 W Ó r." S6 t , !! Yplanti 4Í0 StflOffl ... 452 655 oJn ),, June, filo 605 iÍ 7??ÍS DETROIT TO CniCAGO sí = S rf; i IJ S5 i -. „ „ , A." A.M P. P M. P.M p.M Detroit. Lv. 701 910 130 4 00 8 00 9 15 .... """"'1HC. 7 40 9 5 2 OS 4 45 8 40 9 55 Tpsllanti .... soi 10 12 22(1 6 13 9 US 10 2l A-'w.rbur... 81K10 25 2 3S 530 823 10%.. .' ,eV(r I 8 580 965 1 848 606 100 GiasíLake.. lo ti -27 ¦ 10 39 .iHckfon 9 86 11 0 332 7 151055 1208 V.' ' ""l1 10 38 1Ï45 492 822 1156 104 . ... BatleCreek.. 1108 1 0 1 40 8 52 ÍS 22 IÜOa.m KsIuusjO... Un 150 516 45 112 lL 4 45 í'le 147 8M 88 ! 30 4 1X 640 MlrhlKHnCity 810 4 85 7. 12.... 186 5 40 t Chicago.. .Ar. 5 4T. H 40 3U 700 SO5 1O2O ('aliada División. Detroit To büpfalo.- Standard Time. bI?5 so. ü I,5 STATIONS. sgÜStrgO S ! 53 Ilrpr :-tf II P. M. I-. M. A. M. A M Detroit.. ..Lv 7 25 11 l' 10 ÍS 05 r m t.ThomaaAr 1110 'J 40 lo 00 9 40 3 40 A. M.l P. M. Toronto...Ar I 9 051 6 25 Ottawa pmtiAV 4 38 Montruu] lu 110 u (uebic am(180 r. m. a m t.Thomas.Lv 1115 I ló, 1 no M :t 41 Waterlord.... 12 81 ÍN 8 04 lllxiul Weiland 153 5 17 5 12 I 54 6 21 Kall View .. 5 45 1 2 li r " N. F11IK Ort. 2 22 5 481 1 3-1 6 5.S Hugp'p B dge, 2 35j 5 69; 150,7 10 . . BUFFA1.O to Detroit - Standard Time. STA.IONS. g ? Lgoá Lií1lL-_.'3; A. H. p u. Plilladcl'a..Lv 00 p. x s' Jo New York... 1(1 30 6 00 a ,6 Bopton. 8 88 3 00 7 XI Worcetor... 9 80 4 20 8 3 Sprinufleld... 11 3i 6 05 10 I5p Albany 3 iiOpm 10 05 315a Dtlca 54 U.SSini 5,5 Syrcn?e. ... 7 40 2 00 7 JO Rocheeter.... 55 400 10 00 Bufl'alo....Ar 12 15 5 50 12 15p a. ín. a. u. Buffalo. ...Lv 11 30pm 5 45 ti 03 VOO 11 :15 X.Falln.N.Y a.m 12 31 13 1 38 N. KallcDnt. 12 51 7 00 13 56 Falls Vicw 7 08 105 Weiland 1 13 7 2t 7 10 Mi 16 St.ThomasAr 4 10 9 55 [11 15 110 4 85 Qoebec.I.v 2 30 10 00 Montroal 9 10 00 Ottawa 1140 12 23 Tnronto, 8 10 105 St.ThomasLv 4 15 10 00 2 55 1 15 4 45 Detroit Ar 8 05am 1 Oöpm 7 H0 5 20p 8 4ó + Stops only to let olí' pnssuii:.'! r. t Stops only on ira!.-. O. V. RUGGLEH, H. W. BATES, G. P. & T. AKi-iit Aat.. Anu Albor. Chicaso. '". Aun Arbor Sortli Michigan R&llway. TIME SCHBDULE. Totake effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Snnday, Oct. 24lh, 1886. Traln rnn by Standard Time. GOING NORTH. GO1NG SOUTH k I A =1 s cu I a. i, a. pI'.B. A.M a. M. Lve. Arve a . m . p. M i m 3 40 10 45 G 30 Toledo 9 35 1 30 5 00 3 45 10 53 5 35 Mnnh'tn June '.1 M 1 26 4 54 8 50 11 05 r, 42 Alexis 9 23 I 19 4 48 4 02 11 30 5 57 Samarla 9 0' 1 04 4 30 4 15 11 59 13 Monroe June 8 50 12 45 4 15 P. M. P. M 4 25 12 OS fi 2i Dunciee 8 42 12 üii 4 04 4 37 12 2f I, T2 Azalia 8 30 12 35 3 53 I U 4li (i 4-. Mtlan 8 22 12 13 3 40 5 05 12 5'.! ti "m Uiania ( 0) 11 51 3 25 5 15 1 10 7 (15 1'iltHHeld 8 00 11 4S 3 14 5 30 1 25 7 17 Aun Arbor 7 47 11 30 3 00 5 45 1 48 7 80 1, lan.t 7 30 11 13 2 40 U 3f 3 10 8 MI Howell 0 35 10 30 1 42 7 30 4 35 9 30 Duiand 5 43 9 30 13 53 7 52 4 53 10 08 ('orunna 5 23 9 08 12 ÍW 8 t;0 5 05 10 15 (!,,-.. 5 16 tiOlSSS S 05 10 18 Owosso Jnnc 8 5111110 9 15 11351 lüíaia 7 4 10 57 9 33 1152 St. Lonla 7 27 10 48 0 41 1159 Almi 17 20 10 37 10 30 13 45 Mt. Pieasant ti 30 9 45 South Lyon itraiicli. NORTIIBOUN. STATIONS. SOUTH BOt'ND. Traln 8 Train 7 P. m. p. m. 14 35 Lv. Lelnnds Ar. 2 50 12 86 Ar. Worden? Ar. 2 40 11 60 Ar S.)uth Lyon Lv. 2 i'i Connectionc At Toledo, wlth rallroads (Iímtl1ing; at Manhattan Junction, wlth Wheeline A Lake Erie K. R.; at Alexis Junction, with M. u. H. R., L. S. & M. S. Ry. and F. & P. M. R. R.; at Monroe Junction, with L. S. M. S. Ry at luniaa, ith L. 8. & M. S. Ry., M. Jfc O. Ry.; al Milán Junction. with Wabash, St. Lonls Ky at Plttaflald, with L. s. dfc M. S. Uy.; at Aun Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at South Lyon wlth Detroit, Lam-Ing & Northern R. R., and Mich. A. L,. Div. of Grand Trunk Ry. H. W. ASHLBY, General Supt. VV. n. BENNKTT. Oen'l. Puw. Atf ni. ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ABM AÜIiOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $BO,OOO. Organiml andar the General Banking Law ol tliln Statf, sHH'kholaors nrc imlivlilanlly Hable fur au additional amount egnal to Ibe itork lii'ld 17 them. thereby crottng a unurantee Fund lor th benetlt of Deposita rs ot $ioo,joqo.oo. per cent. Interest la nllowed on all SavingB Dcponilh oí onu dollar and upwíirdí, according to the rulen of the lïank and interest compomiatd rnii-aiimiaHy. Money to Loan on uninciimtH-rril n.-ul esteta and other gooá securiiy. DIHECTORS: CHRISTIAN MACK. Wm. 1). HAHKIMAN, W. W. WINls. UAN1KL UI8COCK, WILLIAM DKUBEL, "II.1.A RU B. SMI1 H. DAVID HIKSEY. OFFIOKRS: C. MACK, Pree. W. W. W1NES, , "ce-Pres. .,. JÍ. niSCÜCK.C.shiei. INSURANCE HEAT, B8TATE and LOAN AGENCY OK A.W. HAMILTON OlHce, No. 2, I'Mrst Kloor, llamllton Blook. Partios ileslrint; to huy or aall U-.i Kstnte wil! tl tul It to their Mlvantafa to culi 011 me. 1 reprewnl ISfint-oIan Rlw insnranc Oomp;inii'H, ha ving au aggragatfl O&pltftl ovtr Í30,000,000. );-itcs l.ow. Loan llbernlly iidjuslcd mul promptly jtaiii. 1 ;ilu UWQ6 LlffB 11111I Ui vt'stmcnt 1'nllcieK In the n-w York MihiihI i.iro Imarance Comp.iny, AsHi'tts, 186,000. l'c rsoiis ilcsirlug Acaldenl [monmee, on hev y.-nriy poliota ritten for tlu'in or Tnivi'ler'x Coupon liisnrFitico TlokeU Uraad at ntei In tbcAeallent Insiiriinco Compnny of Nortli Amprlra. Mon to Loen al Cnrranl Ratea, oillce hour rrom 8 i. 111. to lt 111. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News