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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlapowdei nover varíes. A marvel of parlty. gtrensth and wbolesomenen. More eoonomioal iban the ordlnary kinds, and oannol be ola lo oompetltlon wlih the multltndeof low test, short welght, Blam or pbnaphate powüers. Sol, i onlyln mni. Hnj m Knklii" i..i.T . iou Wall t. N v """'- snrainra Fo (lie Cu I cura Iiemcilics I Owp My Health, My Htippim s, ind fijr Life. A i ly nr er pandea tnat I do n it Uiink nr-d ap ak kiinlij i i li ¦¦ Uut ¦.'¦¦' Si m ¦ dít, s.-n-n Mwisnaol uil ui a (lezL-n lampa formad oa my nt-ck nnloff ni tlze Irom ctanrry ttone to ao orangr. rhe larve onea rere íii ;hifn] ti) look at, and painiul tu bwr; people tamed wbeu tlu-y sa me, Ui ili-u-i. and 1 u ubamed ti baon jtivm ur la ¦¦ lety. l'liy-icuin aid tlieir nv innen! tnd üH medí hlled ti do -my rood. In a monniít o: derualr I triad the CDriCURA RBMBUIKS-Cudfura, lh ltimI !-ki ;i cun ¦¦( Soop :in rxqpltite Bkln Buaailder, extemaljr, nd Úiticuro 1 (WAÍ, ttaeoew Blood ruriür, ioterually ; thc ruiil ls 1 cali thcmj gradually dlupeared, aud the lar' ¦ oí ea brok , En tboal lwo wetki iliscban;vg lai-r qa&ntitiefl oí matter, leavlog two allgnt sc.irti in my neck ;-'.ay to tell ihe Btory ol my sufleriny. My retgal Uilmi wa onc huiidred and flltvt'ii síckly pont.ds ; H DOW one bondred nd sixlv-ine eolid, bealthy [jounds, and luyheightU only flve fwt tive inchep. In my 1 pralted the Ciitííttra Remedien, Norfh, South. E-iPt and West. I"' tftteiera RnM(iÍM oiv .11 Iltalih, yin Happinest un, 3ty Ufe. A promlneol New York itroggist Mked me lue ofiier day, "Uoyon still ase tbe ('ufiatra Remeriie? yon louk to be Ib bealtb." My rcply was, "I do, and shull tlwajr. I haví' nvrkuuw what 8ickncesiatince I commi'ïiced usin thy Cuticura Remedies." jometimea 1 am laughj a' y prtMug thom to it acqnalotea wiw thelr menta, but sooner jr Ínter tliey will conif Ui thelr aensce arid bebeva Lhc same those tu a use thcm, as dozens have vbom I Dave tuld. -May tho time come wnen there hall he a lare Ottícura Sapply liou! in every :ity in the woild, tor the beui-flt of hiimaniiy, wbere tbu Vutioura Remedies eliall be oíd only. ',i Ihal there wlll !¦ r.u-iv n Deed of everoDtarlng mIiii. - M. IirSHXNDS. su Pnlton si. New York, N. V. a ara a poallive cura for :ve-y form 01 Skin aud Blooi Diaeare, froni Pim- -'otiiin. Bold everjrwtasre, Cuticüra, 60 !(¦; CUTICUBA SOAP, iil''; 1 UTICUBA I(BOL.K.NT. íl 00. Hrejwred by thu 1'oTTtn Dkuu ami 'HBM.C111. C'o.. Boston. muí] í.if'Hinv to Car Hkin DUeuNOM " PJlíri.KS. Blackbead, kin Blemtatwi aud baby L iaa II mi r-, u-e Cuílcurü Soap. 4jB Hidaoy Pains. JÊê Witti theirwt'Mry,, dilll achine, lifi-Usí, (I "" "'""¦ ¦"""''""i relieve! In one iniíuiíehv the iilleura Anti1 Halu riuNter. Warrnntvd. At tbe traffgiata - oeuta. l'utltr Dnnj Curnpany, 3oêton. Sneozing Catarrh.Thu i ¦'¦¦¦.'¦, sneeze, snetze, tlu' aerid l;.tv diichargei froin the eyea and noee, the pninlul ii.rlitnmatloii extendlog to the thrnat, the ¦welling of the maooiu llnlng, causini.' choktiiK ¦anaalions, c wgh, rlngfnjr, noiaea in Uu: head and splitting headachoB - how familiar thenc symptoms un to thontftnda who sutïer periodicul from liead coldeor Influenza, and who live in ignorance of the fact that a pinole applira ion of Sanifiki's Radical Ouiïe fob Cata au UI Hord istanlaneotut relU-f. Hut tliis treatm-'nt in casen of simple Caiarrh rivaa bal a llnt Idea ol what tlil remed; wili do in tfae cbronlc fornif, u-here the hreathinp 1h obBtnfcted by ebokiDK pnftid murons arcumnhition-, the hetrlng effoctcd, meU and taiu i:one, throat ulcurutod and hacklntr cou'h gradoallT FutcnlDg iiself apon the dcbillUtea lyitem. Then it ) ttmt the maryelloiifl curattve power t' .'iitnforJ'tt Radical Cure manifeste itelf in ineranianfourJ tuid érate i begtu trom iheiirKt applleation. It it npld, railitiil, pt'rnmiifi.t, fconomical, ¦i-.ii -ale. Bajcdfobd'8 Radical Cure censista f one bottle ol the Kviin ai. ('i fu:, and box of Uatuakhal s.ii,i.r, und one I.mi-kovkd 1-nm i.t-i: ; wrapped in oue packaííe, wiili ¦ aiul dlrectixci, and wld by all droCKiat for $1.10. PoTTnii Dans and Chbcbiioai. ('o.. Boaton. I ACHE ALL OVER. iK "I MUSÍ QIVS Vl [oannot bear ' H thli piii.; 1 acbeali over,and noihin I kHD 'ry (ms aiiv ííood." Hh( 1. ?XWil ' 't'ri"e pauii, llip and Stde pains, íQí I oreneta, Lamenera, Weaknaw, aml 'vJTlSi [nflammaüoo relievcd in onr niiiiiiit', hy ;li:ii new, original and elegant antldute to puin and irllumniatiun, the CuPICÜRA Anti-Pais Plabtb. At ürug!ist8 45c . ; flve for il. Potter JJrni; nn'l ChemicalOo. SCOTTS EMULSIÓN OF PDRE GOD LÏYER OU And Hypcphosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Paiatableas Mille. The only prepantlon of ( OD UTO Olí. that ¦ aud tolerateU for a long time hy dt ¦¦ ata An as a Hr'iKHY ro? roNsmPTiox, si ion ij i is Atria n'.i.N-i. avakiia, (kKKU, DKliill IV. (¦"il.:;-, AN' IHItdAT At'. KKCTIÓ., : tïiTVil 'VATJMJ lilMlltOKBS OF rïïil.!:iil i"?isñT:irvi'l lm : In It rwiUl. lJrf.,r:l'í-' i: . r.-i: ¦: i y tüo beat 1'hyBiclana In the Fon üAi.r ' f '- nnuGGisTs. W. TREMAINE' S PIRE AM) LIFE IMAMJUGHM ! N. 1( Eut Hurón Street, tppoeiteCook Boom. Ten Plrat-Claa ComjülTiits ri-pri si-iitcil. faV Assetts Over $25,000,000. , 1819-1ÍW. TUI O I1AI1FD mnytotmnilon I III W I Hl kil UOWELL ft COS ' N'cwspapor AOvcrtUing Buruau (10 Bpruca Strectl.whorcadvi ¦¦¦¦¦¦ Wmm# tUiu? contract raay UWW YiIRK bo Uiu.lo lor it Ui II kif lUlllma


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