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What Bogus Butter Is Made Of

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It would be rell for people before enrnLciig in the sale nr consninption of bogua butler as it is now mude, to know of wliat it is omnposed. Thereare sixty different artlclet Damed by seventeen patentee In theirseveral patent?. Amoiig them are ragnr of leail, bisulphate of linie, sul Icylio acid, borax, ben.oic acid, ootton seed oll, orris root, bicarbonato of soda, jrlycerlue, capayllc acid, alum, capsic cid sulpliiteof soda, cow's udders, sulphurie acid. pepsin, Ullow. lard. salr, corn starcli, butyilc etlier, caustic potaih, cultor oil, Clllk, lllppery elm bark. nuil, oil of sunflower seèflc, oll of sesame, olive oll, tui-n lp sc'd oil, broinii chloraluin, clilorate of pntash, oil of sweet alinonds. oil of pa. nut-, peroxide of maganese, stomach of plga, ihcep or calf, uit rat e nf soda, mmlard .etd oll, nitric acid. dry blnoil albnmeii, sujrar, butyric acid, bicarbonate of potash and oaustic soda. Bat these articles are innocent oom pared witli some tblnffs that are used. It is notoriou? that what is called butterine is now generally made in soap factories. It is only a few ilivs since thattlie undersicriied bad sent to !i i ru lioni a large soap factory from tbfl west, a sample of soap and a sample et luithriiif. ivhy Is butterine made In oaji iMitorirs? The reason Is evident. It Is becausc it can be made cbeaper tbere. It "the hnm-fat man" bringl in more greaso iIihh la wantrd tor Muipthniwplaaeanbe made Into bntterine. If he bringi ín more ihui is wantod for battcii"f, the snri'lus can be tnrni-d Into soap. In il]is uay the two plajr into cach oiher't hundt. Tbe proceta or bloachln); and deodoriziiij; is aid to be abont the sanie in eaeh, the same poisonous alkalis belncuaed In eack If wrons n tiiis r stand ready to be corrected. It is i mistaken Idefc that some have that bulterint' is never made of anythlng bat the purest U' il' l.iril and best creamery huttcr. It may be that soap manufacturen buv pure Iril 1 . rd to llstk in Iln'ir huftinAafi. Il au I have heivrd of it. Butterlae can lie made of soap groase, mul 1 believe inuilti of soap greaae, aud Kometimes of the must disfrustinx kind. The bleachinjr mul tleodortzlng proeess t is put through raakee it luiprevioua to taste or smell. Tlieprk-e t is told at, it belns sold just as lOW whun pura butter is 40 cents per pound as wlicn t is 20, proves that but little, if my, butter enters Into itscotnpolltiou. It haviug no smell or taste of its own, ill tint is needed is that the Hule sniell and rUvor It lias sliall be that of butter, whieh is obtained by churolng t in hottermllk or milk. It is then colored .iiid salted to suite the eye and taste, cbrUtened lv some fancy name, and put opoo the market as bulter. When Hie hutteiine men vvere bnylog up all the Elffi Ixiltcr they could get at forty cents per pouncl, :i drummer trom neifthboring city tried to [nduoe me to buy what he cilled I) is fancy braoil of butterine at twelve cents per pound, arreein; to mark it "Snow Klakc Creamery," "Risilla Sun Cieamery," "Mornintc Star Creamery," iiv nny otlier high toniidlDg muñe I mlght select, telling nip he was sellini; it all over Washington to dealers, who in in turn sold it tor butter, he imtrkinjr it "l're-h Creamery butter," or by any othor name ihey ohose to hue pat on t. Uut the uiiisi renislng to be told of this dHrepatnble business. Fonnerly dead anímala wera collt-cted and burled at a heavy expense. Now, they oommand a prettllam, even the nibid dogf, What beeoines of tliemf Let the bolllng establi.-liineiits :ind the butterine faetories answer. Hoi Kt lyin vvith }rlanders or pneumoniH, and tloga ilyhig with rabies are all -rathered up and carted to the boilIng e-liililishineiit where the fat is extracted, put up in barrels and shipped awav. This diseased fat, after beinff put in shippiiig order, issid to look as clean and niee as any other. What becomes of it? Where does It go, and for what purpose is it usud? Is it marked to distingulah It from any other fat? I am told ' not by one who has been iu the business. Wliat auarnnee have w that it, does no lind its va to the butterine faetones ; None.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News