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A Faithful Newspaper

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The republicana of the country cannot but be struck willi one fact, tbnt In cvcrv oainptlgn with a national tiffniflcauce, and in every p irt of the country, one of thelr very bost alliei is tho New Vork Tribune. lts figliting, espeeially for the the lHSt two years, Uas been of a superior order. Jt work in the Blaiue OMBpaij(i] was zealous and ellertive ; lt was the Örst to exposé the l'aii-Electrie scandal ; and n the canvass for OonjrreS9 juat clo?ed, in wliich the república!) victories of 1MSÜ have chiefly been won, it bas been The Inuuiie wlucli laid out the suecessiul line of battle. The Tribune has been right on temperancc; and it bas been especinlly right in awakeninï the country to tlie (langer that threttened ts indus tries. Our ardent metropolita n contemporary made n din last winter toneer o los tbe eftbrt of Cleveland' cabinet to break down John Roaeli, the shipbullder, and which seemed to some of 113 more noisy thiin the circumstances demandcd. Hut events hnve proved the wisdom of Tlie Tribune's proceediugs. Tlie oongrc- gional victories have been won 011 tbe platform of proteetion to American interests, upon Which the editor of The Tribune has so streiiuously IngUted. The Tribune is u faithful newspaper, an element of etrenffth to the republican pany and worthy of ts great circulation. As a general nevvspapcr for the faiuily and e8pecially for the farmer t Ikis 110 superior. The Tribune is oue of the papers which oll'er a few premiums to subscribers. A unique feature of its list of boks this winter Is its on "Book of Open-Air Üporls." Whatever The Tribune does well, and this book ou{ht to be well worthy of tbe attention of all younsf men interested in athleüc sports, as every young man wlio wants a sound mind in i sound body OHght to be.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News